[Lady Chaos]'s diary

888530  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-12-18
Written: (6376 days ago)

I'm A Big Phoney After All...

Alright, alright, I must eat humble pie on this occasion; Alexander Graham Bell, I am truly sorry for all the cruel things I said about your invention, the telephone... I'm very sorry for the numerous occasions on which I complained about the phone, cursed the phone, or put my head in my hands, wailed and rolled my eyes back in my head with sheer abiding woe upon hearing the ringing of the phone for the millionth unwelcome time that day... because now, after doing battle with said phone for so long, I feel it is time to make peace. But why, you ask? Ahhh, here is the best part... My parents bought me a brand spankin' new mobile phone!!! Yeaaaah!! (And, of course, they bought [Nebsy] one too!) Oh, it takes pictures! It plays mp3s! It can connect to the computer! Oh, it's an absolute marvel of a creature, so much bigger and better than my old phone (which, might I add, has served me well these last two years). The only downside to it is that it's white, but I made a black phone jewellery thing for it - complete with rubber spider - so that it looks better. Anyway, I had best not continue blathering on about how fantastic my new phone is in case I cause the readers to turn up their toes and die from pure envy. Hehe. Boy it's a good phone.

Anyway, in other news! Christmas is approaching, bearing down on us like an avalanche of food, presents and holiday cheer... I have to get Nebs a present, but other than that all my shopping's done. Hopefully I'll get a sleighload of extra work in the days leading up to Christmas.

Another random piece of news... that rifle toting, rapping clone of mine (Nebs) is going BLONDE this week. Blonde!! She's done the test strand and all... so, hopefully sometime on Wednesday, myself and my mum will help Nebs take 50 points off her IQ by giving her hair euthanasia (helping it to dye). Also, today Nebs dyed my hair back to black... the world is now a better place without my contribution of two and a half centimetres of mouse-brown regrowth. <:3 )~~~

My ever-enchanting [Man With Stick] took me to see Eragon recently... and, all you Elftowners, if you haven't already seen it, go see it! That movie was awesome. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed that Durza (the evil magic guy) just happened to look like a redheaded version of Dani Filth (from Cradle of Filth), complete with eerie pale blue eyes, (though with less makeup)... judge for yourself...



Anywhoa, I've prattled enough... whoever you are who has been so patient as to read through this entire blog entry (especially the inane comparisons of the appearance of movie characters with music people), then you thoroughly deserve...


(Or other holiday celebration!)
882838  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-12-05
Written: (6389 days ago)

Party People
WARNING: If you really don't care about Australian Politics, you might want to not read this blog entry, despite the witticisms that you will be missing out on.

Woohooo!!! Another four years of advancement, progress and prosperity under a Bracks Labor state government. And I can proudly say that I did my bit! The kind and ever-patient-with-other-people's-lame-political-causes [Man With Stick] and I handed out how-to-vote (Labor, of course) cards at the election, and I tell you what, it was FUN! I didn't think I would enjoy it so much, but it was really good - smiling at all the annoyed voters trying to make their way to the polling booth without armfuls of propaganda, talking and just generally basking in Andrew's glow... and, of course, giving everyone who attended our polling booth between three-thirty and six The Chance To Vote Labor.

After that, we went inside and scrutineered, that is, watched the voties being counted. It was interesting, not too time-consuming, and had a much more friendly atmosphere than I'd thought it would have. And after that, we went to Anne Eckstein (MP for Ferntree Gully)'s office to sit around, eating and drinking and watching the election coverage on telly.

Well, I guess the bad news has to happen sometime - although Labor won the election, Peter Lockwood, the current Labor MP ruling my electorate (Bayswater) lost... so now we are stuck with (prepare for the name) "Heidi Victoria". No joke, that's her name. I ask you, why not just go the whole hog and name yourself "Wonderwoman Australia" or "Cleopatra Melbourne"... sheesh. Also, Anne Eckstein, the awesome MP who comes along to the Boronia ALP branch meetings is probably still in "electoral purgatory"... as you can see from the Victorian Electoral Commission website (http://www.vec.vic.gov.au/closestseats.html), she is locked in the absolute closest possible battle to the death with her Liberal arch-nemesis, Nick Wakeling. Carn Anne!! Yeaah! You can win!! (At the time of writing this, she is ahead by 0.1%).

Also, at a federal level, we have a new Labor Party leader... Kevin Rudd! (With his cool deputy Julia Gillard). Much as Kim Beazley is a clever guy, a good politician and a formidable leader of the party, he just isn't as cool as the Rudd-Gillard team... on the The Age newspaper online poll that I just did, of the 6643 people who voted on the poll, 76% say that Kevin Rudd can defeat Little Johnny Howard at the next election! Boo-yah!!

In other, non-boring-and-confusing-Australian-political-nonsense-related news, did I mention that [Man With Stick] was great? The wonderful heaven-sent blessing that we call "summer holidays" means that I've been able to see my stick-bearing man more than once a week! Last week we went to the beach... THE BEACH!! I can't even remember the last time I went swimming at the beach... (> 4 years I think)... until last Tuesday when Andrew got the day off work and we went! It was such a wonderful day. Also we saw Saw 3, which was very scary and cool. But I know there's nothing worse than a bragging blog entry, so I won't go on... but oh man, my Andrew, he is awesome.

878020  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-23
Written: (6401 days ago)

Living in Gumdrop House on Lollypop Lane

Yes, I am beset by happy happenings lately... the wonderful (and gorgeous!) [Man With Stick] (that's Andrew... YES, he joined Elftown!!) gave me a present to celebrate uni finishing for the year - The Sims 2 University! Now I know for sure I won't miss going to uni because I'll still sort of be at uni! ... And you think that's good? Multiply it by about 75, because that's the number of CDs of games that the aforementioned [Man With Stick] has lent me and [Nebsy]!! Games! Games out the wazoo! Including Unreal Tournament 2004, System Shock II, Age of Empires II, Baldur's Gate (original!), Icewind Dale, Half Life, and millions more. Oh boy, am I ever a happy Yoss lately.

