[Particle Girl]'s diary

923216  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-25
Written: (6279 days ago)
Next in thread: 923341

Do kids still eat cereal every morning like I used to, or does everyone just drink Mountain Dew and call it good? I just ate a bowl of Peanut Butter Crunch, which used to be MY FAVORITEZOMGZ when I was 8. Gross. I know that was over 10 years ago, but I was seriously expecting it to taste a lot better. I mean, it must if it was what I asked for every morning at daycare, amirite? Part of me is convinced they changed the recipe since 1994. But Lucky Charms? Still AWESOME. Maybe not a bowl that big, but still awesome. Have you ever done that, eaten something you loved when you were little but haven't touched in 10+ years? Try it sometime. It's weird.

918381  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-10
Written: (6294 days ago)

I am getting birthday wishes from people I don't even know! Very cool. :D So in a hour and ten minutes, I'll be 21, which is neat. Adam and I resolved our stuff, so I'm happy about that. What I am not happy about is that my brother is in the hospital tonight. He has mono, like really bad mono, and got dehydrated, he's staying overnight at Swedish. He can't swallow, so that's probably how it happened. He'll be fine, but I still worry because apparently not all of my inner big sister being is angry and spiteful. Who knew. But tomorrow he'll get to come home. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to get Chik-fil-UH with Grant, lunch with my dad (assuming he doesn't act retarded like he has been all week -_-) and then tomorrow night we're all going to the Cheesecake Factory and then run around downtown like a bunch of ninnies. I'll probably do another ADiML post, because it is fun to run around with a camera all day. So, I'm off to bed and in the morning I'll be an official and proper adult (I say it doesn't count if you can't drink or gamble)! Yay! Or something. :P

912529  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-02-21
Written: (6311 days ago)

Just a romantic rant. You've been warned. ;D

I got a love letter last week. :) Something about them... it's just the most sincere way to tell someone you love them, I think. I guess that's why it meant so much coming from Adam. He's the most sincere and selfless person I've ever met , the most amazing person I know, one of the smartest, and so on. And even though we've been going out for a year (if you count our "break"; is it still a break if you made out with the person anyway? ), I feel so much closer to him each time I read it. It makes me wonder about the period before we started dating in college and if I was ever truly over him. Heeee. Yay. My boyfriend kicks ass. :)

906878  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-06
Written: (6326 days ago)
Next in thread: 906879, 907393
901887  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-01-23
Written: (6340 days ago)

Put your make-up away
Cause getting drunk and feeling sad is no occasion
Especially today

Volcanologists say
That we're the best
That we're unlike the rest
Lava kiss

Volcanologists say
That we're the best
That we're unlike the rest
Lava Kiss

897613  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-01-12
Written: (6351 days ago)

Things you don't want to hear your brother say: "Today at work, we were talking about beat-boxing during sex *visual explanation ensues*"

I'm going to go stab myself in the EYES now.

895507  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-01-06
Written: (6357 days ago)

I can't sleep...

HECK YES school starts in a little over a week. I was getting sooooo bored! I've been feeling like I'm just standing still. Working is fun, but I need something else to do and I've been wanting to start on my new major for almost a year now. I was a little worried I wouldn't be going back this semester, but I am. I'm taking Chem 1 and Western Civ at ACC (easier commute for two classes as opposed to Auraria... I'll get there soon!) and they will both transfer to Metro and count towards my major (I need both classes). It's a little step and yet it isn't. Chem is going to be a pain and will kick my ass if I'm not careful. But of all the science classes I took in HS, Chemistry was probably my favorite. I've never taken a college science class before, so that's freaking me out a little bit. It would seem that it is custom for my friends to take western civ in pairs, which is funny since I'm taking the class with Adam. We will kick ass (and ride the train home together, which makes me happy!). I'm so excited! I think the break was good for me, but one (technically 2) semester off was more than enough and I'm psyched to get back in the game.

Oh yeah. One year ago tonight I kissed me an Adam and we've been bugging all our friends ever since (which is why I dislike PDA so much). We celebrated by watching "A Fish Called Wanda", playing Tetris (and Meteos... and Clubhouse Games...) and drinking coffee at my house. We were going to go downtown (art museum!) but it was fucking cold!

889440  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-12-20
Written: (6373 days ago)

704 AM MST WED DEC 20 2006






888134  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-12-17
Written: (6377 days ago)
Next in thread: 888137, 888138


ZOMG is it December already?

