[Rose_Spectre]'s diary

1063542  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-01-20
Written: (5612 days ago)

Rules: go to urban dictionary.com and type in the first thing that comes up.
Sexy, without flaw, loving, kindhearted, name for someone that is special to you, thoughtful.
1:Hey, honey
1:I bought you some flowers
2:Your such a Justin, I love you!!!

3)One of your friends?
Someone who is un usually well hung. People with the name James are generally known for their good looks (especially the eyes) and women are just simply attracted to them.

4)What should you be doing?
The act of pursuing happiness and self destruction at the same time.
"How can I be so thirsty this morning when I drank so much last night?"

5)Favorite color?
yes... it is most definitely referring to the marijuana... and also, upon occassion, any substance with similar uses. too, properly, of course, it is a golfing term, but that;s really not very much fun, now is it?
'yo, where da green at?'

one's house or "the crib"
DRAgg1NG MY BODY UP TH3 H1LL TO M1 CANTON;TH3 BAR'S F1V3 M1NUT3S AWAY BUT 1T TOOK M3 AN HOUR TO G3T HOM3. (My mommy made it to the hospital, thank you very much.)

7)Birth month?
- what day is it?

- ...october...

8)Last person you talked to?
Guy who loves sports, drinking and irish punk rock, somehow manages to be appealing to every girl on the planet despite a chronic inability to seal the deal. Will end up being the PE teacher all the unpopular girls have a crush on. Curse his buffness.
(Friend) Hey is that Daniel over there?
(Other friend) Is he wearing a quiksilver t-shirt?
(Friend) No.
(Other friend) Then it's not Daniel.

9)One of your nicknames?
Hot girls.(Uh-huh, right...)

1062107  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-01-08
Written: (5624 days ago)
Next in thread: 1062109

OMG, that was the worst fucking pain I've been in yet. HEar me out, all you people, unless you can deal with the pain and agony, do NOT get a tattoo on the top of your foot. The only reason I had it done is because I went through my wreck and had horrible pain through that. But it was worth it.

1062074  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-01-08
Written: (5624 days ago)

I'm getting my tattoo today. I'll post it soon as I get home, or tomorrow. Till then^^

1060873  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-12-30
Written: (5633 days ago)
Next in thread: 1060877, 1060904

I have some bad news for everyone. my parents are breaking it off now. The good thing is that I won't have to listen to them fighting over something as fucking insignificant as who pays more bills, but, Mom wants to get rid of the internet, which will leave me without ET, or Myspace, or anything unless I pay for it, and, if she gets rid of my piano, I'm going to fucking go crazy. that piano is my fucking lifeline with I'm pissed off. And she wants me to get rid of Sobek, which is a big fucking "HELL NO". I'll get Dad's truck, but I'll have to learn stick shift first. But, I'll have a way around so I can go kidnap Matt or visit Jameses.

I went to Callaway Gardens Monday and got back today. It sucked because there was nothing alive, and the butterfly house wasn't very impressive. I was expecting to see more butterflies. But, I went to this victory garden, and saw the most wonderful herb garden. I want one just like it. The one part that sucked is that we only wanted to see the Fantasy in Lights show once, but the fucking retarded guard got us back in the lineup. I just wanted to murder him... One time was enough. Plus, all these fucking cars were stopping every three seconds, like they'd never seen a fucking Christmas light before. If we had a tank, I'd be running those bitches over. Thanks for fucking up my vacation, you retarded fossilized ass-hat.

1060871  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-12-30
Written: (5633 days ago)

I'm going on Jan. 8th to get two new tattoos. I'm going to get a sparrow on each of my calves. Hope it goes well.

1057224  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-12-03
Written: (5660 days ago)
Next in thread: 1057225, 1057230

I got a ball python yesterday. His name is Sobek. I want to thank Crystal and her B/f Scottie for letting me have him. He's going to be a great edition to my family. And he'll become a wonderful familiar one day.

