[Minimire]'s diary

1168876  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2015-01-04
Written: (3437 days ago)

Lesson 3: Chinese Dragons
Characteristics of Chinese Dragons and Their Developmental Stages
Chinese art and cultural beliefs have been dominated by dragons for thousands of years. A mix of animal features are seen in Chinese dragons, and thanks to the diligent scholarship of Wang Fu some time between 206 B.C. and A.D. 220 during the Han Dynasty, the features and complex stages of dragon growth and maturity were described.

A Chinese Dragon has:
. Camel head
. Demon eyes
. Cow ears
. Stag antlers
. Snake neck
. Clam belly
. Tiger feet
. Eagle claws
. 117 Carp scales around it body

The character of the carp scales account for the tendency of Chinese dragons to be benign. Eighty one scales are imbued with softer, gentler yang energy whereas only 36 scales radiate a malevolent yin energy.

From Hatchling to Maturity
long tail that dragons coil around Chinese culture can be seen in the complexity and detail with which their mythical character has been envisioned. Chinese dragons go through a lengthy series of metamorphic stages before becoming the rare wonder of a winged Chinese dragon. To begin, a Chinese dragon does not even hatch from its gem-like egg until 1,000 years after it has been laid. The hatchling dragon looks like a water snake and 500 years will pass before it develops the head of a carp. Then over another 1,000 years the carp scales will cover its body and four short limbs will grow. During this time the tail will grow long, the face will become elongated, a beard will develop, and sharp claws will emerge from the feet. ers will grow over the next 500 years, and strangely the Chinese dragon hears through its antlers. Despite the presence of ears, it has been deaf until the growth of antlers. Not until the passing of another 1,000 years will the dragon grow wings and achieve the ultimate state of a mature and glorious Chinese dragon.

The Four Most Important Types of Chinese Dragons
Creative minds over thousands of years of Chinese civilization have imagined a multitude of dragons, but four enjoy preeminence in the culture.

T'ien lung – This is a celestial dragon that protects heaven, specifically the homes of the gods.

Shen-lung – A spiritual dragon, it is the master of storms. A special type of shen-lung is the five-toed imperial dragon that could only appear on the clothes and furnishings of the emperor.

Ti-lung – This is a dragon of the land and rivers. Apparently a good all-purpose dragon.

Fu-ts'ang lung – This is a treasure dragon that hoards jewels and precious metals in deep caves (a trait in common with the greedier dragons of western cultures).

1168870  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2015-01-03
Written: (3438 days ago)

Lesson 2, Part 5: Copper Dragons
Copper dragons are the second weakest of the metallic dragons. They are born tricksters and jokesters. They are quite devious and clever, but their intent is purely benign. They do not seek to harm 'lesser' creatures, but merely wish to impress them with superior intelligence and wit, and to fool them with clever pranks. A visitor to a copper dragon's lair can expect to be entertained at length, although the dragon will become angry if the visitor does not appear impressed with her tricks, riddles, and stories.

Physical Description
Physically, the copper dragon is very striking, with scales of a warm copper color tinged with blue. Like the brass dragon, the copper dragon's wings connect to its body all the way to the tip of its tail. However, its wings have a pronounced bend to them, giving them the appearance of a "V" from below, rather than the brass dragon's triangular appearance. Copper dragons are powerful jumpers and climbers, with massive thigh and shoulder muscles. Their two horns are broad and flat, pointing backwards towards the tail from the top of their heads. They also have a distinctive frill protruding from either jaw. When the mouth is closed, the teeth are completely hidden. They exude a stony odor.

When it comes to combat, copper dragons prefer to avoid it. Rather than fighting openly, they prefer to taunt, humiliate, and tease their opponents until they simply give up and run away. Their ability to dramatically slow opponents often gives them ample time to run away. When forced, however, a copper dragon will fight to the very end, and is an incredibly devious antagonist. Their acid breath is not to be taken lightly. When it comes to open battle, copper dragons are formidable fighters.

Breath Weapon
Copper dragons have two separate breath weapons. The first is a line of powerful acid, and the second is a cone of gas that slows and cramps the muscles of anyone within it.

A typical copper dragon's lair is a cave, whose entrance is concealed by rocks and boulders. Upon entering, visitors find themselves in a huge labyrinth of tunnels. Copper dragons compete amongst themselves to see who can design the most confusing layout. If a friendly visitor becomes hopelessly lost (which is rather common), the copper dragon will rescue her before she is actually endangered. Once through the labyrinth, visitors find themselves in a spacious foyer, beyond which is the Main Entertaining Chamber, where the dragon will spend the bulk of its time. Opening off the MEC is a much more straightforward escape tunnel, whose outside entrance is often fiendishly difficult to locate even when one knows exactly where it is. The copper dragon will know, however, and often uses its 'back door' to get into its lair instead of taking the time to navigate the maze. Obviously, it is far easier for a visitor to enter via the secret door if she can find it, but doing so is considered impolite, especially if she is a first-time visitor.

