[Laureanna]'s diary

449715  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-12-19
Written: (7105 days ago)

the holidays have never been so crazy! so, a month or so ago, my grandma totally destroyed her shoulder, and a week ago, my mom broke her foot! they both had surgery, back to back, on the 16th, and are now resting up at home. So my sister and I have two sickies to take care of, christmas day to prepare for, homework to do, i have a story to illustrate (i may soon be published, keep your fingers crossed!) and yeah, life is totally nuts! So, we are rather deliberately cutting back on christmas. the tree isn't even half decorated, by normal standards, several long time traditions are being gently pushed aside. I've still managed to get in several hours on Ben's gamecube ( i love FF-CC! ), and am patiently awaiting ROTK-EE for christmas, and I still have five commissions to finish! yikes.
i think i've found someone to publish my children's christmas story, but I need it illustrated, and if I do that myself, it will save me alot of money, so I realy need to get to the old sketch pad. *sigh* well, as least my life isn't boring!! :)

437512  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-07
Written: (7116 days ago)

oh, my good and gracious God!!! so, after a week containing nearly, what 9 hours of computer programing and not getting anywhere on our project, I then spend 13 hours over the weekend coloring a commission of Edgar Figaro, half of which was time spent in the computer. So, Naturally, when I entered the lab yesterday to 'finish' my project with my partner, i was none to thrilled. She wasn't either, having spent nearly 13 hour working on the project at home over the weekend. (before you think i'm a slacker, know that she didn't have to, and i would have gotten togethr to work on it, but she didn't say anything and just did it! ) 
SEVEN HOURS!! straight, in the lab yesterday! Seven!!!! when we finally turned it in, we had two versions of our program, one that met most of the code requirements, and another that would accasionally solve the puzzle! honestly, WE don't know how they work! we only wrote the darn things, we don't understand them!! *shrugs*" and honestly, looking at our code, on the one hand it almost makes logical sense, if you know just enough programming. if you really know programming, however, it makes NO sense at all and you have to wonder what in the world we're trying to do.  in fact, we have no idea why it even compiles, because it 'shouldn't!'  however, at that point, we were much more concerned with the entertainment value of the project. it may never ever manage to solve the puzzle, but it does print out amazingly appropriate lines from Shakespeare every move! 'this is what happens when English majors take comp sci..." 
  once this was turned in, my partner and I, between fits of hysterical laughter in which we collapsed on the floor of the lab, holding our sides and crying because our cheeks hurt, we sent our TA an email, "appologizing profusely in advance for the BS that is our program," and also explaining why there were two versions and such. it was the most pathetic thing ever! topping it all off with an apology for the humor in th program, for "after over 25 hours working on the program, whether it worked or not began to seem rather superficial!"
-conclusion. I am a slave to the computer. I shall never escape it's all consuming power! it has eaten my brain, my eyes, my hands, my art and now my program...i'm so screwed!

431795  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-12-02
Written: (7122 days ago)

*sings* two weeks left! two weeks left!
only two weeks of the quarter left! Yes!! oh goodness i can't wait!  Thanksgiving weekend was fun, but it was also a teaser. four days at home with the family, in my own room, and my own town, and my old time friends, and then i'm back here for almost three weeks. Blah! ii'm really having fun, and this week seems to be on of the better ones this quarter, but i still can't wait for Christmas Break! WooHoo!! Two whole weeks at home. oh, how fabulous. 
and i am so busy still. Computer Science is so annoying! I had a total geek moment in lecture today. I just couldn't stop drawing, having finally gotten inspired for my first commission. then the prof started talking about "linked lists" and when he said the phrase "new Link" i just couldn't help it, and my 'notes' turned into sketches of Link from Zelda along with Navi, the evil fairy.  i can't wait for a for real english class that I can get into! i'm so not in my forte right now...
and i am really wanting my blonde hair back. grrr....