1055331  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-11-17
Written: (5676 days ago)
1054880  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-11-13
Written: (5680 days ago)
Next in thread: 1054945, 1055261, 1066606, 1066607

I want to know why everyone hates Twilight. I was just on MyYearbook, and some dumb tart wearing nothing but a jacket was spewing all of this mindless babble on how everyone who loves Twilight is retarded and needs a life. I told her to shut up and put some clothes on. Does anyone else on here love Twilight too? If so, tell me some things to shut this psycho-slut up, onegai?

1053375  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-11-03
Written: (5690 days ago)
Next in thread: 1053404

It's happened. I've had to take out my industrial. I'm not allergic to the steel or anything; the little five-yr-old nephew of my mum keeps yanking it. Finally, it got really bad and the doc told me to take it out for a few days... Now it's grown up... Off I go for another visit to Studio X...

1035601  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-07-07
Written: (5809 days ago)
Next in thread: 1035768

Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1.) Go to Japan
2.) have a giant garden
3.) opena shop like Xylona(a metaphysical shop)

Three Names You Go By:
1.) Justin
2.) Biddy
3.) Wiggle-Snake

Three Screen Names You Have Had:
1.) ♥myxkiss isxtoxic♥
2.) shokutaisho
3.) xtoxicxscreamx

Three Physical Things You Like About Yourself:
1.) Eyes
2.) Lips
3.) Fingernails

Three Parts Of Your Heritage:
1.) Cherokee
2.) Irish.
3.) German.

Three Things That Scare You:
1.) Unfamiliar dogs
2.) loneliness
3.) drunk drivers

Three Of Your Everyday Essentials:
1.) tea
2.) vodka
3.) AFI

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1.) balck shirt with nautical stars and skulls
2.) black bandana
3.) broken hearts Converse

Three Of Your Favorite Bands/Musical Artists:
1.) AFI
2.) Dir En Grey
3.) Evanescence

Three Of Your Favorite Songs:
1.) "Lithium" by Evanescence
2.) "Kiss and Control" by A.F.I.
3.) "Obscure" by Dir En Grey

Three Things You Want to HAVE In A Relationship:
1.) Understanding
2.) love
3.) humor

Two Truths And A Lie (in no particular order):
1.) I want to change the color of my eyes
2.) I stole the baseball diamond
3.) I hate Jess

Three Physical Things About The Preferred Sex That Appeal To You:
1.) piercings
2.) open-ness
3.) I'd prefer they be human or close to it^^

Three Of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1.) drawing
2.) gardening
3.) singing

Three Things You Want To Do Really Badly Right Now:
1.) Murder the demonspawn
2.) kiss a certain someone
3.) make tea

Three Careers You're Considering/You've Considered:
1.) tattoo artist
2.) paleontologist
3.) marine biologist

Three Places You Want To Go On Vacation:
1.) Japan
2.) Britain
3.) Brazil

Three Names You Like:
1.) Colton Jared
2.) Yuri Hataki
3.) Junichiro Koisumi

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Girl:
1.) I paint my nails black and blue
2.) I talk with the girls about how stupid the guys are
3.) I hold cigarettes between the tips of my fingers

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Boy:
1.) I laugh at people getting really hurt
2.) I hate Brad Pitt
3.) I watch horror movies and don't scream

1031890  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-05-26
Written: (5851 days ago)

Man, this trip to Gatlinburg was a dud. Our hotel was possessed; I mean, the faucet tried to scald anyone that used the shower, the phone was disconnected completely from the wall, and the pool was stagnent and I could have sworn there were little demon fish swimming under the curtains of Algae. Apart from the hotel, it was fairly fun. I got to go to the Aquarium and I saw my favorite fish, the arawana from the Amazon. I got two fossil necklaces from the gift shop. *squeals* After that, we went to Pidgeon forge and messed around. My parents forced me to go to this play about Christ, but I was really insisting that I stay at the hotel(crazy as that sounds, that place was nowhere a witch like myself needed to be.) Yesterday, we explored the Cherokee Indian Reservation. I love being part Cherokee... I even tried to get into Harrah's, but, sadly, I was only about 4 months short of being 21... *pouts* Otherwise I had a great time. I plan on asking Matt if he wants to go in a few weeks.