In other fantasteriffic news, I have been doing all the things I said I'd do in my last blog entry... baking hundreds of shortbreads, writing poems, chatting (not enough! Sorry!), doing a bit of extra work, and, of course, shopping. And oh, how good it was to go shopping. I at last got a belt that I'd been wanting for a few months and needing for even longer. So it looks like Her Majesty Queen Perpetual Ass Crack's reign has come to an end! ( Y ) Also, Nebs and I have been able to go to church on Wednesday now that uni's out... we are usually the youngest ones there, by about 30 years. o.0 Also I've been entering a few Elftown competitions... the portrait contest and the mood icon contest! Boy, I hope I win SOMETHING at last. Also, I've helped to make Elftown a better place! No, I haven't ridded this sweet town of the cruel and undemocratic wiki-ratings, but I have made comments on diary entries more see-able by making a suggestions in the *gasp* suggestions forum! Aaaah! A forum! So next time you leave a comment on someone's diary entry in their guestbook, there'll be a little button that says "show comments" under the diary entry. Aren't I just the best? *batts eyelashes*

The Victorian State Election is on this Saturday... Andrew will also be handing out how-to-vote cards and watching the vote count. Boy, I hope we win. How can Labor not win? Look at all the wonderful things they've done for our state.

And remember, my good tlhIngan Hol-speaking (Klingon-speaking) friends residing in Victoria...

nepmey Dujatlh Ted'a' Davoqbe'
woQ bInobbe' ghom Liberal
pISaH ghom Labor

(Big Ted speaks lies to you, don't trust him, don't give the Liberal Party political power, the Labor Party cares about you.)

I just had to use those somewhere...

873416  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-11-10
Written: (6413 days ago)


Yes, I don't care whose trademark the word "YEAH" is, but I just had to use it, because no other word sums up how I feel quite so elegantly. I FINISHED MY GUZAMS!!! They're more over than the leg of a lucky guy! More done than dinner! Boo-yah!

As for marks... I'd say high credit or low distinction on Genetics and low credit if I'm lucky on Psych. And as for Sociology (the one without the exam), I'm pretty sure I'll be getting a high distinction so high that I'll have to book it into drug rehab! :D

But, the question remains, what am I to do with all this free time that has suddenly appeared? (Three and a half months to be quite precise.) Plans are to shop til I drop, bake til I flake, chat til my fingers fall off and write poetry til my eyes bleed. Also, I'll be entering the ET portrait contest if I have time... my ego needs a good workout, and drawing oneself is the perfect way to get it in shape for summer. Also, hopefully I'll be getting a bit of extra time at work... After all, daily shopping trips don't fund themselves.

In other news, state election on November the 25th! Woo-hoo! Vote Bracks, because he listens then acts. Ted Baillieu (or however you spell it) sucks because his party are losers and their campaign ads are lame and unconvincing. Oh well, at least the Liberal party's policies are good gymnasts... doing all those backflips...
Anyway, so yeah, I'll be helping hand out how-to-vote cards on Election Day and "scrutineering" (no, get those pirate images out of your head, it's not a cross between scurvy, mutiny and buccaneering, it means to count votes) afterwards. Oooh, it's going to be so cool! Vote Labor, ya'll.

870173  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-02
Written: (6422 days ago)

Putting the 'Dying' back in 'Studying'!
Today we'll be learning about paragraph linkage in a bid to make my blog more educational!

Yep, I've been reading lector notes and writing deathinitions... aaaand that's all I've got in terms of both-horror-and-study themed words. But yeah, my guzams are on the 8th and 9th of November, so it's really cram-time for Chaos considering I missed a few lectures and didn't do any of the reading. *Sigh*. Fortunately, the study is going well, albeit punctuated by dates with Andrew, Neopets flash games, occasional poems and downloading stacks of music.

Which, demonstrating paragraph linkage brings me to my next point... my absence from MSN. Yes, I know I've been very bad... "How can she have time for ET and blog, dates, Neopets flash games, poems and music, and yet not have time to chat to me?" I hear you ask. Well, the answer is quite simple. For one thing, the "breaks" I have from study (which I use for the above mentioned pursuits, except dates of course) are rarely longer than 20 minutes. Thus it would be one of those "hello-goodbye" chats, in which the other person treads on the Nail of Offense no matter how I have tried to hammer it safely into the Plank of Genuine Excuses. Also (I hypothesise here) due to what seems like the entire works of every band ever to exist taking up residence on my computer, my internet is doing what it and drug-addicted uni students do best - dropping out. Which makes MSN chats hard, as every time it does this, it signs me out of MSN. And now with guzams poised to strike (and my aforementioned laziness in keeping up to date with lectures and reading) I have to spend every spare minute studying. Sorry! Unless the evil forces known as Work commandeer me after guzams, I should be on MSN more often then.

And now, demonstrating no paragraph linkage whatsoever, I should take this moment to brag about the fact that me, Andrew, [Nebsy] and [damn_deleted] went to see The Dudesons ("Who?" you ask? Put simply: Finnish Jackass) movie yesterday in the city, and it was great. There were 2 actual Dudesons there too! I gave the movie 4 stars out of 5... Good, but not as good as Jackass... the movie had a more retrospective feel to it ("we did this stunt" instead of "we're doing this stunt"), and although it was nice they introduced all four Dudesons, I couldn't for the life of me tell them apart. It also didn't help they all have names starting with J. Still, great movie, cool stunts, very funny. See clips of them doing stunts from the movie at www.dudesons.com.

