[Melocrie]'s diary

958603  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-07-17
Written: (6165 days ago)

Sigh... oh dear Elora...

my harddisc died.. I guess it lived out the last of his days..
This is bad, so damn bad. Why am I suck a dickhead, forgetting to make backups? >.>
I lost everything, truly everything. My new chapters of Children of Ílma, my project files, my website storage, MY ART! T_T

I know I know... it's not the end of the world. The real challenge is to find a new disc, since I have... like no money at all. Sure, I can buy one with my salary, but then I won't be able to go to Castlefest and celebrate Lughnassadh... Meh >.<

So, what do I do now? It's so boring without being able to work on my projects. I'm just goofing around on my dad's pc now, doing a lil cleaning and standing in front of the mirror doing my hair (can you picture that? 0_o).

A bright lining though: tonight I'm gonna see Harry Potter 5 at the movies, together with my brother and dad. Too bad [Hellcatje89] can't come along... Meh >.<

On top of that, I'm working hard on becoming a multi-miljonair, by winning the national lottery, lol. That'll make life so much easier. Sadly, money is the link I need to make my dreams reality... What a sucky world these days, innit?

The weather's fine today... A blue sky. Meh >.<

I'm gonna cook some lunch now.. See ya all.

944310  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6212 days ago)


fuck emotions, fuck this, im never gonna have a bf again i swear (though in a year from now that thought'll change lol), breaking hearts is just not my thing.... what's it take for a person to get a quiet, simple life around here? with space, room to breathe, energy to act.... >.>

again, it's nearly 1am and i wont sleep for another 6 hours or so...
meh, who needs sleep anyways

woohoo another period of dark days coming! i embrace them and ask you all friendly to feel the sarcasm >.>

ok, enough whining for me, im gonna play sudoku

buh bye

941640  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-22
Written: (6221 days ago)
Next in thread: 941822

I've become 18 today. Doesn't feel different, nor exiting. I'm just gonna keep doing what I planned. Nothing changes.

936088  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-05-02
Written: (6241 days ago)

(fragment #1)

The Great Chronicles of Ílma
5th Era, Account Number 28

"Alas, we have failed to surpress the anger and hate of mankind, and therefore I fear Ilmarissë shall be punished. For not only has this hate consumed all hearts, it has now taken shape. The Dimath no longer holds the sanctity from earlier reputations, but is now covered by a lingering twilight. I fear that if the sun will set, darkness will swallow everything.
We, the dragonic angels known as the Saríth, have failed. We watched how our people sent off their greatest legions to destroy this new evil, and we have watched them die, one by one. Not even our sacred powers are a match for this reïncarnated form of darkness, for the splendor we cast upon our people is being blocked by a dark cloud.
When the time had come for desperate meassures, the Council of Ílma gathered once again in the Great Halls of the Holy Island. They have debated for long hours, while I sat on the side taking my notes, when I noticed that my heart had been clouded as well. I could feel the shadows moving around me, but was unable to see, unable to touch.
Now, my good friend Dyros, formerly known as The Giver, has given us a simple formula to take down this menace: Only pure innocence can overcome pure evil.
This is how we define pure evil. Ripped talons and glassy eyes, watching all from the inside. It is the combined force of our own darkness, shaped as a blade that can cut through souls.
And this is how we define Ílma. The force of sanctity, our sacred light. Our hopes, dreams, lands and lives. Ílma is all the good we fight for, a choir sang by a thousand birds.
The Council of Ílma has made her decision. Tomorrow, at dawn, we shall send forth seven children, alive and honost. They must use the force of Ílma to light their inner candles and to retrieve the sun over our lands.
What I am about to say I regret deeply. I am afraid that not even we, the Saríth, are able to aid our children at all times. For on this very moment I wish for the power of immortality, which is my darkness. I am ashamed.
Take heed, my children! The hatred that has spread over Ilmarissë lurks from the dark and has the power to crush souls. Let your candles burn and spread your light. I realise that light also creates shadows, but shadows are all they are. Highlight this world and vanquish the darkness, shatter him into nothing more than shadows, dancing on the flanks of my mountain. You have my faith, Children of Ílma. Fight forth, but beware of the Soulbreaker, for he does not tolerate resistence."

927145  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-04-05
Written: (6268 days ago)

Elftown Renaissance

Who volunteers to help out?

