[Firenze]'s diary

1010826  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-02-10
Written: (5956 days ago)

Well I am back from the 'delightful' London, oh how you can smell the sarcasm there. I am not a lover of London, but then again I am not a major fan of many cities, am too much of a small countryside town person which is well what I am used to *shrugs* Anyway, me and my family got to London alright on Friday, had a wee bit of a problem with the tubes as the tube service we were supposed to use to get to the travelodge was partially closed or severly delayed and trying to get the woman from the other family to use an alternate route was like trying to get blood from a stone but after 15-30 minutes of no tube on the route she wanted to go on she soon listened to me and took the bloody other route which was just as quick and had one more damned train switch, what a pain in the ass she was.

Once we arrived at the travelodge finally, we went and booked in and went directly to the rooms to quickly freshen up and go back downstairs. Of course, for me and my sister who was sharing a room we thought that would be a piece of cake, so off we went. Got to the room and went to open the door and the damn key card would not work, they had given us a duff one, so off we went back down 5 levels with no elevators as both were broken to get the stupid key sorted. In the end got the key sorted and we trudged back upstairs again crossing the parents as we went back up, told them to order us something we'd like and we'd eat it. So in the end foodwise my sister had chicken burger and chips and me I had lasagne, which was not half bad.

The Saturday is what pissed me off immensely, I was not told the daily schedule for that day all I knew is that we were going McDonalds for breakfast at 9am and that we were going to the London eye and to watch the Changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, between that I had no idea that they intended to stay around Westminister all day long now that highly annoyed me so I walked off and went to Oxford Street and a couple museums on my own and met them back at the Travelodge and did not speak to them till we left to go and see Billy Elliot at the Victoria Palace Theatre.

The show itself I thought was well boring, it really did not tickle my fancy one bit and well the only bit I did enjoy was towards the end when the miners went back down the mine. I could honestly not recommend anyone to go and see it as I think it is a waste of money, I'd rather much go and see something like Joseph and the amazing Technicoloured dream coat or Wicked any day.

Next time I go to London which is probably most likely in the Summer holidays, I am gunna try and get tickets to see Wicked and watch that. Am also gunna try and do the Jack the Ripper walk which looked pretty good.

Anyway that is it for now, gotta download my photographs and upload and edit a couple of them. Laters

1010390  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-02-08
Written: (5959 days ago)

Well everyone I am not here all weekend as I am visiting the smog filled city of London so all me clothes will be smelling mank when I return home to Devon on Sunday lol.

I will be sure to take lots of photographs and will possibly upload them to ET, depends if I can be bothered to sort them out when I get home.

Possible places on the agenda:

- Natural History Museum
- National Science Museum
- Buckingham Palace
- London Eye
- Westminister in general

Definite place I will be going:

- The one and only shopping central OXFORD STREET muhwahahahaha :P

Well see you all on Sunday, oh and before I forget if any of you are interested in roleplaying in a Naruto based roleplay, take a gander at Rise of the Ninja.

Thankies and Laters ^_^

Kelly ^_^

1007818  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-01-27
Written: (5970 days ago)

Well what can I say, am depressed, not in a good mood once again and am generally knackered.

If you've been trying to get me to talk in wiki pages I will most likely not answer as:

a) Not got a lot of net time now
b) Lack of net is due to dad smashing up my laptop when he got in a paddy with me (one reason also why am not in a good mood)
c) Generally it is stuff that is putting me down in someway or another
d) Quite frankly I do not want to bite peoples heads off and be bitched at for something I did while depressed and angry.

At current the best way to contact me is just to PM me or even add my msn address. If you want it ask for it.

1005725  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-01-19
Written: (5979 days ago)

Right for all your information, I am in a rather shitty mood thanks to events that have happened today and for the past few weeks and it has all built up to an explosive rage that will be unleashed if criticized, annoyed and generally pissed by anyone.