Well, speaking of painful and extreme stunts (and thus demonstrating paragraph linkage) I must get back to the study and continue reading psych lectures. I'm learning about knowledge representation... oh, why do I keep procrastinating? Must study. Must study… must study is an interesting phrase that connotes urgency in it’s two-word structure. The repetition of it in this context… *hits self over head with keyboard*.

867229  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-10-25
Written: (6430 days ago)

Feelin' Patriotic

Nebs and I have just made over sixty Anzac biscuits! :D For all those unfamiliar with the deliciousness that is Anzac biscuits, Anzac stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps, and by biscuits we mean cookies. Basically these big, flat, deliciously sweet biscuits made with oats and golden syrup. (Wikipedia it if you want the recipe!) And of course, as one usually feels after making one of the three Australian sweet recipes (pavlova, lamingtons or Anzacs) I'm feeling just a little patriotic.

It is nice to take a moment to reflect on just how awesome Australia actually is... (something I sadly didn't realise until I became online friends with Americans. Oooh, sorry!). We have free doctors, interest free student loans, kick-ass cool animals and brill scenery. Summer is long and good, winter isn't that wintery and no matter where you live here, there's always some sort of a beach (unless you live in, like, the outback). We have cool accents. We have multiculturalism. We have national identity. We have thongs. We have Nick Cave. We have footy, Vegemite, shark-teeth necklaces and almost constant barbecues. Granted we might also have a John Howard here and there, an Amanda Vanstone or two and the occasional Shane Warne, but at the end of the day, Australia rocks. Now I'm not saying that there aren't other countries out there that rock too... America has a half decent movie industry, the Netherlands has pot, Japan has anime, Canada has gay marriage and Finland has free university... but I'm just saying that to me, no other country could ever be as cool as Australia.

And on that note, I must go and eat more Anzac biscuits... oh, I feel more like I'm in the trenches with every bite!

862352  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-10-11
Written: (6444 days ago)

Woe Is Not Me

Nebs dyed my hair black! Black as the ace of spades! Permanent, too! But woe is most definitely not me, oh no. Unless by woe you mean indescribable happiness! :D

Where to start, where to start... Well, Kyneton was rockingly awesometacular. The three days Andrew and Pezza were on holiday with us were great - we walked, went swimming and spa-ing (especially spa-ing), went to Bendigo, played Uno and Scrabble together (with our good friend Mister Al Cohol), went canoeing, chased ducks, and lots of other stuff! And then when The Boys™ went home, Nebs and I totally overdosed on the exercise. We swam 30 laps twice, went bike riding, walked into town from the resort (which is a few km's), built another cubby, played minigolf and went shopping. Here's a photygraph of me and me hearties sailin' the high seas of the lake at the resort. Arrr!

(Left to right: Pezza, Nebsy, Andrew, me.)

And then on the day we came home from Kyneton, Andrew and I went to his friend's birthday party, and then the day after that we went to the Show (for all you non-Melburnians, that is the Royal Melbourne Show, where "the country comes to the city", and they have rides, food, showbags, stalls, animals on display, farm-related stuff and music and events). We went on some great rides and saw heaps of cute, cute, cute animals. I bought a Cadbury Chockettes showbag to share with Nebs. It was all in all just an awesome, wonderful day... although it seems like every day with Andrew is a wonderful day.

And since then? Well, as you can probably tell from my absence from Elftown / absence from MSN / the absence of replies to any emails you've sent me, I've been busy catching up on all the homework I couldn't do while I was on holiday. Today I finished a lab report worth 30% of my Psychology mark, and Nebs and I had a nice day wandering around Monash Uni since I went in on my day off to hand it in.

Also, dearest readers, I hate to brag (well, okay, I love to brag), but I recently finished the official best picture I've ever actually drawn in photoshop... it's a picture of my ET house, that is, if it were really a building, for the ET house art competition, and it took absolutely freaking ages. Fortunately the result was worth it, but the problem with ET contests is that no matter how good you are, there's always going to be someone either better at art than you, or with a big fat expensive graphics tablet and thousands of dollars worth of imaging software. *Sighs* Woe is me after all. But still, wrap your eyes around this!

(Click to enlarge)

So what's on the agenda for the next few weeks? Finishing the last few classes of the year at uni, finishing an essay, and then studying harder than a concrete soccer ball for my exams. But, more importantly, lots more Andrew Time! *Joy!*

855191  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-09-21
Written: (6464 days ago)


Yes, I'm well aware that we don't actually call it "spring break" in Australia... it's the "mid-semester holidays", but I thought "SPRING BREAK!!!" more accurately describes how cool these holidays are going to be.
Tomorrow [Nebsy], I and our mum are going away on holiday, for a whole wonderful week, to Kyneton Bushland Resort. Oh, it's a glorious heaven of a place... we go there every year, and I never get sick of it. For those who haven't already been bombarded with plugs to this page, you can see the "bushland" part of the resort at Cubby Building. But this isn't just any ordinary holiday... [damn_deleted] is coming up with us tomorrow, and tomorrow night, my wonderful Andrew will be joining us! The Boys™ as they shall henceforth be known, will be with us from Friday night to sometime on Monday! :D Ohhh, it's going to be awesome. And to compound the coolness, my mum has somehow got a hold of a digital video camera, so as soon as one of us grows the nouse to actually read how to make it work, we'll have video footage of our brilltastical holiday.