How can you help?
1. By becoming a member of the staff (tasks will be shared)
2. Message me good wikis that go into certain sections at Renaissance (name its owner(s) too)
3. Become a member and put a badge in your house
4. Advertise
5. Sending in thoughts and suggestions on how to bring Elftown back to the old days
6. Put a link to Renaissance from your own house/wiki

925731  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-01
Written: (6272 days ago)

Ok enough with the signs already! So it's pretty clear I should rewrite Children of Ilma, that's it! I'm gonna do it, lero lero!
It's going to be a whole other thing, though same stories and many the same scenes. But damn, it's been 7 years since I first started on that damn story. So I'm gonna make it better than even and PUBLISH it. And what's more, I'm actually going to finish it xD
The story's being introduced totally different than before. Wanna read the "retroduction"? Go here:


Thanks all!

I will start with new artworks, after my exams the real writing shall begin. Here's a little preview of quotes from the new intro:

"But the hardest task was to befall upon the Children of Ílma from Yennevar, the very place where hatred took shape."

A strike of thunder tore the sky apart, as the twilight turned darker and the abyss before her blackened even more.

"The power of our stones have been enough to break it," Owen said. "They hold the power of Ílma, the power of good!"

"Well done, my most loyal servent of many," a deep voice galled through the hall. "I may be defeated, but this wretched world shall taste my wrath."

"How?" the boy cried as he looked up at his friends. "We defeated him! The power of Ílma had ended him, then why did this have to happen?"

"He's alive," Lianna said quickly and put her sword back into its sheath. "The Saríth owe us an explanation."

"Yanduryn is harmless now, his power has been shattered to bits. When the day comes on which he will return, our own children will be his ending."

925184  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-31
Written: (6273 days ago)
Next in thread: 925356

I need to know who on Elfwood had a gallery under the name [laraneu2]!! Gallery doesn't exsist anymore.

You see... for fun, I typed into google images: Children of Ilma.
And what do I get? A picture of my lovely Náriël Elenilimba which I have NEVER seen before? This is clearly fanart and I want to meet the artist! But damn, the page couldn't be found when I tried to enlarge the image, the gallery has been suspended due to inactivity, I think.

This is the thumb:

Help me find the artist, please! T_T

924266  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-03-28
Written: (6276 days ago)

WHAHAHAHA stupid ideas are the BEST EVER!

Soo... I'm going to Israel this summer, together with [Hellcatje89], to visit my friend Evyatar Levi. Because by that time I will be 18 so I can travel on my own, and [Hellcatje89] will be under my "care"! xD
Don't you just LOVE this idea? Yea yea I know... why of all countries in the world do I have to pick Israel? Simple: a challenge, innit?
Though, of course first I must know everything we need to know in order to behave well, we don't wanna end up in jail for chewing gum in public 0_o

Anyways... high five for the wierdos! [Hellcatje89] and I have always been good in going on adventures together, but we haven't done anything good for years. So this will be our greatest adventure so far. We both haven't flown before, not ever, and we're only going for 5 days. I know myself, I will be homesick if I stay longer than a week, since I've never really been on vacation before... Sad, innit?

It's gonna be g0o0o0o0o0o0o0od!

Now I just have to tell my dad... >.<

922863  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-24
Written: (6281 days ago)

A little confession here... something I thought a lot about, something "wrong" I did last year...

You know how people say I'm an elf? They always say "Hey, are you a Santa-Elf?".
The truth is, I'm not. At least not anymore...

Yea.. me and Santa had some words last Christmas.. Gave him a wedgie...
Well, it's all Binkie's fault, really. He was the head of my department, Tic-Tac-Toe Toys for the Tiny, or simply T5. He's a jerk, you know, always wearing his glasses tilted. About two years ago he gave me 6 extra shifts, only because I came to work all wasted, throwing up over the Make-Over Barbies.