The reasons for my unbelievably shitty mood is as followed:

- My mother has interfered with my plans once again by planning and paying for two lots of camping trips. One of the camping trips is during my brothers and sisters May half-term break when I was supposed to be going up to see the wonderful Ross in Scotland, then I had hoped I would be able to go up in August but then I found out my darling mother booked two weeks away when I thought, I could get away with going to see Kitty in Northern Ireland then Ross after. But no that is not happening so am having to plan to see when I can go now since I have to work it around the school holidays during the winter or I will just have to wait again till next year! Thanks a fucking lot mother!

- Next what has pissed me off majorly is that on Wednesday I found out that when I have been working at lunch times at the primary school, Devon County Council have not been paying me for ages and now the cunts will not respond to Liz who is incharge of pay and has put my forms through each week, that I know as I watch her do it each week as I am terrible at trusting people with what I earn. So now I am wondering where in the fuck my money is!

- What has pissed me off all this week is the amount of backstabbing at my cleaning since it has been announced that the school is going to become a trust school and that there will be lay offs and the lay offs will be due to performance in the workplace. Now one mudderfucker of a backstabbing bitch has been slagging off my Nan who is the cleaning supervisor, myself and a few people I get on really well with and well some of the things she has said about me and my Nan has got her treading on a thin layer of ice of can be shattered with my current temper.

- The next reason I am highly agitated is that my sister has somehow managed to crash two computers in two days and my father seems to think I am some super genius who can figure out the problem in minutes and that I don't actually have a life. Also whilst she did that she managed to destroy a brand new mouse. So now I have to repair two PCs this weekend.

- I am also annoyed at the fact my scooter is out of commission as the lights stop working whilst the breaks are being pulled, and that my mother has taken my car and left it up at my Grandmothers house since she got drunk and walked home. So I am vehicleless this weekend as the buses aren't running and well I seriously am not walking 6 miles along lanes to town to meet my friend Dave in Costa so now am having to wait till next week to meet up with him.

- One of the other things that has pissed me off today, is that I went to pack a bag ready for a drive on Sunday up to Dartmoor and one of the little fuckers that I call brothers and sisters, have taken my tomtom (satellite navigation) as well as my fucking camera which is fucking annoying as my camera is worth £180 and my tomtom is worth £250 so that is like £430 gone missing!

- There are other little things which have annoyed me but most of them are personal issues and family issues.

In short am fed up, tired and very snappy so it would be best not to post on my wikis criticizing me/my work or PM me doing so because you are just gunna get your head bitten off.

1000275  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-12-22
Written: (6007 days ago)

Am highly annoyed, the first time in a year I get to go up on the moors and take photographs and I can't go because my only camera has been taken by one of my adorable brothers and sisters, rendering me camera less and if I can't find it means I have to put my hoilday next year on hold as I will not be able to afford it most likely because I will need to get a new camera which sucks major ass, I hate this!!!

991468  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-11-11
Written: (6047 days ago)

Well this is my week for a while, so if you want to know what I am up to on a daily basis well this is it:

9am: Go to primary school with darling brother and be his one to one till lunch time.
12pm: Go home.
12:30pm: Have some lunch.
1pm: Watch the news for stuffs to talk at with cleaning partner in crime Annie at second job
2pm: Read post and pray something better has come up on the job front (shit pay for doing one to one with little bro but there will be hell to pay if I leave and he has someone different and they are a bitch to him).
2:30pm: Check email and junk.
3pm: Leave for work.
3:30pm: Start work.
5pm: Talk to Annie about the troubles of the world and how she hates working in ASDA over a cup of hot chocolate, lol.
6pm: Go home.
6:30: Have Dinner.
7pm: Bath.
8pm: Play on flyff and talk to whoever is around.
11pm: Bed.