The down side to this joyous getaway amongst kangaroos, possums, trees and free pool and spa, is that I lose the whole one-week break from uni, the week that most people spend solidly doing their homework. So this kind of explains why I haven't been on Elftown or MSN much lately, it's because I've been trying to cram a week's worth of homework into the few spare minutes I can scrounge between uni, work, dates, TV, food and constant phone calls. So, *looks around accusingly, finger raised in condemnation* if you're somehow still offended by my absence, and stupid enough to let me know, then you'll get yours in the form of a semi-cryptic, hilarious poem uploaded onto ET that takes the mickey out of all your bad points. *Nods conclusively*.
(And I should probably mention that the fact that I'm going on holiday for a week means that I'm actually not going to be on ET or MSN for a week. So if you send me a message tomorrow, it's not going to get replied to for at least a week. Just in case anyone was unclear on that point.)

Aside from doing everything in my power to get ready for the wondrous holiday, Nebs and I went shopping... oh it was good, I got some new clothes and makeup at last. And might I take this moment to complain about the clothing colours that are currently "in" for girls... that awful blue colour, paired with red and white... gross. You'd want to run the clothes up a flagpole, not wear them. Needless to say everything I bought was black! :D Also, I've been enjoying some wonderful dates with Andrew... he really is amazing. Last weekend we went to Geelong, and it was great... I haven't been there for about a year, and it was really nice. I made a panorama out of photos I took! Have a look-see...


Anyway, cheerio for now, I'll be back with great stories of the immense fun that happened on the holiday! :D

846020  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-29
Written: (6487 days ago)

Good News Everyone!

Grrr, damn me for writing such a witty blog entry last time! How can I match up to that many metaphors?
Anyway, in keeping with the title, I have a long list of good news, longer than the wait on a junior burger at McDonalds! So we'll start with the least-cool news...

My Grandpa died. Now, while that's not usually good news, to be fair, he was 85, had lived a long, full life, died a quick and painless death (much better than months of suffering in hospital) and was a widower. But wait, I'm getting to the good bit. He was an absolute chocoholic and junk food junkie. And one can't have all that chocolate and various other wonderful foods just going to waste, now can one? So, needless to say, our family has "inherited" a rather large quantity of various sweet food... two packets of chocolate-coated icecreams, two tubs of gourmet icecream (one chocolate, one caramel fudge), two bags of Maltesers, a packet of shortbread, a bottle of maple syrup (and not the crummy stuff either, the good stuff, made in actual Canada), some hot chocolate drink making stuff and a jar of mint jelly. And a few bottles of grog. But who knows, maybe there is more? As [Nebsy] so tactfully put it, "I don't usually like to compare someone's death to Christmas... but MERRY CHRISTMAS!!"

In other good news...

Futurama's on telly... five days a week! Ohh, it's glorious... so much TV! Also my "artism" has kicked in, and I've been writing a few poems, and working on my entry for the Elftown Desktop Design Contest (theme: forest). Also, the other day while I was wandering randomly down a corridor in the Biology and Psychology building at uni, I discovered tank upon tank of pretty, tropical fish and little green frogs. Oh yes, they have a date with my camera on Thursday, yes they do. Speaking of uni, it's been chugging along as normal... today I did a talk on online dating for Sociology, and, if I may say so myself, I rather pwned it good. It was a group talk, and all my group were super good too, and well prepared! Possibly the nicest group I've ever worked with. And boy, it was fun to talk about something I know heaps of stuff about. Good ol' online dating... which brings me to my next point...

ANDREW!! The wonderful, wonderful man I mentioned in my last blog entry (quite immaturely using a KFC chicken metaphor to describe his coolness, sorry about that!) and I are now officially a couple... we've had some awesome dates with lots of fun activities, including a picnic in the hills, seeing Kenny (a brill movie if you like toilet humour, which I do), having dinner at each other's places, going to Scienceworks with [Nebsy] and [damn_deleted] and the thing I liked best, going for a walk to the national park near his house at night. It was absolutely magical. Andrew really is awesome, good looking, patient, so sweet and romantic, but at the same time funny and clever. Basically everything I could ever hope for, with no drawbacks. I haven't cried in weeks, no fooling, weeks.

836325  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-09
Written: (6507 days ago)

At Last, A Blog Entry

Ohh, my poor neglected readers, I'm sorry for such a long wait... if you were hanging on my every word, then you'd have starved to death right beside the gallows by now!
Hehe... that's pretty good...

Anyway, yes, at last I have time to write a bit of blog... albeit at the expense of writing emails and messages I should have done a week ago, but I have a few legitimate excuses, such as those crap-lousy dunderheads at Telstra fracking up our internet for a few days when they went messing around with the wires in the street outside. Many thanks to Brilliantness Incarnate ([Nebsy]) for spending the hour or more on the phone that actually got those morons to rock up and fix the fruits of their own idiocy! Blah, no wonder Telstra shares aren't worth their weight in rotten orange peel. Ohh, it feels good to have a nice little rant not related to the works of the ET council.

Speaking of not being mad at the ET council, they actually approved my contributions to ET graphics! :D I'm an ET graphics artist!! And I swear, totally honest, I didn't just do it for the badge. I've fixed the welcome mats they didn't approve ready to be resubmitted when next I can be bothered, and I made a few new graphics. Once I've got enough, I'mma submit 'em good!

Sooo... what've I been up to lately? Well, enjoying my single status as much as one enjoys scabies... no, scratch that (bad pun), as much as one enjoys terminal cancer. Although it looks like the radiotherapy (RSVP.com.au) has sent the cancer into remission, if I may be a little optimistic here. I have been on a date with a very nice guy, and I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but it looks like I have a full bucket of drumsticks complete with eleven secret herbs and spices! (For those having trouble with the stretched metaphors, I mean he is super nice, great looking and seems to like me!)