387812  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-22
Written: (7163 days ago)

so, there's this building on campus, and from the outside it looks really cool. It's very obviously modern and all, but it still reminds me of nothing so much as a cathedral! it's really ncie. but i had never been inside beyond the basement and first floor of this one wing. in the other wing, the inside is the trippiest place i've ever been!! it's so freaky! OMGosh! it's this HUGE atrium, and my friend and I just happened to be going around on the 5th floor, and suddenly the walls vanish and where in the humungeous ....place! ti's not like it 's all dark and spoooky, but it's so very, very high, and it's all concrete and glass and the bridges feel like they're floating, and it's all open to this huge space and there's just nothing there. and at the end of the halls the windows go all the way to the floor, so it looks like you cold just walk out of fifth story window!!! I have never been so tripped out.

374494  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-08
Written: (7177 days ago)
Next in thread: 374663

Daaaaaagh! i ask myself, how is life so darn stressful. i think y da actually answered thsi question for me last ngiht, and it was rather profound and cool. at least his answer was. right now, I'm so confused. I've bene tressed before, but it's never bothered me like this before! and before all the things I ahd to do were hard in and aof themselves, now nothing itself is actually hard, there's just so much of it. at least i feel like there is. i also feel like two years ago I could have handled this schedule easily! now, i feel like Bilbo in FOTR, "I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter over too much bread." and i'm so tired. I don't get it and that in itself, of course, adds to my dilema.  my very wise dad said, much to my surprise, that it was only natural, that uncertainty adds tension like nothing else. I am very uncertain about my future, tis true! like, what the heck am i going to major in and what the heck am I going to do when i get out?! those two things are rather big and very stressful.  I hate not knowing. I've always either known or had some idea what my future was going to be, but then i grew up a bit and chucked it all out the wndow.  anyways. prayers, please! whoever reads this! why do we need money? i wish we didn't have money, then we wouldn't need it, and we wouldn't need to slave for years just to get it. but that's getting into socialism, and I definately don't want to go there! anyway. life will get better! in the mean time...i need to go to class....

364263  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-09-27
Written: (7188 days ago)

well, I'm newly moved into my new dorm room in Hansee Hall, yay! I'm really excited, because the building looks like soemthing you might find in, oh, say Oxford or Cambridge or something! really old brick building with wonderful architecture and aoh, it's so great. and I have my own room! and it's not too small either. well, okay, it's small, but not as claustrophobic as I expected. (my spelling sucks!) and everyone's really social too! which is nice. it's very, Very co-ed though. my neighbor is a guy named Andrew, and two doors down is my new good friend, Sean. i still haven't quiet figured out everything about thise building! as in, where do I get water? but that will come in time. hopefully not a lot of time. um...i can't think of anything else to say, so i'm just gonna go now. God Bless!

352178  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-09-15
Written: (7200 days ago)

ah, life is so wonderfully random and complicated! I think I have a job. My little sister does have a job, but I'm okay with that! The 'Historical Fencing Club' is coming very slowly but it's coming! wOoHoO! school starts again in about two weeks, and I cannot wait. I miss the Dominican Republic SO much it's not even funny...well maybe just a little bit.  and um....state fair's are really fun.  I want to be a better and more dedicated artist, but just have no stinking time! well, correction, I have too many equally important things to do with my time. there you go. 
  Dude this is starting to sound kind of depressing and I'm not at all depressed! in fact, I'm quite happy right now! I know, I'm just really tired. i'll go to sleep now.  g'night!

247485  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-06-07
Written: (7300 days ago)

well, [Kairanie] had a review up of PoA, so i thought i'd copy her wonderful idea. Yes, we saw it late Saturday night, in full costume!! I decided I must have been Pansy Parkinson, as I had a green tie and scarf, and Pansy was the only Slytherin I could think off. Oh, and of course, wearing my elven cloak over all! the movie was fantastic!! Some of my favorite parts of the book were, of course, left out, but I was deeply impressed that the movie did not dumb down what was there simply because the explanaition was missing! As Kairanie said, the music was phenominal, as were, in my opinion, the special effects of Buckbeak, and the Whomping Willow. The transitions were nothing short of amazing, and Emma Watson, as Hermione, nearly stole the show!!! she may be 14, but the girl can ACT.  That acting was, indeed, much better than the first two. David Thewis may not have 'looked' the right part for Lupin, but he sure played it perfectly! I'd say the only parts I found less than perfect were: the werewolf, the Patronus (it didn't even Look like Prongs), and Sirius Black. I don't know if it was Gary Oldman, the makeup, or something else, but he just didn't fit!  Another of the best things was a couple of short little scenes about Harry's life as a teenager, just hanging around with the other guys, and that kind of thing. Anyway, this seems sufficiently long. everyone, Go See the Movie!! or even better (Re-)Read the Book! :D