Parenting and Development
Copper dragons lay their eggs in a nest of cool sand or clay. Both parents watch over the eggs and raise the wyrmling until it reaches adulthood, whereupon the parents separate. When newhatched, the scales of a copper wyrmling are a muddy brown in color, which gradually shifts to a glowing copper as it matures. Adult copper dragons are quite social, mainly due to the desire to play tricks upon each other.

Scorpions and other venomous creatures

Preferred Treasures
Valuables from the earth: metals, precious stones, finely crafted sculptures, well-made ceramics

1168867  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2015-01-03
Written: (3438 days ago)

Lesson 2, Part 4: Brass Dragons
Brass dragons were the weakest of the metallic dragons, and also one of the most benign of all species of dragon. They loved to talk, to the exclusion of most else. They loved to engage friends and foes alike in hours of long-winded conversation. It was not unusual for a brass dragon to be fluent in several hundred different languages.

Physical Description
Physically, the brass dragon was highly distinctive. From below, its outstretched wings formed a triangular shape, as they were attached to its body all the way to the tip of its tail. The wings were longest at the shoulder, and tapered gently as they reached the tail. Their scales seemed to radiate heat and light. As their name implied, brass dragons tended to have brass-colored scales. Their scales were a dull brown at a young age, becoming more glossy and brass in appearance as they aged. The shape of the head was quite unusual, as it included a large, curved plate that extended from the dragon's eyes and cheeks on either side and curved upwards into two points. They had two sharp horns on the chin, which became steadily pointier as the dragon aged. They smelled like metal.

Brass dragons very rarely engaged in combat, preferring to talk rather than fight. If they considered a creature threatening, they would subdue it with their sleeping gas. In the face of true danger, a younger brass dragon would have most likely flown away and hidden in the sand. It would have fought and used its fire breath only as an absolute last resort. Older brass dragons preferred to avoid combat but would fight if they had the tactical advantage.

Breath Weapon
Brass dragons had two separate breath weapons. The first was a narrow line of fire, and the second was a cone of sleep gas.

Brass dragons were native to arid regions; they shared many similar habitats with blue dragons, which often lead to conflict. The brass dragon preferred to dig its lair inside a desert peak or spire. They also preferred to have the bulk of their lairs face eastwards, so that the rising sun would warm the lair for the bulk of the day. A brass dragon's lair was well-constructed and quite extensive, with many twisting corridors and dead ends to confuse and discourage hostile intruders.[1] The centerpiece of any brass dragon's lair was the Grand Conversation Hall, where it spent the majority of its time entertaining friends and visitors. A typical lair also contained an elegant foyer, a gallery for the artwork the dragon collected, a sleeping chamber, and a storage room. All brass dragon lairs had several small entrances, known as bolt holes. These multiple entrances allowed a brass dragon to easily escape an attack by a blue dragon or other predator.

Parenting and Development
Brass dragon eggs were incubated in a nest of open flames. Incubation took approximately 480 days.[3] The eggs were typically tended by both parents, so that they could talk together as they maintained their vigil. The newly hatched brass wyrmling was not remarkable in appearance; its scales were a dull brown. The scales became lighter and more brilliant as the dragon matured. Brass wyrmlings probably learned to talk more quickly than the young of any other sentient species. They talked constantly about anything and everything, and they would talk to anybody: friends, family, enemies and small creatures that could not talk back, or even to itself if nobody else was near. When exposed to a new language, a brass wyrmling would usually become fluent in under an hour.

Mountain goats, sheep, antelope, and other such creatures. Only a malevolent brass dragon would choose to devour an intelligent creature.

Preferred Treasure
Handcrafted work in materials such as bone, wood, stone, or fabric

1168866  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2015-01-03
Written: (3438 days ago)

Lesson 2, Part 3: Bronze Dragons
Bronze dragons were the third most powerful of the metallic dragons.

Physical Description
Physically, the bronze dragon was quite fierce in appearance, despite its good nature. While most of its body was a reflective bronze color, the wings were often tipped with green. The dragon had three large horns protruding from each cheek, pointing back towards the tail. The tips of these points were black and very sharp, and were often used for grooming. The tongue was purple-gray, long and pointed, and not forked. A large frill ran down the upper part of its neck. They smell like sea-spray. These dragons possessed the ability to alter their form, assuming the appearance of any type of animal or humanoid creature they choose. As such, folks could have encounter a bronze dragon without ever being the wiser. A friendly dolphin that saved a drowning child; a mercenary sailor eager to fight pirates; a diver specializing in searching undersea shipwrecks for possible treasure… all of these could have been a bronze dragon. Many bronze dragons will have used their shape-shifting abilities to get close to an enemy target; bronze dragons prefer melee combat.