I've also been doing homework, and, might I add, doing a pretty darn good job of it too. But for the sake of not having a Hubris, I should probably add something about how badly I get pwned by each and every genetics lab class. Which reminds me I have a week's worth of lecture notes to finally download and print (thanks a lot, Telstra).
Aside from homework and radiotherapy for the Single Cancer, I've been playing quite a bit of Sims 2, mainly because the internet's been down. My sim (a family sim, of course) had a kid called Tabitha who was a real ho-bag (a romance sim), and she begat Tarquin, this totally gay popularity sim. He must be the happiest sim of all time, I swear, his aspiration meter hasn't left Gold or Platinum mood since he became a teenager. He has about 4 boyfriends and 2 girlfriends!
Anyway, what am I thinking, you don't want to know about my boring sims! I'd better get back to writing emails... right after I've downloaded those lecture notes... but first a quick game on The Sims...

827119  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-20
Written: (6527 days ago)

Salad Fingers!

Here is the pic of me, with black hair, as promised...


Cool, huh? Of course, the colour has already started to wash out... but hopefully sometime I can dye it permanently black.

Anyway, I'll bet you're wondering what's with the title of today's diary entry! Well, I'll tell you... Salad Fingers is the name of a fantastically awesome flash cartoon. It is post-apocalyptic, just like Decay, and it's main character is a ghoul (well, I am guessing so) just like Skirath! Except he's kind of... different... oh, but you'll just love him! Enough from me, make up your own mind! Watch all seven episodes of the wonderful Salad Fingers here:

Go, now!!

825152  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-16
Written: (6531 days ago)

Black is the new light brown

So much news, so little time. Where to begin... aha, at the start.

Well, I broke up with Mr Nice Guy... almost a week ago. Poor guy was real upset... but I was super nice about it. I even gave back the stuff he gave me, and insisted he take it, and I gave him the present I had for him... so I've been extra good. It is a weight off my conscience. Then, afterwards to cheer myself up, me and [Nebsy] and [damn_deleted] went and saw Pirates 2! It was awesome... you gotta see it, it's got absolutely everything... not as good as the first one though (it tries very hard), but still great. Very much a "to be continued" thing though.

Since then only one really exciting thing has happened, but more on that later. Some non-exciting stuff that's happening is my artistic mania has continued... many pictures, the occasional poem. Nebs seems to be affected too... her page I'm An Artist is going through somewhat exponential expansion... it has more watchers than The Chaos Collection. Boy my page must suck. My "artism" has spilt over into actually contributing to ET graphics and entering contests. And with not-half-bad entries either. I mean, I ain't gonna win... but my pics aren't the worst.

I got my marks back for last semester at uni... 2 Distinctions and a credit... officially the worst marks I've ever got. Well, at least my marks must have had a lot of fun. Anyone would enjoy such a long slide! The black dog ate my homework, ha ha ha.

Now that you've endured the boring part, I must tell you the exciting news... I now have black hair! Based on a poll (<poll:70558>), I decided to colour my hair black... not permanent, of course (what if it were to look awful?). Nebsy did it, and it looks great... Well, I think so. Most people agree, except Pezza, of course... but that was to be expected. So far the funniest comment I've had was someone who my mum talked to warning her I may start biting the heads off chickens. Charming. Anyway I've took some crappy photos, but my face is the colour of the roses / that grew down the river all bloody and wild (that's red, dummy). And yes in every photo. So I'll wait til I've got makeup and a bit of non-face-reddenning light to take a photo in... hopefully tomorrow!

Speaking of tomorrow, it's my first day back at uni... yippee! My subjects are better this time... human and population genetics, families labour and intimacy and cognitive and social psych. Yay! Well, I'd better go... It's like, a quarter past one in the morning. So I guess it's today that's my first day back. How disheartening.

Oooh, oooh, and one other thing. If you have a chance to try it, go to McDonalds and get a Crunchie sundae. The are just... to die for! Mwa ha ha ha ha! *bites head off chicken*.

821282  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-09
Written: (6538 days ago)

Apology for Pissed Off Angry Rant

To all those I offended with my rant, I'm sorry. While, yes, I was pissed off for what I believe is a good reason, and I'm not sorry for stating my opinion, perhaps I shouldn't have named names of people or pages, or bagged the council.

Sorry to those of Playgans - yes, your page is good! While I don't believe it to have the same artistic value as an art page, that's not really up to me. And perhaps "hate" wiki was not a great way to say it... maybe it is a page dedicated to "warranted dislike and re-education of those said dislike is directed towards"? Either way, while I myself am not into pages like that, I understand others are and a lot of work has gone into it. So sorry if I offended you, I was pissed off, I should have put it differently. Sorry!

And sorry to those of the council who I offended with the whole "shove it" thing... I was royally pissed off with a few, and not the majority. Heck, I don't know the majority. I'm sure most of the council are great people. Granted most of them have never visited my house until I pull something like this, but sorry if I offended you.

I have made a page with suggestions on how to improve the wiki-ratings here:
Suggestions for wiki-ratings

Peace, and once again, I'm sorry.

820901  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-07-08
Written: (6539 days ago)
Next in thread: 821257

Pissed Off Angry Rant

Boy, am I ever pissed off right now. With all good intentions of getting a little more attention for my page, I suggested that my art wiki The Chaos Collection get rated by the wiki ratings... Now, I am the first to admit that my art isn't exactly top quality. I don't have a scanner or a graphics tablet, and I'm not as good as a lot of people on here. But I do like to think my skills with photoshop are higher than the average person, or at least not bad, and the sheer number of pictures in The Chaos Collection (over 70, mainly photo manips) ensures that there'll be something to most people's tastes in there somewhere. But apparently, and not naming names here, but [Sunrose] said it's not worth rating. And I thought, well, fair enough... it's not to her tastes, that's okay. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and I'm glad just to have someone look at my page. Good on her for being honest. But my opinion changed when I had a look at the wikis that were on the list of "most artistic wiki pages", and found Playgans. Ahh, playgans. Simple concept: "real" pagans judge other people who are "fake" pagans. Basically an "anti" wiki, a "hate" wiki, yet another forum for people to call other people posers and be intolerant. And while it's not exactly my kinda wiki, it has a catchy name, some good banners and makes a pretty convincing argument if you can be bothered reading the text. But seriously, that it even registered in the "most artistic" list ?!! WTF?!?! It might be good, but the very notion that anyone would say it is more artistic than someones well-maintained frickin' ART page, whatever the quality the art therein may be, is ridiculous. [iippo] chimed in with "written art counts as well", and hell, I agree... but there is NO poetry or stories on "Playgans"... it might be well written and interesting text, but seriously MORE artistic than an ART page? Gaaah???