1021393  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-31
Written: (5907 days ago)

So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...

Opening Credits:
Lose Control-Evanescence

Waking Up:
Thunder-Boys Like Girls

First Day At School
Reverse this Curse-Escape the Fate

Falling in Love:
Sotto Voce-The Human Abstract

Fight Song:
Death of Seasons-AFI

Breaking Up:

Call me when You're Sober-Evanescence

Misery Business-Paramore

Mental Breakdown:
Goodbye We're Falling Fast-Aiden

Driving Song:
Paper Airplanes(Makeshift Wings)-AFI

Never Coming Back-The Summer Obcession


Birth of Child:
Repetitionof Hatred-Dir en Grey

Death Scene:
All that I'm living For-Evanescence

Funeral Song:
Clairvoyant Disease-Avenged Sevenfold

End Credit:
Tears Don't Fall-Bullet for my Valentine

1008181  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-01-29
Written: (5969 days ago)
Next in thread: 1008285

Correct me if I'm wrong, but once you turn 18, don't your parents have to let go and not control your life? They're trying to chain me to this house and keep me away from the people that I care for. I was just at my ex's house because he needed a ride to his school, and lo and behold, my aunt drives up and tells me she called my mom and now they're chewing me out because "I don't respect them and I need to get right with God" and then they're calling his mom and telling her I can't hang out with him anymore. What the fuck can they do about it? Oh, another thing. Mom said she was taking money out of my account to pay for my car...well, she lied. She hasn't taken anything out. She just said she'd report the car stolen if I drove it again. What the hell kind of mother would have her own child arrested for trying to do something for the greater good?! I'm sorry, but I do have a mind of my own, and I know he was the one that caused the wreck, but he's changed. Some people, like my parents, are so closed-minded, they can't see he's trying to make up for it to me. I plan on moving in with him, just because my parents can't stand me hanging around with him, but more because I want to help him. He basically has no friends, and, I do still have a soft spot for him. I know I can help him, but why the hell does my family think they're right and I'm wrong? I would be living there free of charge except for the ingredients for me to cook, but that's it. And I could do the 7-3 shift at work with his mom taking me to work. Sorry if I sound like I'm just complaining on how unfair my life is, but it is the truth.

1007491  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-01-26
Written: (5972 days ago)

I think I'm too obcessed with these damn description thingamajigs.
[Country of living]: USA
[Birthdate]: 10-31-1987
[Height]: 5 FT 11 IN
[Eye color]: steel blue
[School/work]: School soon and Work
[Hobby's]: Drawing, writing, visiting the mall
[Brothers/Sisters]: None
[Relationship]: yep
[Piercing(s)]: Industrial, vertical Labret
[Who would you like to meet]: wIL Francis
[Who do you admire most]: Elise
[Favorite Pajamas]: Skull pajama pants and Ghost-Out shirt
[Favorite Movie(s)]: Jurassic Park, LOTR Trilogy, Harry Potter, Sleeping Beauty, POTC trilogy
[Favorite Plush]: Mogu Doll
[What's under your bed?]: Guitar, occasional monster, Utada Hikaru
[Favorite sound]: The sound of rain
[Favorite Writer]: Ann Rice
[Favorite color]: Black, White, Green, Cerulean
[Favorite song at this moment]: Knife Blood Nightmare
[Favorite food]: Shrimp
[Favorite drink]: Tea
[Lucky number]: 3
[What deodorant do you use]: Axe
[Favorite shoes]: Converse
[What phrase do you use most]: Why the fuck do I have to bathe him?!
[What do you do in the weekends]: Party, work, stalk people
[My adorable pets!]: Demonically-possessed bird named Baby, Rat terrier named Scout, and blond Rottweiler named Cinnamon
[Cremate or Buried when dead]: Cremate
[Stay up late or go to bed early]: How about not sleeping at all
[Light or dark?]: Dark
[Speak or Silence]: speak
[Hug or kiss]: hug leads to a kiss, kiss leads to a touch, a touch leads to a suck, a suck leads to a fuck. Wanna hug?
[Happy or Sad]: Both
[Gig or Disco]: Gig
[Left or Right]: Right
[What would you ask God if you could ask him 1 single question]: don't know.
[You believe in reincarnation]: yes
[When you die, what will be your last words?]: I am the wind. One day I will be free.
[Does true love exist]: yes
[Best feeling in the world]: being loved
[Worst feeling in the world]: being alone
[Are you an emotional person]: yes
[Do you ever cry during a movie]: yes
[Your goal in life]: To be more than people expect me to be.

