[Corazie]'s diary

922157  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-03-21
Written: (6283 days ago)
Next in thread: 923260

Franki's party was great.
I really enjoyed it. And the run up... Mostly =]

I liked helping her tidy her room. That was fun. Really. I like tidying. Just not my own room. Or anywhere else in my house.
I like cleaning too. I wanted to clean the desk... I should have asked!!
And thank you muchly for the clothes =] Most are too big for me but fit Livi and Saffy.

English Literature is driving me mad. We get an essay every week from Staney!! Phah ¬.¬
The work from Lewis is OK though. Just annotation and translation. And fuck loads if notes to write up.

I got my art exam as well.
I'm doing Chiaroscuro.
Many artists and photographers emphasise the contrast between light and shade to create a heightened and dramatic effect. Make reference to appropriate examples and produce a personal response in which you make effective use of chiaroscuro.
What fun that will be.
I've already done my first piece for it. A picture of Saffy that I am yet to put on the computer. It's on my phone at the moment.

Right now, I'm missing Ed, typing up EL notes, missing Ed, copying French vocab, missing Ed, cruising DA and missing Ed.
Can you tell that I really miss him? I last saw him over 3 hours ago. Too long to be away from him =[

921779  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-03-20
Written: (6284 days ago)
Next in thread: 921849

The sky is pink... Beautiful...
It reminds me of you.
I love you.

913599  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-02-23
Written: (6309 days ago)

I miss you so much...

911909  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-19
Written: (6313 days ago)


910053  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-02-14
Written: (6318 days ago)
Next in thread: 910131

I just had a fantastic salad.
Very yummy.

It had celery, spring onion, tomato, iceberg lettuce, apple and grapes.

And too drink I had traditional victorian lemonade. YUM!!

909161  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-12
Written: (6320 days ago)

That emoticon sums everything up.

906437  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-04
Written: (6328 days ago)

Many quizzes. I'm very bored right now. Sorry!!

906436  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-04
Written: (6328 days ago)

1. Hi my name is...

2. Never in my life have I...
Chased The Dragon ;]

3. The one person who can drive me nuts is...
Hmm... I can't choose.

4. High School...
Is hell.

5. When I'm nervous...
I plait my hair, tap my fingers, crack my joints, chew my lips, chew my nails... I fidget so much.

6. The last time I cried was...
I don't know.

7. If I were to get married right now my maid of honor/best man...
Would be Franki.

8. My hair is...
Long. A mess.

9. When I was 5...
I ran away from home once a week with Sam.

10. Last Christmas...
Was cold.

11. I should be...
Finishing "All My Sons" for tomorrow.

12. When I look down I see...
My breasts. Hard to miss =/

13. The craziest recent event was...
Steph leaving. & Amy at Stage!!

14. If I were a character on 'Skins' I'd be...

15. By this time next year...
I hope I'll still be alive.

16. My current gripe...
School and stuffs.

17. I have a hard time understanding...
Maths. And Mme Kay at GS.

18. There's this girl I know who...
Has left and taken a part of me with her.

19. You know I like you when...
I hug you a lot.

20. If I won an award, the first person I would thank would be...
I wouldn't win an award.

21. Take my advice...

22. My ideal breakfast...
Rice. Heh.

24. I plan to visit someone...
In a nice warm country next winter.

25. If you spend the night at my house...
You'd share my bed. & What we do depends on who you are.

26. I'd stop my wedding if...
Something bad happened.

27. The world could do without...
Fat people. And chavs.

28. What are you best known for?
Being Scottish and having long hair. Oh yeah, and being a 'freak'

29. What makes you special?

32. My middle name is..
I don't have one.

35. This morning I..
Finished my vodka & Ribena and drank two litres of water.

36. Living things I would like to see flying besides birds...

37. Once, at a bar...
My dad phoned me and asked me where I was.

38. Last night...
Was cold.

39. There's this guy I know who...
I love more than anyone or anything.

40. I don't know...
Anything really.

41. A better name for me would be...
Fat Freak.

42. When I go back to school I'll say...
"Sorry I wasn't in yesterday, I was sick"

43. My birthday is...
6 May.

44. What I really want for Valentine's Day is...
A hug and a kiss. What more will I ever need?

45. I'm wearing..
Jeans, Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt and big white shirt.

906430  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-04
Written: (6328 days ago)


1. You hung out with?

2. You texted?

4. Went to the movies with?

5. Went to the mall with?

6. You talked on the phone to?

7. Made you laugh?

8. Kissed?

10. Said I love you to?


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?

2. Be serious or be funny?

3. Drink whole or skim milk?

4. Die in a fire or get shot?

5. Spend time with your parents or your enemies?


1. Sun or moon?

2. Winter or Fall?

3. Left or right?

4. Sunny or rainy?

6. Where do you live?

7. How many kids do you want?
No idea.

8. Do you want to get married?

9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?

10. Have you ever eaten S.P.A.M?

12. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?
Five. I just counted.