While bronze dragons are often fascinated with battles, especially fighting to defeat evil, they have strong moral compunctions against killing living beings unless absolutely necessary. They will often join good-aligned armies to fight the forces of evil, either in human form or their own. In battle, their weapon of choice is to breathe repulsion gas, which is so putrid that it forces absolutely everything away. They also like to relocate a foe to a remote location where it can do no harm when possible. When absolutely forced to kill, the bronze dragon is a deadly combatant, roasting enemies with bursts of lightning or ripping them open with its clawed forelegs.

Breath Weapon
Bronze dragons had two separate breath weapons. The first was a line of electricity similar to a lightning bolt, and the second was a cone of gas with affects that makes the mind feel a great repulsion to the dragon.

Bronze dragons were often found along the coastal regions of the world. They liked to dwell along the sea, to make use of their aquatic abilities, while staying close to humanoid settlements. Many ship merchants would pay a bronze dragon to protect their trade routes. More nefarious bronze dragons would demand bribes for “protection” while accepting similar bribes from pirates to operate within their territories. Given its exceptional abilities as a swimmer, the entrance to a bronze dragon's lair was quite naturally underwater, and was often disguised with seaweed and coral. The bulk of the lair was above water level, however, consisting of multiple tunnels and large chambers, some as much as a thousand feet above sea level. They preferred to make their lairs in an island volcano, if possible.

Parenting and Development
Bronze dragons mated for life, and took their duties as parents with the utmost seriousness. They would have protected their eggs and their wyrmlings at any cost. Although bronze dragons always lived near water, they laid their eggs in a dry cave. Apart from a dry, relatively warm environment, bronze dragon eggs required no special conditions for incubation like those of most dragons. Upon hatching, the wyrmlings where raised, taught, and protected by their parents. A newhatched bronze wyrmling appeared yellow with a tinge of green, and the scales will gradually shift to bronze as it matures. Bronze wyrmlings loved to swim in the ocean, and frolic in much the same manner as dolphins.

They truly enjoyed observing and interacting with smaller creatures, most especially humans. They would have often go out of their way to help them, such as rescuing humans from a shipwreck or a dangerous foe. In many of these instances, the bronze dragon will transform itself into a human, so that those who it helps never know who really did the rescuing. They would never seek payment for their help, in any form. They always sought justice as best they could, and could not abide to see any creature being treated with cruelty of any sort. The older the dragon, the more pronounced the passion for justice becomes. They were probably the most social species of dragon, and often swam and played together in groups. They also love to attend human festivals and parties, although usually in human form. The bronze dragons were spiritually connected to silver dragons as they have similar personalities and were each involved in an ancient ritual.

Bronze dragons could speak with animals, create food and water, make fog,control water and weather, and detect thought.

Aquatic plants, shark meat, crustaceans

Preferred Treasures
Ceramics, statuary and gemstones.

1168865  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2015-01-03
Written: (3438 days ago)

Lesson 2, Part 2:Silver Dragons
Silver dragons, also known as shield dragons, are the second most powerful of the metallic dragons, and are true friends to all. The silver dragon enjoys the company of humans and elves so much that it will often take the form of a human or elf and live among them for the majority of its life. It should be noted that silvers, like all dragons, believe themselves the most superior creatures in the world. However, apart from the ability to fly, which they enjoy greatly, they tend to prefer the physical forms of humanoids for everyday life.

Physical Description
At first glance, the silver dragon appears very similar to the white dragon. The wings are more curved than a white's though, and the silver has two talons on its wings rather than the single talon of most dragons. The silver dragon also has a beautiful frill that begins at the top of its head and flows all the way down its neck and body to the tip of the tail. The frill is silver towards the body, fading to a purple hue at the edge. They have two long, smooth silver horns with black tips, pointing up and back from the head. They also have a pronounced sharp frill under the chin, which has the rough appearance of a goatee. They smell like rain. They are very intelligent, more so than most humans, extremely powerful, breathtakingly beautiful, and have lifespans which can stretch up to 4,200. The silver dragon is regal and statuesque, an unusual trait they offer is the love of human dining, and will use the ability of alternate form to take part in large feasts.

Like most metallic dragons, silvers do not enjoy combat, and are averse to killing. If forced to fight, however, they are as deadly as any other dragon.

Breath Weapon
Sliver dragons have two separate breath weapons. The first is a cone of freezing cold, and the second is a cone of paralyzing gas.

A silver dragon's lair is typically found within an icy mountain, with the main entrance only accessible by air. The lair itself is similar to the gold dragon's in its sophistication and design, although the silver dragon's lair tends to be far less intricate. A typical lair will contain a main entertaining area, a storage room, a vault, a sleeping chamber, study, library, shrine, and two clinic rooms where the dragon can offer help and protection to those who need it. The lair will also have a concealed back entrance for use in emergencies.

Parenting and Development
Silver dragons lay their eggs in a bed of snow. A newhatched silver wyrmling has scales of a bluish gray, which change to silver over time. Silver wyrmlings are intelligent, kind, extremely curious, and adorable. As they mature, many silver dragons leave their clans for long periods of time to live among nondragons. They tend to live for many years with the same group of humans or elves, having grown attached to them. As members of the family die, the silver dragon, grieved by the loss, often chooses to stay with the family, remaining a true and loyal friend and champion through many generations. If the dragon feels comfortable enough around these nondragons, it might even decide to reveal its true self.

