[Drowning In A Daydream]'s diary

824219  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-14
Written: (6533 days ago)
824046  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-13
Written: (6534 days ago)

Oh my god, well let me tell u about my night on July 12th.. I was hangin out with TJ and we went up too the Cannaan Falls and at first we got lost. lol my mistake! And then we finally found it and then we missed the turn but it was cute he liked it.. And when we got there smart me was wearing flip flops after it just rained.. And it was cute because he hugged me and was just joking around with me how he would throw me in the water... Then i was telling him how i would love to jump off the top but most likely there were sharp rocks on the bottom.. Then we went to the top and i changed my mind because it was sooo high. And i'm afraid of heights so that wasn't a smart idea.. Then he hugged me and we kissed for along time... Then TJ started to tickle me and i couldn't get away because he has longer arms than i do. After that we kissed some more, and the misquitos were soo bad so we left holdin hands.. And then we went to Mc Donalds and we were there about an hour talking, and after that we went to my house and it was about 9 ish when we left! But it was crazy because it just started raining rlly hard so when we got to ma house it stopped. And it was 10 something.. And then that's when it went to the good part Well we made out for a bit. And then i gave his a bj.. and he went down on me omg he has the longest tongue it felt great!!!!!!! [After that i gave his a massage (back massage) it was cute..] [Then he took his shirt off!] So hott!! Then we were making out again and for fun i was sucking on his lip and he had the top of mine and he gave me a hickie on my lip it was soo funny when i saw it. It was cute also because he promised me a foot massage and he took my shoe off and massaged my foot and that felt great because well i don't like ppl touching my fooyt because it's very ticklish.. And i even warned him about tickling my foot because i kick well he's very smart and he put my other leg under his leg so i can't move it.. And started tickling my foot and i jerked my leg back and then he put all his body weight on my leg so i couldn't move it.. It was soo bad because it tickled sooo much. And after that i had to but i didn't go inside because my parents were turning the porch light on, and so we kissed and then started making out again and he felt me up and i can't wait to see him on my b-day because were getting a room together.. But yeah the only reason why i didn't fuck him is because i had my daily cycle.. And that sucked.. But yea ppl that are going to ma party are going to meet him because he's soo cute and i love him!! 

823023  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-12
Written: (6535 days ago)

Isn't ma baby such a hottie!! This isn't TJ but it's a old playmate..


<img:http://elftown.lysator.liu.se/img/drawing/158986_1152673646.jpg> Damn i love those

820333  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-07
Written: (6540 days ago)

<img:http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs5/i/2004/288/2/f/Smoke_Filled_Tears_by_dying_inside.jpg> Dying inside

820324  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-07
Written: (6540 days ago)

hello, ppl today was an interesting day!! Well i didn't get to bed till 1 a.m. and then at 8 a.m. i went and learned how to knit... And i just need to practice and i can get alot better soon! It was soo much fun! And i learned it quickly. And then at 12 i worked and it was kinda slow and then later it was dead about 5 p.m Chris, Shannon, Colin, and I were being soo dumb! We were dancing in the store in front of the cameras because everyone does something stupid for the cameras just for laughs.. It was soo funny chris was doing the robot and he tripped and fell on his ass it was so funny i was laughing so much i cryed.. Because he's one of the funny guys from the IGA.. And then Shannon was pricing some diapers and then Chris got on the convaior belt and he kept turning on the switch to move the belt and he sat his butt on it and it was soo random but funny.. Then the coolest manager was watching us and just like laughing and when he left he's like damn kids. lol it was fun.. Then on my break i was smoking outside and Chris went outside and talked to me the whole time.. It was kinda nice. But yeah other than that my day was pretty boring!♥