And so henceforth I say - the whole ET council can shove it, except for [Lerune] (who is cool and nice) and [Sunny Silverunicorn] (who I actually got to vote The Chaos Collection onto the "most artistic" list). But all the others? All I can say right now is no wonder ET is turning into MySpace, with these freakazoids in charge, it's hardly worth saving.

819945  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-06
Written: (6541 days ago)

Alive and Well-Fed

Who'd a thunk it, the wisdom teeth operation on Friday went fine! The doctor actually gave us enough painkillers (thanks to the advice from [MisterScurvy] to ask for more, which we did!).The recovery went well... the first few days we were walking around like swollen-faced zombies, eating, sleeping and taking painkillers... but by Monday we had left the house to stock up on movies, and by Wednesday our mum took us for a wonderful drive through the countryside to the beach at Tooradin! It was great. We fed and then chased seagulls.

Other than that, [Nebsy] and I have been watching a lot of DVDs. We watched Big Momma's House 2 (2 stars), Wedding Crashers (2.5 stars), King Arthur (3 stars), Alien: Resurrection (4 stars) and Full Metal Jacket (3 stars). Also, we've been posting on Decay... at last, Skirath's met some fellow ghouls! A bunch of raiders are helping her and the rest of the party finish their quest... oh boy, I hope Skirath can get some action at last *rubs hands together in lustful glee*. And strangely enough lately, I've been in somewhat of an artistic mania... I've made so many pictures! All of them are safely stored on The Chaos Collection. No finished poems yet, but I've started one... oh, and it's going to be hilarious. Also I've made 2 really long bracelet/necklaces. They've got black, silver and gun metal beads in random order and look totally great. I used stretchy thread as well to try something different.

Something I absolutely have to mention about this whole wisdom teeth deal - The FOOD!!! It is amazing... much as no one likes to have a hurty mouth, it is almost worth it with the amount of deliciousness Nebs and I have been chowing down on lately. So much wonderful, wonderful custard! Normal custard, egg custard, bread and butter custard, pouring custard... oh, it's fantastic. And that's without mentioning the Yogo, fruit drink, lemon delicious, jellies and stewed fruit. And of course the golden syrup out of the jar, but no one needs to know about that.

And as for Mr Nice Guy? Well, I've made up my mind I'd better break up with him... much as he's a great person, he just isn't on my level, and I don't want to string him along and end up hurting him more later on... unfortunately it means I'll have to give back all the stuff he gave me, but like my parents explained repeatedly, I'm "not" a gold digger. Heh heh heh... naw, just kidding, I'm really not. I have more jewellery than I can wear anyway. I hope Mr Nice Guy will accept the present I got for him though... because otherwise I'm damned if I know what to do with a guy necklace, and plus, he deserves it for being so good to me. So think happy thoughts for Mr Nice Guy on Monday, that's when The Breakenuppening happens. Oh man, I hope I don't chicken out.

816400  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-29
Written: (6548 days ago)

A Blog Entry At Last...

At last, I've finally got a chance to write my blog! Sorry for neglecting you, dear readers, but I've been busier than a whole hive full of bees, or Zerg for that matter. I won't bore you with the details, but in the last month I've had exams (I passed! I totally pwned the Genetics essay questions), a broken down computer, a lot more work hours (I just got my pay slip, so I'm not in such a bad mood about those extra hours as I was), and a new boyfriend! Also, I went to [damn_deleted]'s 23rd birthday party, and also my mum, dad and aunt took me and [Nebsy] out to The Cuckoo, a restaurant in the mountains to celebrate our birthday. As a result of being so busy, I have an inbox full of emails, and a whole lot of ET messages to reply to... I've almost finished replying to the ET messages, but the emails are constantly building up. So this is how I feel right now...


Well, I suppose you're wondering about the new boyfriend, eh? Well in a last-ditch attempt to stave off depression, I gave in and went back on online dating... it seemed to work too, because I found a very nice guy... I'm not sure how he wants me to refer to him in my blog, so I shall call him Mr Nice Guy. We've been together for a few weeks, and have seen a couple of movies: Cars and Over The Hedge (3 stars each). He is a great person, but not really on my wavelength... so I'm not sure how things will go. Also, he is one of those people who sends text messages... ugh, I hate text messages. I've told him plenty of times, and so from now on I'm just going to not reply to them. Also he sends romantic emails... they are lovely, but writing back is hard because I'm not good at writing romantically. Even now, as I look through Chaotic Love Poems I find most of my love poems aren't very romantic at all... I mean, just look at the titles: "Silver Bullets", "Statues", "Weapon of Mass Destruction", and that's just the latest three (by latest three, I mean from January this year, before I found out that people actually read my poems and stopped putting them up).