"double, double, toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble."
-oh, come on! I couldn't resist, that melody is so darn Persistant!!

"Nope, definatly have to chop it off."
-Ron in PoA

244862  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-06-04
Written: (7303 days ago)

dah! okay, i'm lame. Yoda sent me like seven messages on my cell today and since i recently set up the Voice mail i'd never had to check it before and i spent so long trying to figure out how to listen to my voice mail! eish!i feel lame.

good news! Yoda got his game cube back! which means as soon as he also gets his gameboy advance's we can play FF: Crystal Chronicles again! whee!
AND latin final was SO easy!!! goodness, it was wonderful! okay, that's it for now. i have to catch a train in um...three hours.....bye all!

240985  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-01
Written: (7306 days ago)

what do you do for someone that you love, as more than a brother, but won't go out with, who has known betrayal you can't imagine and that he won't tell, and who tries his best not to trust his own family? 

I honestly don't know.

234125  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-05-25
Written: (7313 days ago)

well, it's not official yet, but we're pretty sure we beat the Genius book of world records for the largest planned pillow fight. We must've have nearly a thousand people!! and i was stupid and didn't take off my glasses and now they're slightly crooked!
and Someone up there has apparently decided that I don't need sleep! two nights in a row with very little, and I still sit there for nearly three hours wide awake. *yawn* aw well. such is life.
well, i'm basically moving out of my dorm on friday, scariness! already started taking stuff off my walls. they look so bare! oh, and I need to skiddaddle off to breakfast!
God Bless!

233401  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-24
Written: (7314 days ago)

i'm going to bed...at 2:30 in the afternoon. good night

227787  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-20
Written: (7318 days ago)

okay, i'm excited!!! yay. *breath* well! i just found out that there is a latin verb "peregrinor," which means "to travel abroad, or to wander." so, "peregrinor" = "Peregrin" as in the Took.  It works!!! Peregrin traveled all over middle earth, and that was definately "abroad" for a Hobbit!! yay! oh this is so cool. Yes i am a complete and utter geek. 

227717  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-20
Written: (7318 days ago)

well, life is pretty crazy, as always. i'm starting to get scared about the summer again. It's comming on SO fast! Help! daaggh. i feel so unprepared, like there's so much i sould be doing, but at the same time, there's really not much i CAN do right now! eeeeick.

so uh, the fencing club is comming along. we now have officers, and paperwork is in, and it's "that" close to being official. and the sports facility place is being stupid and beaurocratic and majorly lame!!! First, they say we can't have a space until we've been a club for a year, and then we can apply for a space once we submit a "history," and the gal was rather rude about the whole thing. and how are we supposed to exist for a year, and have any kind of a "history," with out a place to practice?! Also, we know for a fact that they have a cache of old equipment, like masks and pads and old foils lying around that they haven't used in years! it's just sitting there gathering dust. so, since WE can use it, I simply asked if it was there, could we use it, and can i find out exactly what "it" is. and the anser was "we don't lend out equipment, it's only for ongoing IMA activies." Hello?! do they not understand that we want to BE and "ongoing activity?!"  I very politely said that I would like to meet with the gal personally because a practice space is rather crucial to a martial arts centered group, and her respsonse amounted to "well there are 500 groups that manage to find a space for a year, why can't you?"  someone please, please explain to me how people can be this narrow minded, unhelpful and idiotic!

on a lighter note, my core group tonight was so totally awesome!!! we sit in these tiny preschool chairs, and two people almost fell off them tonight, it was SO funny!!! :D and it was just all around great fun. 
"Spiritually enlightened, but emotionally unstable." 
said by Becca Arrowsmith, tonight, result:gales of laughter for a full five minutes! oh the things that happen in Bible Study!

