[maluna]'s diary

556527  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-20
Written: (6983 days ago)

Lied: yes  
Broken a bone: never
Been in a fist fight: yep
Dyed your hair:every 6 weeks
Gotten in a car accident: yep old people cant drive
Driven illegally: nope
Been suspended: nope
Been expelled: nope
Given the finger: yep 
Rebelled against authority: no
Been in jail:nope
Light or Dark: dark
Night or Day: of course night thats when the moons out
Sick minded: isn't everyone
Drugs:god no
Vacation Spots:ireland
Piercings: yep my ears 2 and the top of my ear and my nose
Favorite Flower:black rose\oleander
Sarcastic or serious: both
Sexiest person ever:can't decide
Favorite Number: 1787
Favorite Song:to many to pick from  
Favorite Sport: i dont do sports
Summer or Winter: summer
Fall or spring: spring
Most Romantic moment in your life: haven't had one the avarage male dosen't know a thing about being romantic
favorite Animal:ravens
Sun or moon: moon
Darkness, light, or other: Darkness
Split Personality?:sometimes :)
Best friends: kimykins\kim\kriscia
Alcohol or sex: i do neather
Religion: Christian
favorite saying:life sucks then you die
Weapons: knives
Favorite Book: the bell jar
favorite author:i can't choose
favorite type of weather: clear night sky
What do you fear most:being alone
favorite store: HOT TOPIC
Glasses: contacts
Serious/Funny?: ha ha i can be both
potty Mouth?depends
Smartest Person you know:kim
Ever been drunk: nope
Love or Hate: both you cant have one with out the outher
Ever loved:not truley
Want to have kids:when i get out of collage
Want to get married: i will never find any one
Ever loved a girl:no im not gay
Ever kissed a girl:hell no
Daydreamer: yea i have really weird thoughts
Movies: the crow,octane,nightmear befor chirtmas,pratical magick,queen of the damned,lord of the rings1,2,3 and more
Anime:it's ok
Favorite intruments: vocals/pianio

550745  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-14
Written: (6990 days ago)

<img:http://elftown.lysator.liu.se/img/drawing/102271_1111109752.jpg> this is the orignal pic one days i will learn photography what one looks better the opne i have up or the one on my page

 The logged in version 

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