Most silvers group together in "clans," a loose organization of dragons who choose to live together as a family. Clans take communal responsibility for protecting and raising their wyrmlings. A senior member of the clan may act as a leader, but no true leader actually exists. Silver dragons do not feel the need for a strict social structure, since they are most content to live as honestly as possible. Unlike the gold or bronze dragon, the silver dragon does not usually go out of its way to bring justice on the world. Instead, it waits for others to ask them for help. They will attempt to right an injustice if they see one, but they have no inclination to intentionally seek evil out and destroy it. Silver dragons are more interested in protecting the humans or elves it has come to care for than in looking for evil.

Silver dragons are extremely rare and elusive, preferring to take the guise of kind and elderly humanoids or very attractive and young humanoids. They very much like to associate with elves and humans, not necessarily because they prefer their company over other races, but because they try to learn from the shorter lived humans. Silver dragons' favored enemy are red dragons because these chromatic dragons are almost always evil and have a talent for destruction. Additionally, silvers and reds favor the same sort of terrain for lairs, which leads to territorial disputes on top of having attitudes and philosophies at odds with the others. Dragons may live for millennia, while humans only live a few decades. This vast difference in time leads to inherent psychological differences concerning time. Dragons tend to think things through for years at a time, using their razor-sharp intellects to hone a plan to perfection, solve incalculable puzzles, or other such things. Silver dragons, however, note that humans are able to accomplish much in their short life spans because of their ambitious drive for success. When a silver dragon can combine its own long-term perspective with a quick and ambitious attitude, the benefit is undeniable.

Almost anything; they love tasting new things

Preferred Treasures
Beautifully crafted jewellery or finely woven fabrics

1168864  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2015-01-03
Written: (3438 days ago)

Lesson 2, Part 1: Gold Dragons
Gold dragons are the most powerful of the metallic dragons, and the most dedicated to defeating evil. They spend the bulk of their lives in human form, seeking out evil and punishing wrongdoers to the best of its considerable abilities. Its typical mode of operation runs roughly along the lines of a sting operation: the dragon will listen for stories of dangerous or evil creatures or persons, then reveals its true form and metes out punishment. They prefer to turn villains over to law enforcement if available, but will ultimately take whatever actions they deem necessary in order to see justice served. They are best summarized as the paladins of the draconic world. Gold dragons can often be seen talking and teaching their acquired wisdom to humans, elves, aasimar and other non-hostile races. When forced to fight, gold dragons prefer to converse with intelligent creatures, using Intimidate and Sense Motive to gain the upper hand. Their attitude towards visibly evil characters is not as forgiving though, as it will try to eradicate any evil aspects in its territory. Gold dragons are the nobility and royalty of the metallic dragonkind. From hatching, they are instilled with a sense of order tempered with a benevolent nature. Some gold dragons, however, see the need to impose order on others from the good of all. This sense of doing things “for the greater good” can lead a gold dragon to become a tyrant. This is a rare instance, however.

Physical Description
Physically, gold dragons are quite spectacular. Several large horns tipped with umber shoot sideways from their cheeks, and two very prominent horns point backwards along their heads. The most obvious feature is probably the tentacle whiskers that sprout from the top and bottom of the gold dragon's jaw, giving the appearance of a beard of sorts. Their wings, like those of brass and copper dragons, connect to the body all the way to the tip of the tail. From below, the overall shape resembles that of a brass dragon, but the different coloring and dramatic difference in size enables easy differentiation. When in flight, the gold dragon's wings ripple, giving the appearance of swimming rather than flying. They smell of saffron and incense. True to their name, gold dragons are a brilliant, shimmering gold color. Their head is crested with a ring of majestic horns. Their muzzles will often sprout growths that give the appearance of a mustache or beard. A gold dragon is rarely encountered in its natural form. They possess the ability to change their shape into that of an animal or humanoid creature.

Gold dragons prefer to talk rather than to fight. They will never engage in combat if they believe it is unnecessary. Once they believe it is necessary, however, they are amazingly powerful opponents. Their ability to breathe fire rivals that of the eldest red dragons, and they will pour their entire being into a battle against evil. Gold dragons dislike killing, but they do not hesitate to do so if it is necessary in order to defeat an evil foe.

Breath Weapon
Gold dragons are powerful combatants, and they have two separate breath weapons. The first is fire. In the second, the dragon holds the fire in their bodies and instead of exhaling the fire, exhales air over the fire which emits a cone of hot, dry, dehydrating air that weakens foes.