So yeah, today is my birthday, so happy birthday to me. I'm 19 now... 19 was one of my favourite androids on Dragonball Z. Tomorrow I get my wisdom teeth out in hospital, so I probably won't have much to blog about here for a while... I bought some beads so I can make more bracelets while I'm no fun and have a swollen face. And, for all of those people who are reading this, please, please, please, don't visit me. I don't want visitors, at all, even if I really like you. If you visit me, I'll get my mum to not let you into the house. And even if you do somehow get into the house, no matter how polite I seem, I will be thinking "go the hell away, I want to sleep/eat/do anything that doesn't involve making conversation". And don't send emails saying "get well soon". I KNOW you wish me well, and I really appreciate it, but I would be a lot happier if you don't contribute to email mountain. I'll hopefully be well enough to chat on MSN after a couple of days anyway, so I'll be able to catch up then.

Well, wish me luck... I may not be back on ET or MSN for a few days. [MisterScurvy] has helped a lot with his advice for the wisdom teeth operation, and the wonderful chocolates. *Tips hat to [MisterScurvy]*. So I'm really not scared at all. Nothing bad will happen, I'm completely not scared.

P.S. If I die, someone please publish my poetry.

804869  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-08
Written: (6569 days ago)

You call that a knife? THIS is a knife!

Hehehe... yeah, there was a knife or 2 involved in today, but I'll get to that later. Right now, I want to rattle on about what an awesome day [Nebsy] and I had SHOPPING!!! Oh, it was soooo good to go shopping. I love shopping. Did I mention that shopping rocks? Oh, I did. Well, it does. Nebs and I tore up Eastland and I got 3 black jumpers (2 with way low necklines, and 2 with see-through spots... bit of overlap there, but they are awesome!!), a black t-shirt, and for all those who disapprove of the copious amounts of black, I also got a black singlet-top with GREY stripes! Yay! Nebs got some other stuff that I can't remember, but purchase of the day would have to go to Nebs's beautiful new beige trenchcoat. Ohhh, what a trenchcoat. It's gorgeous... and it'd want to be, it was a third of our shopping budget!! ($60). We also had great fun eating on our shopping expedition... surviving on lemon meringue pies, iced coffees and junior burgers.

Now, getting back to that knife I mentioned. Yes. Well, while we were in Big W (not that we EVER buy ANYTHING from Big W, it sucks beyond belief, I mean, I love cheap clothes, but the stuff in there is just Big Double Eww!) Anyway, while we were in there, this dude did a knife presentation, offering every adult who watched a free paring knife. Nebs and I had seen this before, this guy talks about a fantastic knife that never goes blunt, bla bla bla... so we watched his presentation. At the end, he handed out the paring knives to "everyone over 21"... heh. There I was, looking all creepy and gothy, and he hands me a knife, no questions asked. But when he gets to Nebs, he's all "you don't look 21", even though she had her glasses on which makes her look totally 21. And she blushes and goes "Aww... no," and has pretty much accepted her fate that she got busted, but the guy asks if she came with anyone over 21, and I go, "She's here with me," and he hands me another knife for Nebs!! Hehehehehe... fooled him good! But do I really look that old? Hell, I'm not even 19 yet... And I got mistaken for the 30-something lady at work again yesterday too... *sigh*...

Anyway, so a good day was had by all... tomorrow I'm off to uni to do more studying, but now, I must go and purchase some anti-ageing moisturiser lotion for my wrinkly, crinkly liver-spotted skin. XD

804225  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-07
Written: (6570 days ago)

Guzam Holidays

Dear Diary, mood: fantasteriffic. Yeah, well, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I have been feeling better lately. (So no plans to jump off the top floor of the Menzies building at uni sans stealth wings just yet). Uni's finished, I got my 2 assignments in on time (just) and now it's Guzam (exam) Holidays, or SWOTVAC or whatever you call it. I call it lounging around home pretending to study, that's what. On Thursday, [Nebsy] and I are goin' shoppin'... oh, at long, long last! We haven't had a proper "shopping day" since the summer holidays... that's MONTHS!! Ohhh, I'm gonna buy so many clothes. My black shoes have cracked up big time so I have to wear my boots instead... which is okay, because the boots are awesome. But still, I want new shoes. And black jumpers... I only have 1 and it's kinda greyish looking now.

Yesterday I spent the day at uni in a deserted computer lab learning how to use a statistics-related computer program. It was very peaceful there, with the gentle hum of computers, so peaceful I was sleepy and had to wake myself up with a serve of lemon coconut pudding at Wholefoods. I'll have to go back on Friday to finish learning the rest of the stuff with the statistics program. But that's okay, there's something nice about going to uni.

In other news, Decay: Glimmered Hope has finished... unfortunately Skirath didn't get any action, or any fights... although right now she's in a city that is being attacked by Demons, which is cool. Also, Nebsy's character Grips has just arrived at the city, so it looks like Skirath and Grips will get to meet. Nebs and I have no end of fun theorising on how they'll interact with each other. Most of our conversations end up at the same place, with Nebs telling me not to make Skirath give Grips the plague. Heh heh heh... it's great having a plague-infested ghoul for a character.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Hehe... you can tell I should be studying, can't you?
Oooh, by the way, here's a link to one of the funniest and grossest videos I've seen on the net so far. I was whining to Nebs about having to read so much stuff, and I told her my short attention span "needed some ebaumsworld" and so she got me this... I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

800794  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-31
Written: (6577 days ago)

Yoss Has A Whinge

What a weird day I had at work today... first one customer said something about recognising me, and that I looked eerily similar to a girl who committed suicide, or something like that... then another customer mistook me for one of the other meat shop employees... who happens to be in her mid or late 30s. Yay.

And now, I have one day to finish two assignments, and no Decay role playing fix to get me through it. And our internet router (affectionately named POS) is being a real POS tonight. AND somehow my fingers (note, not fingernails) are covered in nail polish and white out. *Sigh*

For those of you who still care what happens to Skirath the ghoul, no, she hasn't got any hot ghoul-on-ghoul action, or even any thrilling and exciting fights... She nearly had a run in with a spearman, but that went nowhere (heh... the only spearman I got up close and personal with lately was Spearman's Correlation Coefficient.) She has found out her family and entire town are dead and she saw her beloved Vadbol again, but he just ignored her (apparently he is nothin' but a killing machine these days). And now, something remotely cool has happened: she has met a dude with a bushy beard. Ned Kelly? Only time will tell.