So last Christmas he told Santa on me. God what a mess... I accidentally knocked over a pile with boxes, all filled with wind up toys. Well what of it... I was carrying a plate full of Tic-Tac-Toe tools and it blocked most of my vision.
So Binkie became angry, because he had to clean the mess up and it was the year we switched from Giant Brooms to Compact Brooms. Why we did that? Because Santa hired about 50 dozen more Elves, more hands and tiny brooms do more than just a few hands with large brooms...
I tend to get a little sarcastic during Christmas... just because I'm a bit of an anti-christ sort of elf, and for some reason Binkie didn't find it funny. I just said: "We still have Clover Magic Hands in stock, why don't you use those to steer the brooms?"
He didn't really appreciate it.. due to the Mickey Mouse Wizard Apprentice joke we had last year...
And so he told Santa on me. The Fattie McFat began pointing his finger at me while lecturing, but I'm kinda poke-a-fobic... So I followed his finger with my eyes until I could not resist anymore.. and bit it.
So Santa edges back and tripples over the fallen boxes with the wind up toys, who all begin to start up, all at once!
But before work I had a little spacy cake, if you know what I mean... with my ex-fellow elfling creature [Gilraen Miriel], who got fired last year (the Mickey incident was your genious doing). Imagine... a woozy elfish head and about a thousand toys winding up over nothing, clapping their furry hands together.
I went CRAZY! I totally started bouncing around the room, making funny faces, funny noises and before I knew it, I was actually mooning Santa. He started yelling at me, but I totally lost control, and so I went like: "I might not be wearing underwear, but you are!"
So I climbed over his head, on his back, grabbed hold of his boxer (which said "To B Free" btw...) and pulled it all the way up over his head... I think at one point it even touched the tip of his nose.. How stretchy...

Anyways, that's how it ended. Finally Binkie called the Service of Santa (an army of one-legged Tin dudes...) and they all kicked me out... While doing that they all went face plant themselves, since they only have one leg...

And here I am, thinking things over. And here you are, thinking about what the hell is this crap. When you read the first lines you were like: Omg what has happened to her now...?
And now you must be thinking: Damn you're good.
And now: Eew.. I fell for it.. cute story though.

Cold hard truth, ladies and gentlemen. Being a Santa Elf is no picnic I tell ya! But now I can finally move on, because I am happy to say: I will never have to wrap Tic-Tac-Toe tools of Toys for the Tiny again!

And now you are thinking: Omg she still on it? Nope... it's finally over... Damn I just wasted like 30 minutes of my life...
Quick, I am going to my own house to see what interesting people visited me.

Yes! For one day the level of intelligence that conquers Elftown will rise again! I can swear to you that my evil army of wind up toys will whipe away all emo faces from the city!

You: Omg why is she talking about emos all of a sudden?

And now I'm done.

You: Thank god...

919742  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-03-14
Written: (6290 days ago)

Hmm sup with you guys??
How am I doing? Well, very good, because.... [scroll down]..

I'm admitted to the Art Academy!!!!


Thank you:
[Gilraen Miriel]

Of course my family and many other friends

And so many many others <3
912539  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-02-21
Written: (6312 days ago)

Dear Elora,

I think I finally realized that Melocrie is my one and only internet-nick. Ever since the awesome and not-so-awesome shit that happened at FGPT (FgNetwork PristonTale), I got very well close with this particular name, and I think it should be a keeper. So here it is, Melocrie, with capital "M".


911460  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-18
Written: (6315 days ago)

Holy shit, what a night.

Every year we have a few days of drinking and partying in a traditional way in the Netherlands, meaning crazy people dressing up like fools are partying through the night on the most disgusting music. Forgive my lack of good grammer if you find any flaws, since I'm not quite sober myself anymore.

Holy jesus I tell ya. The evening started off when me and my bf Daniel went out the dinner at the McDonalds. Damn romantic, I know, we both didn't feel like going anywhere fancy. At around 7pm we went to a bar called De Vulling, the main place for our gang to get together. There we waited for [Hellcatje89] and my brother [Makeda evil mage]. It was so quiet at first, we having fun ourselves with other foolish people, when suddenly around 10ish it was as crowdy as hell.

Air.. need air... breathe... painful stitch in chest, OmGwTf? So.. me and Daniel went outside for a bit, just to walk around.
We were walking down this lane full of people, when suddenly two guys right in front of us started to fight. One hit the other to the floor and threw a random bike at his head, crazy little bastard. On of the victim's friends stood forth and chased the crook down the street, where he bumped in on two cops sitting on crazy high horses (like 2,5 meters in height omfg).

Well... after all that we went back to the bar, but no one of our gang was left lmao. So we called up [Hellcatje89]'s "boyfriend", telling that they went to the park. So.. we went to join then, just to return to the bar afterwards. There we hang out for like an hour before leaving, taking our shit wasted heads to bed. Very fascinating, I know...