13. Do you cook?

14. Current mood?
Ill & Sick. Bloody Rice Krispies.


1. Sang?
Yep. "Come into my world I've got to show, show, SHOOOOW you..."

2. Been hugged?

3. Missed someone?

4. Danced Crazy?

5. Cried?

6. Lied?

906427  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-04
Written: (6328 days ago)
Next in thread: 906702, 907088

1. Initials?:

2. What is your favorite thing to wear?:
My big white shirt =]

3. What's the last thing you ate?
Rice Krispies.

4. For or against same sex marriage?

5. I say Shotgun! You say:

6. Last person you hugged?

7. Last person you kissed?

8. How many U.S. states have you been to?:

9. What did your last text message say?:
"P.S Yours curves turn me on. Lol!" Thanks Sarah.

10. Did you do anything fun today?

11. Name something you like physically about yourself:
Uhhmm... My waist? 24 Inches.

14. Why are you still up?
'Cause it's only 8.30.

15. Who/What made you angry today?
Parents. Fighting. Again.

16. Favorite type of Food?:
Chocolate. =/

17. Favorite holiday:
Summer Holidays. I can't wait.

18. Do you download music:
Nope. I get others to do it for me. Haha.

19. Do you care if your socks are dirty?
Eww. Eww. Eww. EWW. Yes I do. Dirty socks make me feel ill.

21. Would you date the person who posted this?
I don't think so... Might be a bit difficult...

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
Yeah. That scary person in town who goes round trying to sell books and convert you. Freak.

23. Do you love anyone?
Yes. Edwhored.

25. Have you ever bungee jumped?
I went on the Bungee ride at the Hoppings. Much fun.

26. Have you ever gone white-water rafting:
Yep. In Austria. The instucter was talking in German only. Grr.

27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?:
Yeah. Ew.

28. How much money ya got?:
About £800. I think...

29. Have you met a real redneck?:
I live near Dudley. Yes. I've met quite a few.

30. How is the weather right now?:
I don't know. The blinds are closed. Dark.

31. What are you listening to right now?:
In The Cold Light Of Morning - Placebo.

32. What is your current fav song?
I don't have one...

33. What was the last movie you watched?:
My Neighbour Totoro.

34. Do you wear contacts:

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?:

37. How many piercings and tattoo's have you had?
Two piercings.

38. How many pets do you have?
Two. Pixie and Merlin.

39. What's one thing you've learned today?:
That Rice Krispies make me feel sick. I really think I'm gonna puke =/

42. Have you ever fired a gun:

43. Are you missing someone?
Yes. I Miss You x.

44. Favorite TV show?:

45. Do you have an iPod?:
No. I have a Sony Erricson Walkman phone. Ha.

48. Who would you like to see right now?

49. Favorite movie of all time?:
King Arthur? Domino?

50. Do you find yourself loved?
Sometimes. By some people.

51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing?
Nope. I don't think so.

52. Favorite flower:
Roses. With petals so dark that they resemble blood.

53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?

54. What Magazines are you reading?

55. Have you ever ridden in a limo?

56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away recently?
Not recently...

57. What's they last thing you drank?

58. What's something that really annoys you?
Really horribly disgustingly fat people. Like my sister.

60. Do you like Michael Jackson?

61. What’s your favorite smell?

62. Favorite basketball team?
I'm not a fan.

63. Favourite cereal?
Honey Nut.

64. Do you drive?
Not yet. Haha. Beware. >=]

65. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
Four days/nights I think...

66. Last time you went bowling?:
Duinrell... Three years ago?

68. Who was your last phone call?:
Ed. Turns out he's dead =[

69. Last time you were at work?
Uuuhh... I was at school on Friday?

70. What's your favorite state to be in?
Slightly tipsy.

901321  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-01-21
Written: (6342 days ago)

We could learn something from these quotes...

Every minute you are thinking of evil, you might have been thinking of good instead. Refuse to pander to a morbid interest in your own misdeeds. Pick yourself up, be sorry, shake yourself, and go on again.

Good Night xxx
Won't sleep for a while though.

901317  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-01-21
Written: (6342 days ago)

Actions lie louder than words.
Says a lot that one...

Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.
I think they make me cry more...

901298  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-01-21
Written: (6342 days ago)

Retard >=/

Some people have so much respect for their superiors they have none left for themselves.

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Mistakes, obviously, show us what needs improving. Without mistakes, how would we know what we had to work on?

901287  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-01-21
Written: (6342 days ago)
Next in thread: 901292

Lampost That was bad!

I just realized that there's going to be a lot of painful times in life, so I better learn to deal with it the right way.

I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there.

The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.

901283  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-01-21
Written: (6342 days ago)

Edwhored ¬.¬

They say dreams are the windows of the soul - take a peek and you can see the inner workings, the nuts and bolts.

Forgiveness does not always lead to a healed relationship. Some people are not capable of love, and it might be wise to let them go along with your anger. Wish them well, and let them go their way.

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.

I just realized that there's going to be a lot of painful times in life, so I better learn to deal with it the right way.

 The logged in version 

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