It's amazing how much can change in one year. I've lost so much dead weight (including nearly 10 pounds of real weight) and gained so much strength since this time last year. I dropped my teaching major. I dropped my teaching major. Holy crap! There's some dead weight for you! I seriously never thought I'd do that. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd pursue a science major and a math minor, but something snapped and I realized that I needed to be in a different place. Despite the fact I have an ungodly amount of hard work ahead of me, I have never felt a bigger weight lifted from my shoulders. I look forward to being challenged and learning some cool stuff. I'm studying math in the meantime. Nothing big, just enough to massage my brain. My brain seems to like math and clouds a lot more than writing essays and screaming children with no manners (don't get me started on their parents...), so this should be a much better fit career-wise. 

I effectively lost my job at the daycare because I can't drive. Whatever. I was sad at first (what a fucking reason to lose a job at age 20), but losing the stress of dealing with bratty kids at 7 in the morning has seriously given me less migraines, more serenity and, most importantly, more time to sleep. My time at the daycare taught me the most important thing I've learned all year: I was not meant to be a teacher. More dead weight gone.

For the first time in my life, I am in a truly healthy relationship. I have no reasons to doubt my boyfriend's strength because we've known each other for so long. I know he's not the strongest person in the world, but he knows the same about me, which I think is a lot more thn most couples can say.  I don't have to worry about him every waking minute of the day because we're both adults and we are fully aware that we can take care of ourselves. Of course, I still do worry, but not too much. To not be in a relationship with a selfish person is a beautiful thing. To have someone that cares about your well-being more than when you are going to be amazing for them seems so rare. We had a 3-month break, we learned a lot and, against everyone's expectations, we got back together. During said break, there was an incident where (he didn't realize it at the time), I realized people's feelings can be fucking fragile. I like to think because of what happened I've mellowed some.  We've watched each other grow up a little bit. We're not miserable. We're not shallow. We're easy-going when we're together and when we're apart, we live our lives focused on what we're doing (well, as focused as we've ever been, which may not be saying much) knowing in the backs of our minds that we're lucky to have each other. We don't worry about when we'll see each other next because of sex or false gratification, we worry about it because we want Scrabble, coffee and time to talk about whatever (whatever = David Byrne, David Byrne, lower-case ts, David Byrne). I LOVE dating an independent person. I love being in love with a man instead of a boy. I love that I've found the difference between the two. Adam is my man and I've grown a lot because of him and his actions. It's so rare to find someone with a good soul. My boyfriend is a genuine person.

I GOT A MASSIVELY AWESOME RAISE BECAUSE JESUS AND STARBUCKS LOVE ME LIKE A LOT. I'm doing my own insurance for the same reasons. Scary! I've also increased the amount of coffee I drink weekly by 700%, a result of buying a cute little copper French press named African Pierre. I decided that flavored creamers aren't a work of Satan. They're pretty good to me in the mornings. I've also lost a lot of patience with customers, but not so much that I come off as rude... just enough so they realize they've come to me for a drink, not the meaning of life. I don't recite every type of tea we have anymore, I point to our menu and smile politely, tell them not to add milk to the Passion or Wild Sweet Orange or it will curdle. I still love my job. My co-workers are the shit. They're my second family. I look forward to seeing my regulars every time I come into work. I make them smile by giving them caffeine, knowing their names/drinks and by caring about their days/lives/pets/firearms and they make me happy by caring about me and by tipping me.

I started a new hobby: writing letters. I spent approx. 7 trillion dollars on neat stationary and Sanrio EVERYTHING and now I have penpals in Georgia and California. I write to Grant, which has brought us closer together, Onyx and Sebastian. Also I discovered Final Fantasy is pretty fucking awesome. Additionally, I did not have a stroke waiting for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl to be released in North America like I predicted, and neither did Haylee. I'm proud of both of us, but that doesn't change the fact there's still no fucking release date (besides "Spring 2007!"), so we might still have strokes in '07.

My boobs did not get bigger, but neither did my butt, so that's a-ok.

My family has changed a lot too. My parents finally split and things are going ok. My brother has changed a lot, for the better. It took a near-death experience to bring him to light on a lot of things, but he's a great kid and I love him. My dad and I don't fight anymore. Of course, this is because we only see each other a few times a week, but it's ok. It really is. He visits me at work, comes by the house to pick up his mail, we go to movies. He asks about my friends, about Adam and why is he so nervous around him (because boyfriends are intimidated by their girlfriend's dads, it's Newtons 4th law, duh), about when I'm going back to school and why don't I write to my Grandmother more (because she's insane, that's why). My mom is quitting her job after all and we're buying her a puppy for Mother's Day (A poodle! I can't wait!).