910359  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-02-15
Written: (6317 days ago)

Who needs Valentines Day? If you do it right, you got no need of such a special holiday to celebrate your love. But yea.. for some people it always remains special (points at [Gilraen Miriel] and [Deleted001] :P)

Me and Daniel are gonna celebrate a bit on saturday, since I'm still sick and it's kinda like *bleh*

Right now I'm like *bleh* sick of being sick and can't wait to be back on healthy feet again!

907018  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-06
Written: (6326 days ago)

Dear Elora,

it has been a while since I called you that. Just now I've spend a while reading through all I have written in this dairy over the years. Some really happy memories, some confusing though. But it's nice to be remembered by all of them. I especially laughed reading the moments of chocolate eggs with [Hellcatje89], and about our Elfish days with [Gilraen Miriel].

After reading again about my dream period, I started thinking more about this sentence: "Perhaps these dreams are the key to what I am looking for... "
I think I'm very close to figuring out what it is... I'm still not sure if I have found it yet, but I do know it's not bothering me as much as it did back then.

Sharing this with [Gilraen Miriel], just a moment ago she reminded me of the time we went to see the movie Spirit together, the first time ever we went to see a movie. I think that was when we had just become friends. It's a nice memory, so it also deserves a place here.

From now on I tend to write in this dairy again, just like I used to. Not that I have that much to share nowadays... except that I'm darn busy with exams, and that the guy I told about earlier is now my boyfriend <3

About my 16th birthday, "He's my best friend...", I can only say.. "meh". Oh well.. life goes on, with or without him.

Ok and last, I wanna clap my hands together for [Gilraen Miriel] and [Deleted001]. Because there's luuvvv in the aaiirr xD

Edit: damn my English has improved... 0_o

906772  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-05
Written: (6327 days ago)

To [Fearathress]:


A world of light and darkness, with a wall in between
Behind you have met, before you have not yet seen
The wall holds a door, of which the key someday you must find
To leave all that is behind, behind

The sky is high, but not out of your reach
The journey upward has many lessons to teach
Holding up your hand alone will do no good
A hand alone is not enough for all the loot

Raise your head and show your smile
A powerful mind makes it all worthwile
Even though the darkness behind, your dreams are not forlorn
All is yet to come, all for which you have been born

A hand reaches out from the sky far above
Use your eyes to see, the eyes of faith and love
When you succeed, the hand will give you the key
Unlock the door, walk through and you will be free

Meet the things that are right ahead of you
Do not look back, close the door you came through
But remember the window that hangs in the wall
To look back on your experiences that made you grow tall

Smile at the light that reaches you from ahead
Hold that smile, clench your fist and raise your head
The world will never forget who and what you are
Because then you have reached the goals that seemed so far

At one day the candle in your heart will burn again
The happiness you knew will return again
Your name will be written on the wall as you go through
And you can swear that those who loved you were beside you

876764  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-11-19
Written: (6405 days ago)

Stolen from Jitterbug Perfume, who stole it from Ocean Soul who stole it from LadyMoon, who stole it from Sun, who stole it from Lys, who stole it from Ki

A) 4 Names people call you:
1. Plien
2. Paulien
3. Lien-Pau
4. Lien

B) 4 places you have lived:
1. My mum's belly
2. Breda - Merodelaan
3. Breda - Aardrijk
4. -

C) 4 jobs you have had in your life:
1. Graphic Designer
2. Cleaner
3. Illustrator
4. Babysitter

D) 4 movies you could watch over and over:
1. Princess Mononoke
2. Musical Cats
3. X-men 1
4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 (the old movie)

E) 4 TV shows you love to watch:
1. Full House
2. Friends
3. Oprah
4. Punk'd

F) 4 Places you have been on vacation:
1. Venlo, Limbrug (NL)
2. Brussels (Belgium, was AFWUL)
3. -
4. -

G) 4 websites you visit daily (or semi-weekly):
1. Elftown
2. DeviantArt
3. FGnetwork
4. Hotmail

H) 4 of your favourite foods:
1. Salmon
2. Spagetti
3. My dad's pizza
4. Mushrooms

I) 4 things you are allergic to:
1. -
2. -
3. -
4. -

J) 4 of your siblings names (if you have any):
1. Menno (bro)
2. Dagmar (sis)
3. Saskia (sis)
4. -

K) 4 places you would love to travel to:
1. New Zealand
2. Spain (to visit some friends :))
3. Ireland
4. China

L) 4 of your pets:
1. Zelda (old hamster, died 3 years go, 4 years old)
2. -
3. -
4. -

M) 4 things you want for Christmas this year:
1. Tales of the Broken Moon: Beam's Song volume 1 (book, [travs the bean]
2. Portfolio ringband
3. A new harddisk -_-;
4. New oil pastels

827909  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-21
Written: (6526 days ago)

Okay listen up peepz!