1007424  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-01-26
Written: (5972 days ago)
Next in thread: 1007426, 1007427, 1007428

Can someone please make murder legal so I can kill Jess? I keep seeing the wreck in my dreams, and his face keeps haunting my thoughts. Not in a loverly way, either. You know, sometimes I wish he was bound in a Gand Marquis tied in a straight jacket and chained down with an anvil while the car was falling into the sea... 

1005934  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-01-20
Written: (5978 days ago)
Next in thread: 1005935

I've decided that for the theme song for Children of Tortured Love, I'm using "The Webs We Weave" by Escape the Fate. For the epic battle scene between Jutan and Odalwa, I'm using "Hit the Floor" by Bullet for my Valentine. And no, Rhi, I'm not using "Crazy bitch" for the sex scenes. Although, I may do that for our little Yahoo encounters... HEeheeheeheehee<img:stuff/dand-gif.gif>

1000049  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-12-21
Written: (6008 days ago)
Next in thread: 1000153

Okay, I wanna know what these stupid fan girls are thinking when they do these Organization XIII pairings. I mean, come on! Demyx and Xaldin?! When the fuck was it a good idea to put a sweet thing like Demmy in the mix with a half-drunk gorilla man?! HUH?! Speaking of Demmy, Why is he also paired with Luxord?! If Luxord would lose the beard and grow his hair out just a bit, I'd be okay with it. But until then, He needs to remain loveless! And Why put Vexen and Marluxia together? They're RIVALS! No way they'd ever fuck each other. Besides, I thought frost killed flowers... The other pairings I can deal with. Poor Larxene; she's surrounded by the testosterone sea. She needs a good fuck... 

999930  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-12-20
Written: (6009 days ago)
Next in thread: 999996

Today I had to make candy to take to work for our Xmas party, and...let's just say if Alex were here he'd be having a chocolate-covered treat... Yum...<img:stuff/dand-gif.gif>

994625  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-11-24
Written: (6035 days ago)

Here are the lyrics for me and Rhiannon's song. Yes, I know it's talking about a cheating girlfriend, but no, we never dated and don't intend on dating. Jameses would kill me if I tried to step in on his territory. It's for our characters, Saro and Jutan. 

"Poison Kiss"

Your eyes don't lie
They give you away
You say, you say
Everything is different today
Your footsteps fall, all over the place
You're up, you're down
A butterfly caught in the cage

I don't know why I needed you more
I don't know how, you got through the door
I don't know where you were
But back and forth, back and forth

This is the last goodbye I'm ever gonna say
This is the last goodnight I'm ever gonna waste
This kiss is poisonous
If you can't control the way, it enters your soul

One love, one life, one love is better than you tonight

Sunday driver, you never get far
You call, you call, everyone is juggling hearts
You think that you never make a mistake
You say, you say, everyone else is to blame



The devil inside I see your eyes changing,
Green to white
There is nowhere to hide, inside I feel the same,
I feel the same way too

Your eyes don't lie
They give you away
You say, you say
Everything is different today


This is the last goodbye I'm ever gonna say
This is the last goodnight I'm ever gonna waste
This kiss is poisonous
(one love)
If you can, control the way, it enters your soul
(one love)

One love, one life
(enters your soul)
One love is better than you tonight
(enters your soul)
One love, one life
(enters your soul)
One love is better than you tonight
(enters your soul)

 The logged in version 

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