The "A" key on my laptop sticks and my harddrive was wiped (almost twice). 2006 has taught me it may be time to think about investing in a laptop that doesn't make me cry.

I saw Muse live. I saw Les Miserables at the Buell. I saw BNL for the second time and they rocked once more. Most importantly, I FINALLY GOT TO SEE GUSTER AGAIN AND THEY SANG "LONG WAY DOWN".

Of all the things that I dropped, I've never looked back. I'm done with looking back. School is going to be a PAIN IN THE ASS and it's going to take me much longer to graduate, but all good things take time. 2006 wasn't wonderful. A lot of bad things happened, but a lot of good things happened, too. 2004 was nice because I still had the safety of my high school for a while, wheras 2005 was just not all that good to me. I like to think it's all balanced in the end. 

As for the future... 

I'm not gonna lie, 2007 scares me, a lot. I'm going back to school for a really hard major after a semester off, during which I accomplished very little. But I think as long as I trust in God, I'll be ok... right? I've started going to bed at a decent time and waking up early. I've started to limit my spending. You know what you really really really shouldn't do? Start a budget the same week you start your fucking Christmas shopping. That's a shit idea, I'm not even kidding. But I made it! I have a jar with money in it, money that could been spent on a new mug, a DS game, anything, but it's there on my bookshelf in a jar. Despite the fact I started my budgeting on the worst week possible, I've stuck to it more than I expected and I'm here on a Saturday night with tip money I got Monday that I haven't spent.

I have big plans for 2007. I'm going back to school, and I'm going to do it RIGHT. I'm going to submerse myself in math and not slack off with my peeps as much (sorry). I'm going to study my ass off, and I'm going to make sure that that isn't empty talk. The nice thing about a Meteorology major is that the sky really is the limit and I'm going to try and remind myself of that a lot. I'm going to get a damn car and maybe even a Wii. I'm going to become a better friend. I'll be seen less, but I'll still be a better friend. Maybe I'll even get laid (kidding).

884955  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-12-10
Written: (6384 days ago)

Something to do while I wait for the sleeping pills to kick in...

-- Name: Juliezors!
-- Nickname: Ju-lay, Julie (pronounced in Spanish), Bella, Jules, Jew, Bert, Is that my frappucino?, Julio
-- Birth date: 3-10-86
-- Birthplace: Englewood
-- Current location: On my bed, wrapped in a blanket
-- Eye color: Brown
-- Hair color: Faded red
-- Height: 9 foot 6
-- Righty or lefty: Righty
-- Your heritage: Polish, Hungarian, Slackopian
-- Your weakness: School
-- Your fears: Losing my brother, dying in a plane crash
-- Your perfect pizza: A pan pizza from Pizza Hut shared with my friends. Maybe with pepperoni if I'm feeling adventurous. Actually, yes on the pepperoni. Pizza Hut burns their's slightly and it is yummy!
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Grand Master Meteorologist.
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: I don't IM anymore
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Now... do I have work... and do I feel like coffee, tea or cocoa for breakfast?
-- Your best physical feature: Not sure. I guess my face.
-- Your bedtime: Anywhere between 11 pm and 2 am. Usually 1ish.
-- Your most missed memory: There was a snowstorm a few years ago when Pierre still lived here. He came over (got his car stuck) and we had a snowball fight. Made forts and everything! After that, he Josh and I took a walk down the street. There was no traffic, the snow had muted the night air and it was just the three of us walking down the street. I think that's what it must feel like to have an older brother. He moved away soon after that to be with his fiance (who is also awesome). I miss him. I wonder if he has any idea what an impact he made on me and my brother.
-- Soda: I don't really drink soda, but every now and then Coke/Pepsi is awesome with greasy food.
-- Fast food joint: I guess Sonic?
-- Single or group dates: Single dates in the freezing rain that last the whole day and possibly into the night. There's millions of possibilities when you just set aside a day for each other. Anything can happen. I can't WAIT for my next birthday...
-- Adidas or Nike: ROOS!!! SRSLYOMG
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Tazo
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate. Vanilla is so overrated. I'm not even kidding. And even better than chocolate? CARAMEL!
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Not a cappucino girl myself. I make 'em good though! Coffee in the morning, lattes all other times of the day with the occasional mocha or cup of tea. In all honesty, who needs alcohol when you have coffee and tea? I am ADDICTED.
-- Smoke: Nope.
-- Cuss: Like a sailor fuckers!
-- Sing: Only at Christmas.
-- Take a shower every day: Usually.
-- Have a crush (es): Just my bf
-- Do you think you've been in love: Just once. Now.
-- Want to go to college: Shyah.
-- Like high school: Middle school was way cooler. Senior year wasn't bad though.
-- Want to get married: Of course!
-- Believe in yourself: Not right now.
-- Get motion sickness: No
-- Think you're attractive: Hell yes.
-- Think you're a health freak: Yeah, I like being skinny a little too much. 
-- Get along with your parents: Yep!
-- Like thunderstorms: What do YOU think??
-- Play an instrument: Nah.
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: A little every Sunday, if that even counts.
-- Smoked: No
-- Done a drug: Nothing Illegal
-- Had sex: Nope
-- Made out: Hell yes!
-- Gone on a date: No :(
-- Gone to the mall: Yep
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: God no!
-- Eaten sushi: Nah
-- Been on stage: *cries*
-- Gone skating: No
-- Made homemade cookies: Not yet!
--Gone skinny-dipping: In my bathtub!
-- Dyed your hair: No, but I need to decided what the hell I want to do color-wise, because my hair looks ridiculous. If only Starbucks allowed cah-razy hair colors. I'm going to try and find a dye that look plum next time. Something totally different.
-- Stolen anything: Nah
-- Been called a tease: I've perfected it into an artform at work XD
-- Gotten beaten up: Not really.
-- Shoplifted: No
-- Changed who you were to fit in: I couldn't even if I wanted to... my high school was weird.
-- Age you hope to be married: Not too young, not too old and absolutly not before I finish college.
-- Numbers and names of children: I want 4 kids, 2 boys, 2 girls. I like the idea of having a big-ish family. I love picking out potential names for my kids. I've been pondering it since I was 14. I like the names Veronica, Grace, Amelia, Helen and Melissa for girls and Francis, Joshua, Simon, Isaac and Clay (it would be a namesake from my favorite book) for boys. Melissa and Simon are musical references (Allman Brothers Band and The Shins, respectively) because I like to think I've started some sort of family tradition of being named after songs (I'm named after the Beatles song "Julia"). Also, the names Katherine and Haylee might be good names too ;)
-- Describe your dream wedding: At my mom's church in New Jersey. Seriously the most beautiful church ever.
-- How do you want to die: Old, with great grandkids and a big loud family like mine now.
-- Where do you want to go to college: Metro. Shoot for the stars. -_-
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: A meteorologist
-- What country would you most like to visit: Either Japan, England or Western Samoa.

