[Adaria_Moonlight]'s diary

1055995  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-11-22
Written: (5670 days ago)

Kitty Update

So, I've gotten half the results back on the blood work I sent off for autumn. She seems pretty healthy, but she should be de-wormed and one of her kidney enzymes are elevated, so we should do some more tests to make sure her kidneys are in good health. Everything else is looking good, still waiting on the results for the virus titers. *fingers crossed*
1055994  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-11-22
Written: (5670 days ago)

I really truly hate my internal alarm clock. Getting home at 2am should mean sleeping in till at -least- 10 or 11, not waking up at 8am.. *sigh*

1055268  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-11-17
Written: (5676 days ago)

I is adopting a kitty!


She's a stray who came into our clinic a couple of weeks ago, and we haven't been able to track down an owner for her, so I've decided to adopt her, provided she's healthy. 

She's an affectionate, playful, talkative sweetheart who drools when she's particularly happy *chuckles* And I've completely fallen in love with her. I just have to run some blood work to make sure she hasn't got Feline Leukemia or Feline Infectious Peritonitis or anything like that, and then if all comes back clear.. *grins* I get to keep her! I'm very very happy and excited.

I've named her Autumn.
1053307  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-11-02
Written: (5690 days ago)

Well, it's been another fantastic weekend *grins* 

My friend had his Halloween party last night (being the day after Haloween) and was a totally awesome time, made even better by the fact that all the silliness was pretty much completely sober. Barely any one was drinking, and the few who were had one or two. It's enough to make me wish I'd gone through Art school instead of tech school, -almost- (98% of the people at the party were art school students currently or art school grads) The only thing that sucked is that I had to leave earlier than I wanted to, because my stomach was objecting to the can of pop I had in a quite painful manner. 

But, that, and the little amount it let me sleep, did not in any way stop me from going climbing today! Today was our 2 hour basic climbing lesson, which essentially covered everything we need to know to pass our belay test next time we go, which for my friend and my self, will most likely be Wednesday night, after I get off work. Planning on going at least twice a week, perhaps more if my schedule and my body will allow it. I can't go for too long right now, my endurance is shit, only about 3 or 4 times to the top of the wall before my arms are telling me they won't do any more, but that's ok, endurance will come with time, and this gives me great incentive to work with my free weights and build up my arm strength.

I'm also very proud of my self. I challenged my self to a harder rout today, a 5.8 on a wall that tilted outward instead of being straight up and down, (I'd been doing 5.7's on plain old vertical walls last time) and I made it to the top with only one take. I'm -really- proud of my self. 

I didn't expect to, but I seem to have some natural affinity for the sport. I've had 3 different people who have been climbing for years comment that my technique is really good for being such a rank novice (today was the second time I've ever climbed) so that makes me proud too.

I do believe that it's shaping up to be a good winter for me. Perhaps the best I have had in a very, very long time. That makes me extraordinarily happy.

1051626  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-10-22
Written: (5701 days ago)

I had a dream last night that I had a different pair of awesomely fun colored socks to go with each of my pairs of scrubs. I wish I really did! :oP

1050973  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-10-20
Written: (5704 days ago)

I have a lot of random pieces of paper that clutter my desk at any given moment that I use to jot things down on, often the name and artist of a song I want to try and track down to add my my MP3 player. I happened to turn over one such piece of paper just now, an index card I must have written on a year or more ago and it had the following written on it..


However far down the road, when we go our separate ways, a part of me will wish I had never met you, so I did not have to miss you. The rest will be thankful for the joy.

And it just brought tears to my eyes. I don't know if I ever said that to the person it was written about, but we have since parted ways, though hopefully not forever.. And it's so very, very true.
1049721  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-10-12
Written: (5712 days ago)

I came up with an awesome Christmas sculpture idea last night at about 3:30 am while trying to fall back asleep and keep my mind off the nightmare I just had.. The hardest thing is going to be convincing my self to -keep- something I've made for a change. I hope it turns out as well as I'm imagining. It's going to be challenging, but I need a challenge.

1049681  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-10-11
Written: (5712 days ago)

Well, I've just finished editing the last of the pictures from my last two hikes, so perhaps I'll start getting some uploaded before the end of the weekend. No promises though.

1049513  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-10-10
Written: (5713 days ago)

I had a very frustrating day at work today, and I'm really -really- glad it's a long weekend..

1049387  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-10-10
Written: (5714 days ago)

Yay! Thanksgiving weekend! I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to three days of sleeping in, and some home made pumpkin pie with real whipped cream.. Mmmmm *drools*

1048944  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-10-08
Written: (5716 days ago)
Next in thread: 1048981

Mer... for some reason, no matter what picture I choose to upload as my new profile pic, they're coming out all pixilated and I don't know why!!!!