225761  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-05-18
Written: (7320 days ago)

Conclusion: Harry Potter is the most addictive series known to man. 

Evidence: Having read the fifth book twice previously, and re-reading it in february followed by the rest of the published series, I finished number four on sunday morning and have since reached page #227. 

225576  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-05-18
Written: (7320 days ago)
Next in thread: 225815

If I could, I'd go out and ride a horse through the woods. If i had a horse, i'd go to fencing practice. If I went to fencing practice, I'd never finish my art history essay. If i never finished my art history essay, I'd prabably pass the class anyway. so, i wish I had a horse, and a wood, and my thick wool cloak that's in my room at home...IF it wasn't raining. *sigh*
 okay, i know, i'm being all depressing and apathetic. but sometimes it can be a welcome change from my usually confoundedly cheerful state. It's just hard to care about school that much right now. and, not caring about school, it's very easy to want to be home earning money, or hanging out with Yoda (I love HALO). 
 Finally, everyone should go see TROY. Of course i'm half gushing over the ample supply of men with unbeleivable physiques, and naturally, the music and amazing costumes alone would make it worth seeing at least once. But in addition (according to my sister, who loves the Illiad like i love Tolkien) they managed NOT to butcher the plot. *gasp!* change, yes, but not butcher.

*singing* rain, rain, go away....*wanders off towards essay...*

221425  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-13
Written: (7325 days ago)

well, well. my DR team "finally" gets me my VBS information, this morning, like five minutes ago. and they want my lesson plan by - Friday! ... Um, hello? there's these little things called "life," "school," "family," "friends," etc, and "prior engagments" that may prevent people from just up and writing a lesson plan!!! grrr...they could at least be reasonable. 
  and , i got up this morning, and couldn't find my bible. which was really sad, i don't remember where I put it last night!! grrrrr. 
enough complaining, bizzy! stop it! think happy thoughts!! I get to see Troy with Yoda tomorrow night!! :D yay. and um...i get to eat lunch with Anya tomorrow! yay! and i have lots of homwork to do today...not quite so yay, but that's okay.

219858  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-05-11
Written: (7327 days ago)

I don't want to write my spanish essay, I really don't. frump! well, I aced both exams i took last wednesday (day of insanity!! oh my goodness!) which is nice! but my workload hasn't gone down, at all!! yuck. so why am I even here? cuz i'm perfecting my newly aquired talent for procrastination. yeah, that's it! 
(little voice in head that sounds strangly like Jack "Bizzy! Why are you not doing your homework?! You should do your homework! Go! Do it! Now! OUT!" *pushes laureanna out of Elftown....*)

218741  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-10
Written: (7327 days ago)

grrr...well. at least the commision is gone. it was nice to have one, but the timing was WAY too cramped, and I am not at all satisfied with the outcome. i was so stressed today because of it. but now, it's gone! and the chick was happy with it, so i guess that's okay. anyway, i still have a weekend's worth of homework to do, so i'm going to go take a nap! :D

"First, I would like to make one thing quite clear...I never
explain anything."
~Mary Poppins

213404  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-05-05
Written: (7333 days ago)

well, I have two exams tomorrow, and unless I completely lose my head, I own both of them. So, obviously,I'm not too worried!
 Fundraising for the DR is comming along (yay) almost half way there. my writting has, sadly, taken a total backseat. that and i haven't felt very inspired. I Have felt do many urges to do SO many art pieces and i'm not being able to do them is starting to make me a little sad. I just have too much other stuff to do.  but, oh well. i have other priorities. 

*I get to go the Lake House this weekend! Wheee!*happy dance* wake board, here I come! oh, wait, i'm going to spend half the time working for my grandparents. drat! oh well!

anyhoo, i gues that's it. 

"The artist should not only paint what he sees before him, but also what he sees within him." ~Caspar David Friedrich

 The logged in version 

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