819760  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-06
Written: (6541 days ago)

okay, so everyone knows about my mood "I'll only stop smoking for only me and no one else". Just so everyone knows i'm not trying to be a bitch even though that's hard!! But i was talkin to TJ and he said that i should only quit for myself not for what some-one tells me, even though they might really care about me! I only should do it because i'm ready to not to just stop for someone who i don't see that much anymore.. Tj said that i should realize my true potential and if i did quit i would be alot happier, but until i do i will just have to realize it for myself. But smoking really opens my eyes to things it makes me think about my life and what i should change and everything. And it just helps me deal with alot of stress.. I don't know what i will choose but when i do everyone will understand it will be because of me! But yeah he wants me to talk to me more about everything because i know him very well, b/c i met him at camp and we hit off well! So on his b-day i'm meetin him but yah i don't know where we will go probably to Cannaan to the falls because there very beautiful and i like him alot so it would be fun to just spend the day wit him.. It will be soo much fun though! Because he's a really chill guy and yah he's a sweetheart and i can't wait because i'll get to spend all day with him! But yeah now that i pretty much changed the whole topic but yah i don't know what i'll do!

818484  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-03
Written: (6544 days ago)

here's one of the guy's i'm meeting at the Mindless Concert.. If you check out ma myspace i have him on there..

Dj SINthetiK

Date: Jun 29, 2006 7:38 PM 
Subject: No Subject
Body: hey lover talk to me smore so i know where to find you on the 21st, maybe we can meet up n all chill b4 tha show eh? peace babes 

And the guy i'm hangin wit on his b-day...

 ya boy tj

Date: Jun 30, 2006 8:52 AM 
Subject: No Subject
Body: you wanna chill on the 12th for my birthday? call me sometime.

Won't give tha phone number to everyone kinda personal

818483  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-03
Written: (6544 days ago)

hey waddup ppl..? I had the best friday night other than my first party was kinda a drag.. But one of my friend's Greg invited me to his party after the first one and it was awsome!!! Well the first one was okay the only fun thing was watching this guy do some card tricks but other than that it was pretty lame!! But yeah @ Greg's party there were about 28 ppl.. And Greg always throws the hypest parties.. So yah he's 27 and hot as hell!! Yah but otha than that it was fun because there was drinks and when i get a lil tipsy i get wild and very outgoing.. And well he started playin some music and i danced wit him alil bit and some otha ppl and it was soo much fun because he drove me home and that was fun 2.. [But yah skip the otha stuff we did and he kissed me and then...][Yeah today was also kinda fun because some hawt 24 year old guy came in ma line @ work and it was kinda slow i'm a cashier and him and i talked a bit because well i talked to him b4 b/c he's one of Sara's friends..] [So i got his number and he wants to chill wit me sometime..] [So i'm excited for that..] but yah we'll see because i'm chillin wit another guy on his b-day. So idk
*~Peace Out~*

809016  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-15
Written: (6562 days ago)

This is my favorite song, i love it because i've learned how 2 dance like that! You kno I have a ghetto booty..

807671  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-13
Written: (6564 days ago)
805325  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-09
Written: (6568 days ago)

Well today has been a very interesting day, Thank God today i finally broke up with my boyfriend for 6 months isn't that sad~! Very pathectic!! lol oh well he was like baby we need to solve this problem and i told him he's changed soo much that i just can't do it anymore.. Like i can't even kiss him without pulling back, it's pretty sad! I wish i could of fixed things between him and i but oh well life goes on... But now i'm independent and happy! ♥  
Sorry babe


783897  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-04-26
Written: (6612 days ago)
Next in thread: 784454

I found some new H.I.M posters and I can't decide which one I like more.



Give me your feedback on which one's you like more...

772652  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-03
Written: (6635 days ago)

hey yo, Daddy Yankee. lol i'm n such a good mood! I had a descent weekend... I worked on Friday until 6:30 pm then i went to ma school's dance and it was sooo much fun! But yeah i got home and my friend who i haven't talked to n forever called me her name is "Hope" she's my best friend n the WHOLE world!! But yeah Saturday i worked and after work i spent the day with Elias, we went to the movies and i know this is kinda dumb but we saw "ICE AGE 2" it was an okay movie from the little bit i saw! But yeah we were n Avon Ct it was pretty fun!! Then him and i went to his house and chilled there for a couple of hours.. Then around 7:00 pm he dropped me off n town and i got really high wit my friend Jill. But yeah other than that it was pretty blah weekend!