Unlike most other species of dragons, gold dragons devote immense time and energy to the construction of their lairs. The layout of their lairs often resemble those of elegant human mansions, albeit buried underground. Rooms are well-constructed and elegantly decorated with the many art treasures the gold dragon has collected over its lifetime. Typical rooms in a gold dragon's lair include a main hall, a banquet hall, a resting chamber, a study, a kitchen, a lobby, a storage room, and perhaps even a lavatory. Many gold dragons even have a glass-walled observatory, especially if they live underwater.

Parenting and Development
Gold dragon eggs must be incubated in a nest of open flames. A newly hatched gold wyrmling appears similar to an adult, except that it lacks horns or tentacle whiskers. At some point, however, the biological parents may send the wyrmling to live with foster parents; this allows the parents to undertake their own quests, as well as exposing the wyrmling to new experiences. Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and young adult gold dragons tend to be solitary or live in a clutch of 2-5 dragons; adults, mature adults, older dragons, wyrms or great wyrms will live solitarily, in a pair, or a family consisting of a couple of adults and several offspring.

Unlike many species of dragons, gold dragons have a very firm and hierarchical social structure, encompassing all members of the species. This structure always has one gold dragon as its leader, who serves until he/she either dies or steps down. At that time, all gold dragons congregate and choose the next leader of their kind. Sometimes two dragons may be chosen; in such cases, the two will share the duties of leadership. The position of leader, or 'top dragon,' does not so much involve the maintenance of order--gold dragons are famous for their good behavior--so much as the dispensing of advice and wisdom to any dragons who ask for it. Gold dragons are voracious learners, and they tend to become very wise and worldly as they age. They freely share their knowledge and experience to anyone who asks, dragon or not. Gold dragons can sometimes be seen taking human form to experience living in human society, and aiding travelers. They are not however, oblivious to chaotic and evil plots and will do to their best to thwart said plots whilst remaining within lawful grounds.

Gold dragons are the only species of dragon to have their own language. They can only write this language when in human form as their dragon form claws are not practical. These dragons even kept records of historical events. The content of these records is mostly useless to human historians however, as they describe dragon events like dragon births, trials and deaths, rather than events that affected the non-dragon world.

Small gems and pearls; they do not eat any living creatures

Preferred Treasures
Art, especially paintings and sculptures

1168854  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2015-01-02
Written: (3439 days ago)

Lesson 1, Part 5: White Dragons
White dragons, also known as ice dragons or glacial wyrms, are the weakest and the most feral of the classic chromatic dragons.

Physical Description
White dragons are physically the smallest of chromatic dragons, even smaller than blacks. They appear in shades from white to grey and ice-blue, and in arctic environments, this appearance serves as good camouflage. White dragons are physically distinguished by several features: their heads and necks seem to blend seamlessly into one another, and their wings appear somewhat frayed along the edges. They have a flap of skin, called a dewlap, lined with spines beneath their chins. Their heads are very streamlined, and they have a high crest atop their skulls. They have a crisp, vaguely chemical odor. White dragon toes are spaced more widely than other dragons, with barbed claws to aid movement on ice. Their very thin eyelids prevent snowblindness when observing arctic landscapes.

White dragons are not strong combatants as dragons go, but they should never be underestimated. Their icy breath can freeze an unprepared foe solid in an instant. They typically avoid fights with more powerful dragons, but will avail themselves of any opportunity to take their frustrations out on weaker creatures. Whites also have exceptional memories, and will often hunt down beings who cross them, no matter how long it may take. They are not as cruel as black dragons and are not as ferocious as reds, but they are still competent in combat. White dragons prefer to attack first, then eat their prey, rather than pausing to ask questions. They do not often contemplate what to eat, simply choosing the most convenient prey, and will often freeze it after the kill by burying it in snow or ice for days.

Breath Weapon
White dragons expel a cone of intense cold, a direct hit from which is fatal as it instantly freezes its victim. Even a glancing blow can be seriously debilitating.

Most white dragons lair in ice caves, often dug into the side of an arctic mountain, on tundra, or glacial plains, although they do not need ice and snow, and some settle near mountain peaks or in forests. They can create their own caves by applying the breath weapon to tightly packed snow in order to transform it into solid ice. White dragons make their homes in frozen lands and ice-covered mountains. Their lairs often contain many more tunnels and chambers than those of other chromatic dragons. More powerful white dragons will sometimes turn a large iceberg into a floating lair. Such lairs always have an underwater entrance as well as one to the open air.

Parenting and Development
White dragons usually lay about eight or ten eggs in a clutch. A white dragon egg is incubated for fourteen months. The first three and a half months are within the mother's body. On average, between a quarter and a third survive to hatching. White dragon eggs must be buried in snow or encased in ice while incubating. The parents do not bother to tend or protect the eggs in any way, although they will usually lay them near their lairs. A newly hatched white wyrmling has scales as clear as ice, which become white as the dragon matures. They are expected to survive on their own from the moment they hatch, although some white dragon parents will permit their young to live in their lair until they reach adulthood. The wyrmling develops into a young dragon after about three or four years, and then into an adult after about 100 years. Elder white dragons age from about 750 years, while ancients age from 1700 years, and the oldest white dragons have lived around 2100 years.