879386  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-11-27
Written: (6397 days ago)

One, two, three, four!
I was kidnapped real young by the sweet taste of love
Built a fondness for things that just weren't good enough
I cradled the crow, always shooed off the dove
Which tagged me a naïve son
So the fortunate kids, yeah they left on their lights
And they stuck up their noses and started some fights
Their parents all cackled at dirt on my hands
While my father was slaving, my mother explained it
Sometimes that's just how it is
So my sister went kissing a maple-skinned boy
Finally held up her fists, said "I'm done being coy!"
And the neighbourhood boys started buzzing with joy
We finally had front-page news
Although it was sad, I couldn't help but laugh
Such ridiculous hate in the hot summer sweat
I laid on my back, let the punk record spin
The stomping guitar, it was shooting out stars
It all went to my heart, yeah some rainbows in the dark
So I called up danger, my friends and some strangers
They stumbled and wavered, one called me his saviour
They slipped me the blood in the whole of the vial
But I didn't feel them change
Then I met a man with a fist for a hand
Held me flat on my back, taught me how to give in
Some phrases were shot, pretty roses got tossed
The gift of a fat-lipped grin
Now they're drilling my teeth while I'm soiling sheets
With my lover, she's counting the diamonds on rings
And even when truth doesn't help with the sting
Out of no numbers, some harsh looking colour
You pull them out, feel they're changed
No need for a thousand cranes
So I thank the city, the lights that it's spinning
The friends that I have and the shoes we’re not shining
The drunk horn’s so violent, all spinning out sounds
But the colour’s so vibrant , the colour’s so loud
The newly-born crying realizing what life is
In the eyes of my grandpa, the right people dying
The see-saw of love, its rickety bounce
The feeling of coming, the feeling of going
The mother, the child, the tame and the wild
The sleeping in minor, the gold leaf, the tire
The crooked, the straight, all the hip and the fake
Oh, I'm finally feeling the stitching of beautiful seams
Sometimes you just can't hold back the river
Sometimes you just can't hold back the river
Sometimes you just can't hold back the river
Sometimes you just can't hold back the river
Hold back the river, hold back the river, hold back the river

 The logged in version 

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