757820  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-03
Written: (6666 days ago)

Know what, I think ppl are so funny n' a retarded way! This girl that i won't give her name but u kno who u r, she's being a stupid ass dramma queen! She thinks i was talking shit about her when i told her what her bf told me but oh well she doesn't believe me but i told her the exact truth but her bf doesn't know how to be a man and tell the truth. But that's her loss.. But yeah if u didn't know i don't like him i think he's nasty and needs to get a life!! I have a bf and he's a man not a little boy!! And at least my guy knows what gender he goes for. And my man doesn't talk about another gender whenever he's in school. He doesn't talk about u at all and he sooo wants to date someone else!! But oh well at least my guy wants to stay with me and not go for another guy! But yeah don't get me into all ur bullshit saying how i talk shit about u!! Now i'm talkin shit about u in this note..

756436  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-01
Written: (6668 days ago)
756371  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-01
Written: (6668 days ago)



753661  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-02-24
Written: (6673 days ago)

I am so excited today!! I'm going to town wit Sarah to smoke some weed.. I can't wait then were going to chill wit Carl, Ryan, Tommy, and PJ. I'm so ready i need to get stoned because alot of shit has been going on lately and it's fucking annoying. I hate ppl that are too immature to realize it, they need to get laid soon and chill!! Damn i can't wait gonna get so ripped and then Ryan, Sarah, PJ, and I are going to see a couple of movies i brought Without A Paddle, and i know were seeing Half Baked.< Favorite movie! I h8 my next class it's wit Chris, Kate, and Rob :( it suxs i can't stand it because Mr.MOran is an a$$hole.

753660  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-02-24
Written: (6673 days ago)

"Crazy Rap"

(Wait a minute, man. Hey, check this out, tell it. It was this blind man, right?
Man, check this out- it was this blind man, right?
He was feelin' his way down the street with this stick, right?
Hey. He walked past this fish market, you know what I'm sayin'?
He stopped, he took a deep breath, he said,
Woooooo, good morning, ladies.
You like that shit, man? Hey, man, I got a gang of that shit, man.
I tell you what- my man on the guitar, fool on the drums,
everybody just crowd around the mic, I'll tell you all these mutha-fuckin' jokes.
But first, I'ma start it off like this. Hey, help me sing it, homeboy.)
Colt 45 and two Zig Zags, baby that's all we need.
We can go to the park after dark, smoke that tumbleweed.
And as the marijuana burns we can take our turns, singing them dirty rap songs
Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong, sell tapes from here to Hong Kong.
So roll, roll, roll my joint. Pick out the seeds and stems.
Feelin' high as hell flyin' through Palmdale, skatin' on Dayton rims.
So roll, roll the '83 Cadillac Coup de Ville.
If my tapes and my cds just don't sell, I bet my caddy will.

Well it was just sundown in a small white town. They call it Eastside Palmdale.
When the Afroman walked through the white land, houses went up for sale.
Well, I was standin' on the corner sellin' rap cds when I met a little girl named Jan.
I let her ride in my Caddy cause I didn't know her daddy was the leader of the Klu Klux Klan.
We fucked on the bed, fucked on the flo', fucked so long, I grew a fuckin' afro.
Then I fucked to the left, fucked to the right. She sucked my dick 'til the shit turned white.
I thought to myself, Sheba, Sheba! Got my ass lookin' like a ZEBRA!
I pulled on my clothes and I was on my way, until her daddy pulled up in a Chevrolet.
I ran. I jumped out the back window, but her daddy, he was waitin' with a 2 x 4.
Oh, he beat me to the left, he beat me to the right. The mutha-fucker whooped my ass all night.
But I ain't mad at her prejudiced dad, that's the best damn pussy I ever had.
I got a bag of weed and a bottle of wine. I'm a fuck that bitch just one more time.