Anyway, I'd better go to bed before I bore you to death, now I have got this whinge out of my system.

798051  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-05-25
Written: (6583 days ago)

The New Craze Sweeping The Internet

Ohhh, dearest blog readers, I must eat my words in this blog entry. While I poked fun in a previous blog at Panic! At the Disco for being an emo band, I have become addicted to them... I've downloaded all the songs off their album, and [Nebsy] and I listen to "There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey. You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet" at least twice a day. It is just the most awesomest song. I say to you, go forth and download!!

Speaking of shameless publicity, I did a verrrry clever thing... I did a "publicity run" for I'm A Rapper (http://elwood.vic.edu.au/home/lie50/) on www.ebaumsworld.com. I posted on the flash animation forum, under the thread title "The new craze sweeping the internet" and the hit counter on the website jumped from somewhere in the 400s to 964, as it is now. Woohoo!! Needless to say, not everyone who viewed our wonderful animation posted on the forum about it, and of those 9 people who did post, here are their responses. Talk about constructive criticism:

"i didn't like it, rap is totally exhausted."
"was that like supposed to be making fun of gangsta rap? i was pretty dumb."
"That was freaking retarded."
"That was the most homosexual flash EVAR!"
"I swear I know that voice, What part of Aus you in?" - (Someone from Western Australia. :S)
"Her voice was so dull and flat."
"wow....how could anyone ever enjoy that piece of shit"
"closed it right after it told me to turn down my volume in fear of it being a screamer" - (It actually says to turn your volume up!)

Yeah... not too great... but hey, because of my cheap, crappy, false advertising style publicity run, I'm A Rapper got heaps more views! It went in through people's eyes and ears, and into their brains! Whether they liked it or not, they heard Nebsy's voice and saw my leet animation skillz. Ha! So there.

In other news, I'm feeling better... having pistol-whipped some of my homework to the curb always makes me feel a bit better. My Res Des and Anal assignment is almost finished, and I've actually started my youth studies essay, which I was panicking about, but it turns out no one else has even looked at theirs! Unfortunately I was silly and didn't read the unit guide, and forgot to put in page numbers into the quotes I've got, so I'mma have to go through all the books again. >( Damn!! What a drag. But still, I've kidnapped most of the books on the topic from the library, so if I fail, I drag everyone who chose this topic down with me.

Now for, what you, my dear and treasured blog reader, has been looking forward to the most! An update on how Skirath, my role play character is going. No romance happened between Vadbol and Skirath, Skirath got some more sex with her boyfriend Elroy, but then Vadbol took her back home to her town, where she got rejected because she's got the plague. So she and Vadbol returned to Otto, to find the whole place destroyed. Vadbol chucked a spazz and went the equivalent of Super Saiyan, then told Skirath he loved her, and nicked off. And so ended Decay: One Shot.
Now I've moved on to Decay: Glimmered Hope, which, between me and you, isn't half as good. No sex, no violence, and a salesman robot travelling companion for Skirath, named Bartlebe, who is not unlike Jar Jar Binks. And completely unscrewable. Damn! But ssshhhh, don't tell [lacklustre] I said that! I'm sure things will become more fun, I am just impatient.

Well, that's about it... Only a week and a day left until it's study holidays! I say, I do have a most agreeable guzam (exam) timetable... Res Des and Anal guzam on the 15th of June, and Genetics guzam on the 22nd. Only 2!! :D

790982  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-05-12
Written: (6596 days ago)

Prince Charming Resurfaces

I have some pretty weird news for you, my loyal and appreciated blog readers. Tonight I got a call from none other than Prince Charming... yeah, my ex. He definitely had some problems... but it sounds like he's getting better. Apparently he just wanted to see how I was, which is really nice considering I've been wondering about how he was, but didn't want to call in case he got the idea that I wanted to be his girlfriend again. So now I got to hear that he's okay and talk to him, and I explained how I couldn't get back together with him. He was really mature about it, and my mum was super proud of me.

In other news, I've been feeling a lot better lately, since my last blog entry. Decay: One Shot is going mind-explodingly well... Skirath spent the night in a barn with her hick boyfriend Elroy, and then came home the next morning and got in trouble with Vadbol because she possibly gave Elroy the plague. So Vadbol locked the door and said Skirath couldn't go out, so she chucked a tanty and ran into the bathroom and cried for hours, then later that day, while Vadbol was away, she snuck out the window and went to see Elroy... turns out he didn't get infected because he got innoculated against the plague, so Skirath went home, argued with Vadbol some more, then threw up and got covered in spew. So right now Vadbol is bathing her. Yes, I know, how romantic. Only kind of... not. Although Decay could use another sex scene... you know, to make it a baker's dozen. Okay, kidding. After all, there has only been five so far. Man, Decay rocks.

As appropriate to both paragraphs of this diary entry, here's a pic I drew the other day. I uploaded it to ET, and it spent the last few days up on my house. The guards haven't even noticed!! I was going to keep it up there, but then I figured, naaaah, so I'll put it up here:


Yeah, they're characters from Decay. [Nebsy]'s character Grips is the one underneath.
While we're on the topic of pr0n, behold! My emoticon of Sofie from Kill Bill with no clothes on:
cK:D) 3 >----B
(she's got her hair in a bun, and no arms). Clever, huh? Maybe not as cute as the mouse emoticon I made:
<:3 )~~~
Awwwwww!!! Cute! Anyway, I have a post in Decay (and a stupid lab report) to write! Cheerio!

 The logged in version 

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