Anything that moves.

Preferred Treasure
Whites prefer glittery treasure such as diamonds or light gems, but platinum, silver, and anything reflective or polished works of art are also popular.

They are still powerful enough to overwhelm most humans and have exceptional long-term memories. Adult white dragons have several abilities well suited to their arctic habitat: they can climb ice cliffs with ease, fly very high and fast, and are exceptional swimmers. They love to swim in cold water; the more frigid, the better. Much of their diet often consists of aquatic creatures, even Whales. White dragons are always hungry, and tend to become more savage as they mature. Knowing that they are the smallest and weakest of dragons, many whites harbor inferiority complexes. They take any opportunity to bully beings such as giants and younger dragons of other species. White dragons prefer to scavenge for and collect treasure, rather than involving themselves in politics as other dragons might. Like other dragons, they look down on others, and will tend to view other creatures as prey.

1168853  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2015-01-02
Written: (3439 days ago)

Lesson 1, Part 4:Red Dragons
Red dragons are covetous, evil creatures, interested only in their own well-being, vanity and the extension of their treasure hoards. They are supremely confident of their own abilities and are prone to making snap decisions without any forethought. The most powerful of the chromatic dragons, red dragons breathe a cone of fire.[1]Red Dragons are the most fearsome and cruel of the chromatic dragons. They delight in ruin, death, and destruction.

Physical Description
Red dragons are physically distinguished by their enormous size and wingspan. They have two large horns upon their heads, which point backwards toward their wings. They smell of smoke and sulfur.

In combat, red dragons are exceptionally dangerous. Proficient in magic, they are also very fast in the air, but somewhat clumsy, so they prefer to do their fighting on the ground. They often spend years designing battle strategies, and will wait patiently until the precisely best moment to call upon them. Their massive blasts of fire end most battles before they truly begin, however. As a result, red dragons will use their powerful breath weapons as their favored method of attack, followed by power strikes from their massively powerful bodies, followed by magical attacks.

Breath Weapon
Red dragons expel a cone of fire.

Red dragons love to make their lairs in deep, underground caves in mountainous regions, especially if there is volcanic activity. Almost all red dragons simply must have a high perch. The higher the better as they believe that their domain encompasses all that they can see. Young red dragons, especially wyrmlings are easy prey for predators and hunters due to their bright, glossy scarlet scales so they tend to stay underground in the darkness until they feel that they can defend themselves properly.

Parenting and Development
Mating is initiated by the female every century or so when she feels the urge to have children. She looks for the nearest red dragon with the most wealth and power. So of course the males never deny their advances. It is a sign of prestige among other males to be requested to mate. The male then abandons her while she hatches her eggs. She jealously guards those eggs, occasionally with an infertile female but rarely lays down her own life for her hatchlings. Once her young reach the young adult stage of development (usually even earlier than this) the mother's natural instincts overrule her maternal ones and she forces all of her young from her territory.

Absolutely anything; they claim that female humans and young elves taste best

Preferred Treasure
Absolutely anything with some monetary value

Red Dragons believe that they are the pinnacle of draconic nature and that all other species are impure. They value vengefulness, rapaciousness, avarice and ferocity above other traits and recognize these traits in themselves with pride. They are solitary creatures and care little for news of other types of dragons. They do however, look for news of other red dragons in their area. If they believe their own achievements and possessions to be greater than these other red dragons then they stay in their caves, smugly congratulating themselves but if they learn that the achievements or possessions of the other red dragons are greater than their own they will fly into a vengeful rage, decimating the surrounding area until they believe that they have outdone their rivals. The dragon becomes much less cautious during this time and much more likely to underestimate their foes. Unfortunately, red dragons can go to extreme lengths to ensure that every other red dragon in the area knows that they are inferior to the red dragon spreading the news. They will often burn down only half a village or let a single adventurer flee from a battle so that word of their power spreads throughout the region. Not only will this anger other red dragons but it is also like a shining beacon to adventurers & treasure hunters. If a red dragon ever finds out that another red dragon has "lost it", either by getting badly wounded or if they are becoming senile in old age then local red dragons will descend on the lair, stripping it clean and usually killing the owner. They despise the thought of weakness in any red dragon and believe that if a red dragon cannot protect what it has, then it doesn't deserve to have it. Reds are also highly territorial. Entering an area a red considers its domain is just asking to be attacked, especially if it is another dragon entering the area (even more so if it is a red dragon). Conflict is inevitable if this is the case and it is almost always to the death as neither would dare show weakness to the other. Thankfully, most other species are smart enough to flee if they realize the area belongs to a red dragon. Red dragons can get so territorial that in rare occasions they will adopt a protective yet patronizing attitude towards creatures they consider inferior that live within their self-imposed borders. Red dragons hate silver dragons with a passion as their familiarity with the element of cold and other natural powers often make red dragons appear weak in battle with them. They also commonly come into conflict with copper dragons for territory rights, though copper dragons rarely win out against the more powerful red dragons in open conflict. Above all though, red dragons hate gold dragons. Red dragons may loudly proclaim that they would fight and defeat any gold dragon they come across but often find an excuse not to fight when that time eventually comes. Gold dragons are so similar to red dragons yet their natural moral differences are extreme. Red dragons hate any authority other than their own. They never ask elders for advice, even if doing so would save their lives as to them, admitting they need something their elders have is the same as putting themselves under their authority.