Colt 45 and two Zig Zags, baby that's all we need.
We can go to the park after dark, smoke that tumbleweed.
And as the marijuana burns we can take our turns, singing them dirty rap songs
Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong, sell tapes from here to Hong Kong.
So roll, roll, roll my joint. Pick out the seeds and stems.
Feelin' high as hell flyin' through Palmdale, skatin' on Dayton rims.
So roll, roll the '83 Cadillac Coup de Ville.
If my tapes and my cds just don't sell, I bet my caddy will.

I met this lady in Hollywood. She had green hair, but damn she looked good.
I took her to my house, cause she was fine, but she whipped out a dick that was bigger than mine.
I met this lady from Japan, never made love with an African.
I fucked her once, I fucked her twice. I ate that pussy like shrimp fried rice.
Don't be amazed at the stories I tell ya. I met a woman in the heart of Australia.
Had a big butt and big titties, too, so I hopped in her ass like a kangaroo.
See, I met this woman from Hawaii. Stuck it in her ass, and she said, Aiiiiieeee!
Lips was breakfast, pussy was lunch, then her titties busted open with Hawaiian Punch.
Met Colonel Sander's wife in the state of Kentucky. She said, I'll fry some chicken if you just fuck me.
I came in her mouth. It was a crisis. I gave her my secret blend of herbs and spices.

Colt 45 and two Zig Zags, baby that's all we need.
We can go to the park after dark, smoke that tumbleweed.
And as the marijuana burns we can take our turns, singing them dirty rap songs
Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong, sell tapes from here to Hong Kong.
Hey, wait a minute man, check this out.

I met Dolly Parton in Tennessee. Her titties were filled with Hennesy.
That country music nearly drove me crazy, but I rode that ass and said, Yes, Miss Daisy!
Met this lady in Oklahoma; put that pussy in a coma.
Met this lady in Michigan; I can't wait 'til I fuck that bitch again.
Met a real black girl in South Carolina; fucked her 'til she turned into a white albino.
Fucked this hooker in Iowa. I fucked her on credit, so I owe her.
Fucked this girl, down in Georgia; came in her mouth. Man, I thought I told ya.
Met this beautiful sexy ho; she just ran cross the border of Mexico.
Fine young thing, said her name's Maria. I wrapped her up just like a Hot Tortilla.
I wanna get married, but I can't afford it. I know I'ma cry when she gets deported.

Colt 45 and two Zig Zags, baby that's all we need.
We can go to the park after dark, smoke that tumbleweed.
And as the marijuana burns we can take our turns, singing them dirty rap songs
Stop and hit the bong like Cheech and Chong, sell tapes from here to Hong Kong.

Have you ever went over to a girl's house to fuck, but the pussy just ain't no good? (SAY WHAT?)
And then you're getting' upset cause you can't get her wet, plus you in the wrong neighborhood?
So you try to play it off and eat the pussy, but it takes her so long to come (SAY WHAT?)
Then a dude walks in. That's her big boyfriend, and he asks you where you from? (Where you from, man?)
So you wipe your mouth, and you try to explain (I don't bang.), you start talkin' real fast.
But he's already mad, cause you fuckin' his wife, so he starts beatin' on your ass.
Now your clothes all muddy, your nose all bloody, your dick was hard but now it's soft. (WHUT?)
You thought you had a girl to rock your world, now you still gotta go jack off.

Colt 45 and two Zig Zags, baby that's all we need.
We can go to the park after dark, smoke that tumbleweed.

745585  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-02-08
Written: (6689 days ago)

My Personal Pictures, oh if you view this it's better if you have the music on. Same with the other one

744732  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-02-06
Written: (6691 days ago)

This a little clip of my life my intrests, and some of my friends..


729700  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-01-09
Written: (6719 days ago)

[The aspect of my life has changed dramatically because i've found something that i haven't had for a very long time.] It has shown me a path that changed my personal and emotional pattern.. He provoked me to discover the truth of true happiness. [I never knew how to let myself go and capture the moment and realize that i wasnt' alone.] In my past expearences i never let go of my fears and kept them bottled up inside me and i never let anyone get close. I express myself to him and i tell him my darkest secrets!
[And he understands me, and knows that it's hard for me to let things go and open up to him.] I'm happy to know him and cherish the time i have with him.!

 The logged in version 

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