9am: Go to primary school with darling brother and be his one to one till lunch time.
12pm: Go home.
12:30pm: Have some lunch.
1pm: Watch the news for stuffs to talk at with cleaning partner in crime Annie at second job
2pm: Read post and pray something better has come up on the job front (shit pay for doing one to one with little bro but there will be hell to pay if I leave and he has someone different and they are a bitch to him).
2:30pm: Check email and junk.
3pm: Leave for work.
3:30pm: Start work.
5pm: Talk to Annie about the troubles of the world and how she hates working in ASDA over a cup of hot chocolate, lol.
6pm: Go home.
6:30: Have Dinner.
7pm: Bath.
8pm: Play on flyff and talk to whoever is around.
11pm: Bed.

9am: Go to town with my mum and do the mid-week shop for foods.
11am:: Arrive home and unpack stuffs.
12pm: Have Lunch
12:30pm: Leave for one to oneness at primary school.
1pm: Start one to oneness with little bro.
3pm: Leave for second job.
3:30pm: Start work.
5pm: Talk to Annie about the troubles of the world and how she hates working in ASDA over a cup of hot chocolate, lol.
6pm: Go home.
6:30: Have Dinner.
7pm: Bath.
8pm: Play on flyff and talk to whoever is around.
11pm: Bed.

9am: Wake up and make up maths bingo for the twins to play when they get home (it helps them practise addition, subtraction and multiplication as well as division).
11am: Check emails and such.
12pm: Have Lunch
12:30pm: Leave for one to oneness at primary school.
1pm: Start one to oneness with little bro.
3pm: Leave for second job.
3:30pm: Start work.
5pm: Talk to Annie about the troubles of the world and how she hates working in ASDA over a cup of hot chocolate, lol.
6pm: Go home.
6:30: Have Dinner.
7pm: Bath.
8pm: Play on flyff and talk to whoever is around.
11pm: Bed.

9am: Go out taking photos all day long and have lunch out wherever I am at the time.
3pm: Leave for second job.
3:30pm: Start work.
6pm: Go home.
6:30: Have Dinner.
7pm: Bath.
8pm: Play on flyff and talk to whoever is around.
11pm: Bed.


Crashout and sleep.

990316  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-11-07
Written: (6051 days ago)

Right for those who want to know what I am up to, I am currently an LSA (Learning Support Assistant) in a primary school and doing one to one with a single student as he needs help am also working in my old job which is cleaning so am like knackered at the end of the day lol Anyway that is all speaks laters

985691  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-10-22
Written: (6067 days ago)
Next in thread: 985696

Just to let you all know, I am not going to be on much for a short while. The reason for this as I have been laid off from one of my 2 part-time jobs which I have been doing for the past few years the reason I was laid off was because I was late by 5 minutes due to road works and bad traffic. Thus because of this my father who is extremely strict, gave me a week, yes only a week to find another part-time job/full-time job or be kicked out from home because I cannot afford the rent they want from me on just one part-time job as well as keep up with other bills. So haven't got a job in the week period as well it is not that easy to get a damned job in Devon as it is all part-time for student hours or it is seasonal, so will be still looking, in the mean time I shall be living at my Grandparents home as they will let me stay there if I just cook and clean the house and keep things tidy, the downside to that is well they have no phone nor internet, they are from the stone age, however the bonus to that is they have a decent amount of books for me to read.

I will try and get online in the evenings through either coming home to do my laundry (Grandparents do all laundry by hand >.<) or leeching the net from one of my grandparents neighbours via my laptop (that is when I get my laptop back). For those who have my mobile num and I theirs, I will try and keep in contact as best as I can, so until I find another job, Laters.

985117  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-10-20
Written: (6069 days ago)

Well am going on a mass clear up of things both in my relations list and my house page. So I apologize if you are no longer on my friends list, it is most likely because I never speak with you anymore and well what is the point in keeping relations with yer if I don't speak to you. I am also sorry for the amount of page changes but well that is to be expected.