1168852  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2015-01-02
Written: (3439 days ago)

Lesson 1, Part 3:Green Dragons
They are mean-tempered, cruel, and rude. These dragons love intrigue and secrets. They delight in stalking their enemies and listening in for any information they can gather before moving to attack. Green dragons enjoy consuming elves and fey creatures – especially pixies.

Physical Description
Green dragons are most notable for the large, waving crest or fin that starts at the dragon's nose and runs the entire length of the dragon's body. They also have exceptionally long, slender forked tongues. They smell like chlorine gas and are highly adept at magic.

Green dragons revel in combat, and will often attack for no apparent reason. They are highly territorial, and will often view any intrusion into their domain, voluntary or not, as a personal affront. They are extremely cunning and duplicitous foes, and love double-crossing others. A traveler who stumbles into a green dragon's territory may be able to bribe the dragon for safe passage, but more often than not the dragon will pretend to agree and then attack the unsuspecting offender once their guard is down. Though aggressive, green dragons prefer to use magic before attacking physically.

Breath Weapon
Green dragons expel a cone of corrosive chlorine gas.

Green dragons dwell in deep, old-growth forests. The typical green dragon lair will be a complex of caves and tunnels, with its main entrance hidden behind a waterfall. The preferred green dragon lair is a cave high up on a cliff, but such locations are usually hard to find and thus only home to the oldest and most powerful green dragons.

Parenting and Development
Green dragons are reasonably good parents, with both mother and father typically staying close to their eggs while they are incubating. Green dragon females either keep their eggs in a solution of acid or bury them in leaves moistened with rainwater. The green wyrmling is easily mistaken for a black, due to their nearly black scales. As the wyrmling matures, its scales become steadily lighter in color until they reach the striking green shade of an adult. The wyrmlings typically stay with both parents until they reach adulthood (approximately 100 years).

Small humanoids such as gnomes are preferred, but prize elves and sprites most. Will eat any animal if hungry.

Preferred Treasure

1168851  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2015-01-02
Written: (3439 days ago)

Lesson 1, Part 2: Blue Dragon
Blue dragons are orderly creatures and are unusual for chromatics in that they keep fairly well-ordered, hierarchical societies. They are more likely to be mocking and manipulative than outrightly cruel or murderous to 'lesser' creatures, aided greatly by their natural talents for hallucination. They are infamous for tricking desert travelers into drinking sand or going miles out of their way to avoid nonexistent dust basins. Their breath weapon is a line of lightning or a large electrical charge.

Physical Description
Blue dragons are physically distinguished by the single large horns protruding from their heads and also by their ears, which are rather large and frilled. The tail is thick and bumpy, like that of a caterpillar. The wings are more pronounced than most other species'. They smell like electricity or sand.

The blue dragon excells at aerial combat, perhaps moreso than any other species of dragon. Their lightning discharges are very easy to aim at other aerial foes, or at creatures below them on the ground. They are also extremely adept at burrowing in sand, and often lie in wait just below the surface of the desert for prey. When they are so burrowed, their large horns can easily be mistaken for pointed desert rocks.

Breath Weapon
Blue dragons use a shocking burst of lightning.

Blue dragons are native to arid wastelands and deserts. They make their lairs in underground caves; easily accessible to the dragons, as they can burrow through the ground. These dragons fly above their territory, using the bleak landscape and its sparse terrain features as their best chance of spotting opponents. The typical blue dragon lair is dug into one of the towering rock formations that dominate desert landscapes. As with all dragon lairs, the blue dragon's lair will have two entrances: one at ground level and hidden by the sand, and one opening onto a high ledge on which it can perch and survey its territory. Each lair also has a large subterranean cavern with a large pool of water and a sandy beach, which its inhabitant will use for drinking and relaxation.

Parenting and Development
Despite their evil nature, blue dragons are actually excellent parents to their young, and will rarely leave their eggs unattended. Blue dragon eggs must be buried in warm sand to incubate. Blue wyrmlings are actually quite cute, but they are quick to taunt any other creature, and even quicker to hunt small desert creatures for food.

A blue dragon's diet consists of meat from large animals such as camels, snakes, lizards, plants

Preferred Treasures

1168849  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2015-01-02
Written: (3439 days ago)

Lesson 1, Part 1: Black Dragons
Black dragons, also known as skull dragons, are far and away the most vile tempered and cruel of all chromatic dragons.