1048162  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-10-02
Written: (5721 days ago)

I have a bruise on my jaw from where it made a very solid connection with the head of a large Rottweiler we were trying to take blood from today. The left side of my tongue is also swollen from where it got caught between my teeth at the wrong moment. I think I would have laughed if he got me in the face and I got a black eye.

1047499  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-09-28
Written: (5725 days ago)
Next in thread: 1047789

So after spending months getting more and more frustrated with the limitations of the photo-editing programs that came with my camera and computer, I finally picked my self up a -real- photo-editing program. Corel PaintshopPro Photo X2. I've installed it but I haven't had a chance to start playing around with it yet because we have company over at the moment, and I can't spend the whole night hiding in my room. Unfortunately this also means I probably won't have an opportunity to spend any real time with it till next weekend. Boo!

This evening's company happens to be my older brother, who I haven't seen since he helped me move my stuff out of the condo in Edmonton last spring. He brought his new girlfriend over to meet mom and I. She seems like a really sweet girl.. I hope it works out for them. They've been dating for 3 or 4 months, but she leaves for home (The UK) in a few days and will be gone for 6 months to go to school.. I can't help wondering if they really know what they're getting into with wanting to stay together while she's gone.. Especially since my brother doesn't have internet access at home, and his only phone is a pay as you go cell phone that he doesn't always have time on..

*sigh* I certainly wish them all the best, and better success than I had.

1046648  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-09-23
Written: (5731 days ago)

I really want to take an art class this fall/winter, but all the classes I can find start at 6 or 6:30, and I don't usually get out of work till at least 10 after 6... It's frustrating.

1046431  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-09-21
Written: (5732 days ago)
Next in thread: 1046790

It's been a very long time since I attempted a self portrait. I think that should be my next major project.

1046270  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-09-19
Written: (5734 days ago)

I bought new rechargeable batteries for my camera this week so I would have good batteries to take with me tomorrow to Drumheller, and I forgot to charge the damn things! How typically me.. *sigh*

1045969  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-09-18
Written: (5736 days ago)

*laughs* I have sore abs from wrestling with that big goofy lab yesterday.

1045910  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-09-17
Written: (5736 days ago)

So we get a reasonable number of drop off euthanasias at the clinic I'm working at now. The majority of them are cats. Most of the time one of the more senior techs deals with them, so I really haven't had much to do with them besides bagging them for the freezer, before tonight.

I had the ill luck to be the only tech still working this evening, and we had a drop off euth. The Dr gave it the first dose of Euthanol in the liver, and I was -really- hoping that would be enough.. it often is when they're as sick as this poor cat was.. But unfortunately, it wasn't.

So, I learned how to give intra-cardiac injections tonight. Not the funnest thing I've ever done.. I knew not every aspect of the job would be fun, and euthanasia among the least enjoyable aspects, but still.. Not fun.

I guess I'm lucky. One of the other techs that works at my clinic graduated from the same school as me, 4 years ago or something. Apparently when she was in the program, they went to the SPCA 3 times a week to do euthanasias. She said it was so depressing, and I can totally imagine that it would have been. I would have been crying my eyes out every single time I had to go there. I'm SOOO glad they didn't do that any more when I went to NAIT.

And we had a really crazy Lab in today that would -not- let us trim it's nails. With three people practically sitting on it we still couldn't keep it still enough to trim them without sedating it first. The thing was a total wing nut.

And yesterday was crazy cat day. We didn't deal with a single nice cat. They all wanted to kill you and required the leather welding gloves to restrain them safely.

Yup, this is my job, and for the most part, I love it.

1044896  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-09-10
Written: (5744 days ago)

The truth of the matter is that I'm not happy. I haven't -really- been happy for a while. And I need to take steps to change this. I need to take steps to change my life. 

The first and perhaps most important of these steps is going to be seriously limiting the time I spend on the computer. From now, until an un-decided point, I'm only allowed to check my mail and messages once a week. All that the majority of the time I spend on the computer ends up doing is leaving me lonely and depressed. This is not acceptable. 

So my apologies to the few people on here I talk to on a regular basis, but I'm going to be around a lot less. I don't love you any less, but I need to stop making my self miserable. Hope you understand. I will be around once a week. But only once a week.

1044683  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-09-09
Written: (5745 days ago)
Next in thread: 1044734, 1044899

I really need to get more motivated, in multiple different areas of my life. The biggest being health and my art. I've been -meaning- to do something about both those areas all summer, but all I've done instead is work, read, and sit on the computer. *sigh* 

Any suggestions for getting motivated?

1044471  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-09-07
Written: (5747 days ago)

Well, hopefully the video will play for you, kept stalling on me.. I am totally in love with this song right now..


 The logged in version 

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