Ummmmmm...by the way it is Photography Weekly's 1st Birthday today, so happy birthday to that, lol ^_^

977797  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-09-21
Written: (6099 days ago)
Next in thread: 977834

At the momen to put my mood in a dramatic shortness, I am amazingly pissed off! The reason why you ask is because of some blonde haired, 26 year old (or there abouts) bimbo who fucking needs to get her eyes tested as she can't fucking see, going up the back of my bike breaking my number plate on my scooter (motorbike thing) clean off and breaking my brake light cover as well as smashing in her front bumper and had the nerve to blame me for it all! All I was doing, for a couple of minutes because I was there before was wait for a couple of pensioners to cross the zebra crossing! Fucking MORON WOMEN DRIVERS (Yes I know I am a woman but that doesn't stop me insulting the shit women drivers who should've never passed their fucking driving test).


Me: (see's pensioners wanting to cross the zebra crossing in ASDA and no one was letting them cross, so looks behind no one there, so stops, and pensioners cross)

Blonde Bimbo: (bombs it around and goes up the back end of my bike shunts me forwards and does more damage to my bike than to her car and beeps her horn at me and gets out the car)

Me: (gets off bike, see's she has kids in the back so knows to watch tongue and puts bike on the stand and looks at the damage on my bike)

Blonde Bimbo: Why didn't you fucking go you idiot? (looks at her car) And LOOK AT THE FUCKING DAMAGE YOU DID TO MY CAR YOU STUPID BITCH!

Me: (takes helmet off) First of all m'dear, it is a zebra crossing and you are supposed to stop and let pedestrians cross, if you learnt anything in you theory and whilst learning to drive you should know that, second of all, I did not cause that inccident, you did and you caused more damage to my bike than I did your car, so I want your insurance details please, thirdly, I notice you have young children in the back of your car so it would be nice if you cut out the swearing as it imposes on young minds and they develop foul mouths like their parents when they are older, fourthly you need to go to specsavers and get your eyes tested.

Blonde Bimbo: There is no need to be a fucking smart ass with me you stupid little bitch and I ain't giving you fuck all.

Me: I am not being a smart ass as you put it, I am just stating the simple truth and I would be most grateful for the sake of your children if you would stop swearing, plus if you do not give me your details I will report you to the police (starts taking down the number plate).

Blonde Bimbo: Fuck you you little retard and grow the fuck up!

Me: Excuse me I am 19 years old, I hold down 2 good jobs and am well liked, it is only idiotic people like yourself who are the retards and need to get a life, now if you don't give me your details now, I will park my bike up and I will walk up to the police station (which is right across the road from ASDA) and report you, for both harrassment and dangerous driving, plus deary your little inccident is on camera, so stuff you.

Blonde Bimbo: (refuses again to give me details and gets in her car as an car park attendant comes along and gets me to move my bike, she drives off)

Me: (Shakes head at the attendant and walks up to the station and reports her for harrassment and dangerous driving, and walks home, and now waits for the police to call back with some stuff for insurance)

976534  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-09-17
Written: (6103 days ago)

hey everyone might not be online that often as my laptop is playing up and will not charge so am having to send it off and well the family comp is in use till about 9pm-10pm by brothers and sisters so I will be bored shitless lol.

975351  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-09-13
Written: (6107 days ago)

Some new photos ^_^ FP - Bigbury

975187  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-09-12
Written: (6108 days ago)

What can I say? I got bored...

2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first three letters of your name plus izzle)
3. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (fav. color & fav. animal)
Blue Falcon
4. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name & current street)
Marie Oakland
5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name & first 3 letters of dad's name)
6. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd favorite color & favorite drink)
Green Tea
7. IRAQI NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, any letter of your middle name, 2nd letter of your moms maiden name, 3rd letter of your dads middle name, 1st letter of a siblings first name & last letter of your moms middle name)
8. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mothers middle name)
9. GOTH NAME: (3rd favorite color, and the name of one your pets)
Black Snow

 The logged in version 

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