Physical Description
Black dragons appear abnormally slender in comparison to other chromatic dragons—wiry, but not gaunt. Physically, black dragons are most distinguished by their horns, which protrude from the sides of their heads and wrap around, projecting forward. A large frill adorns the upper part of the neck. They smell like rotting vegetation and foul water.

Black dragons prefer ambushes to straightforward fighting. They are vicious and ruthless adversaries, and their acidic bile can work its way under the heaviest armor with ease. Their only disadvantage is that their heavily wooded habitats tend to prevent them from flying very high in combat.

Breath Weapon
Black dragons expel a line of highly corrosive acid.

Black dragons live in swamps and fetid marshlands. They are cunning creatures who live to inspire fear and rule by intimidation. Black dragons have black, glossy scales that add to their camouflage within swamplands. They prefer to ambush their targets, using darkness or water as their cover. They are excellent swimmers and often make their lairs in submerged caves. A black dragon typically lairs in a large cave or underground chamber next to a swamp or murky pond. Their lairs always have two entrances: one underwater through the adjacent swamp/pond, and one above-ground, disguised amidst the undergrowth.

Parenting and Development
Black dragons are not noted as good parents, relying more upon disguise and hiding to protect their eggs than upon guarding them personally. Black dragon eggs must be submerged in strong acid while growing, which can also help protect the dragon as well. Their wyrmlings are noted for their exceptional cruelty and their utterly insatiable appetites. They will eat almost anything organic they can kill, even plants. As a black dragon matures, its scales will very gradually grow lighter. The most ancient black dragons appear almost purple in color

A black dragon's diet consists of fish, mollusks, aquatic critters and some red meat from terrestrial animals.

Preferred Treasures
Gold coins

1168848  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2015-01-02
Written: (3439 days ago)

Elemental Dragons

Dragon of Air
The Element of Air governs the eastern quarter of Nionorien. Its dragon ruler is Nabiuma, who oversees the dragons of the winds and the dragons of the breeze. It has a color of pure white with a hint of yellow. There is only one ruler for every element. The subspecies of this element are the dragons of wind, storm and weather. At times, they join forces with other elements such as the Element of Water and the Element of Fire. No one element can work alone, whether in magical endeavors or physical activities. The Elemental dragons join their great powers to complete tasks or battles. Sometimes there will be a conflict of the elemental powers, causing great atmospheric and environmental disturbances, but mostly the elemental dragons work in harmony.

Dragon of Earth
The Element of Earth rules the northern quarter of Nionorien. Its dragon ruler is Naberu, who oversees the dragons of the mountains, lands and moonbeams. It has a color of dark brown and some shades of green. Earth - element dragons are the most placid, unless they are required to stir up great disruptive energies such as earthquakes. The subspecies of this element are the dragons of mountains and forests and those of deserts and arid regions. The Element of Earth works closely with dragons of fire and dragons of chaos.

Dragon of Fire
The Element of Fire have power over the souther quarter of Nionorien. Its dragon ruler is Nergusu, who oversees the dragons of volcanos and sunbeams. It has a color of pure red with a very faint shade of pink. They have thick, heavy bodies and long snakelike necks and tails. Some of them sleep in dormant volcanoes for long periods of time before they once again become active. These dragons are also visible in forest fires and large structure blazes. They are very unpredictable, unreliable, and difficult to work with. If not properly handled, fire dragons will do as they please with a magician's spell. They will achieve the asked-for end result, but may "burn" their way through everything to get there. Dragons of Fire and volcanoes help with personal purification on all levels of being, energy, courage, stamina to pursue goals and finish projects, remove obstacles and barriers. Be very certain you want their help in the barrier-removal, for these dragons will go through and over anything and anyone to achieve the goal. The results can be swift and difficult to handle emotionally. The positive associations of the Element of Fire are: Summer, Sun, Passion, Courage, Leadership and Will power. The negative associations are: Hate, Jealousy, Fear, Anger, War, Ego, Conflicts and Lightning. The subspecies of this element are the dragons of volcanoes and the sun and magma. They often work closely with dragons of chaos.

Dragon of Water
The Element of Water controls the western quarter of Nionorien. Its dragon ruler is Ninaidi, who oversees the dragons of seas, lakes, rivers, oceans and ponds. The Water - element dragons are basically shaped like Oriental Dragons. They are usually long and serpent - like, usually without wings or legs. They are a variety of shades of blue, from silver-blue to dark blue-green. In fact, their shades cover all the hues of the water in which they reside. All of them have a silvery hue to their scales with some shade of blue predominant on the belly scales. Some of them have feathery fringes about their mouths and down their backs. They have large horny eye sockets set in a rather flat snakelike head. These dragons can be very large or very small, depending on their dwelling place. Dragons of the seas and various waters help with emotions, either calming them or breaking through a barrier built around them; movement, both to get events moving and to keep things fluid; calmness on all levels of being and in all circumstances; creating changes, especially those brought about by breaking free of people who control us through our emotions.

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