My brandnew website is ready to be set online! It will happen soon, in a couple of days. The temporary link will be http://paulien.kortingshop.com, but later on it will just be http://www.elfje-studio.com. I'll note this all when it's time.

SO, in case people are wondering, I'm doing FANTASTIC! First of all I met this incredibly cute guy (which never happens to me O.o lol). He's very wise, and just like me, only then masculane lol. I really like him a lot, but I just can't tell if he feels the same for me. He's such a gentilmen.
Second, I got myself a 'manager' or an 'agent'! He's the marketing director of my brother's gameshop and he's been settling all kinds of assignments for me to do over the week. In the end I got 10 assignments for graphic designs, and I just finished the last one. In total I'll be payed 50 euro's for it. And he's gonna fix me more jobs to do! I tell you, this is going so great! The results will all appear in the archive of my new website.

A few more things: in two weeks there's Castlefest, a great celtic/pagan festival here. I worked hard since the beginning of summer, but I might not be payed for like 4 weeks, and by then the festival is over. So, maybe no money for Castlefest, which sucks big time. Well, at least I do have the 50 euro's. That's more than I ever had with a festival lol.

I've been working a lot on Saya and the Emerald Dragons lately (not the wiki, but the actual game). And therefor there's also an update at elfje midi's. The new ones are Sparks of Fate and Semi-Boss Battle. Saya's Theme will be on soon I hope.

I'm sorry for the major story, but for final, I would just like to say a few words to people:

to [Hellcatje89]: About you and Roy, I just can't tell if whether this is hard for you or not. I could see through you at the moment, but I can't get through your feelings. If there's still anything you wish to tell me you can, and I'm sure you know it. Maybe it's just me making a big deal out of it, but you're my friend and I want you to be happy. And if there's truly a break inside of you, I know it's not just about Roy. I want you to know I am here for you, because you are here for me too.

to [Gilraen Miriel]: It was so much fun working with you, and I'm gonna miss it. But it's fun too with [Hellcatje89]. But still, I won't forgot that moment from this evening, it's was kinda exiting lol! Did your mom figure out who it was yet?

to [May-lea]: I still admire that drawing you made for me! It was fun lol, I just thought about it today. Hope you can visit again sometime!

Ok this is it. A lot of feelings are going through me right now, both happy and sad. I've never been good in organising them. But it's no big deal, everthing will turn out just great!

754241  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-02-25
Written: (6672 days ago)


Tell me... is this evil or what!?

(my brother lol)

743341  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-02-03
Written: (6694 days ago)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

update at Elfje Midi's! Go check, it's worth it, I promise!!

743234  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-02-03
Written: (6694 days ago)

Gyus, please go to the landscape contest!!

737759  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-24
Written: (6704 days ago)

Dear Elora,

in the passing two weeks I've yet had more dreams, only I can't really remember them. Though, last night, I had one which was so familiar!
Me, my dad, some friends, my sisters and my niece were all in this little, round, orange rubber boat. We were drifting along white rocks. Suddenly, we bumbed in to another boat and my niece got all wet. I brought her to shore and started swearing to the people in the other boat, in chinese! O.o
Then there's a black hole...
Next moment, I told my dad and friends I had to get something out of the sea. I climbed up a cave, which was half concealed by a waterfall. There were two drains, each would send another flow of water down the cave. In the middle stood a statue (I think of a dragon). So, I pulled the drains, water flooded out and I dived after them, out into the sea. I climbed up a marble rock, and was holding a sword O.o
Well, that's all I can remember, but I am sure there was more. I just can't help thinking... I pulled the Dragonsword from the sea, from my novel O.o I think I'm gonna use this dream in the story...

 The logged in version 

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