[nehirwen]'s diary

1133348  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-04-12
Written: (4800 days ago)
Next in thread: 1133349, 1133358, 1133370

Oh yeah! I don't have to go to the physiotherapist anymore! Since I don't have that much moneys he made me a 7 week rehab plan I can do all by myself and after that I can even try to kickbox again. <3 I'm fucking happy and reaallly hope it will actually work as planned. :3

1133252  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-04-10
Written: (4802 days ago)

I need something alive in my room, so meet Oona my Syrian ball of fur. <3

<img300*0:stuff/aj/46887/Oona6.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/aj/46887/Oona1.jpg>

1132542  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-03-29
Written: (4814 days ago)

I've just become second time aunt, amg! <3 <3 <3

1132539  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-03-29
Written: (4814 days ago)

Oh fuck it, I've got myself shin splints/periostitis. ;_;
I'll be needing some fucking expensive physiotherapy, thank you government to throw that out of the insurance this year just like my birth control pills, fuckers. >.<

1132347  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-03-24
Written: (4819 days ago)

[Nameless Shadow] & I
5 years now
1131917  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-03-18
Written: (4825 days ago)
Next in thread: 1131921

I miss thai boxing so much. -_-

There is something wrong with my leg, my doctor thought it was an inflamed tendon, got 2x 2 weeks of anti inflammation meds, and then a blood test said it wasn't inflamed at all. >.< (nor was it red/warm/etc)
Now I have to wait till the 29th for an hospital appointment to find out what's wrong. Didn't get to train for almost 2 months now. ;_;
(or go do stuff in general, leg 's making me stay home and make my study room awesome)

*wants to hit and kick stuff, so not in a good mood atm* <.<

1131720  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-03-14
Written: (4829 days ago)
Next in thread: 1131734, 1131819

Did another one. :O


1131656  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-03-14
Written: (4830 days ago)

I just discovered it has almost been a year since I actually painted something in photoshop, did not expect that. O.o
Today I made something silly for the Junk Mascot Contest and a portrait. :]


1123776  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-09-30
Written: (4994 days ago)
Next in thread: 1123811

I bought a kudu horn today. :3
It's a part of a series in E♭, but I can't afford to buy them all, hell I've been saving for 2 or 3 years to buy this one.
It has an awesome sound. (3 notes can be played)
*is happy* ^__^


1121455  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-08-19
Written: (5036 days ago)
Next in thread: 1121461, 1121607

I'm going to kickbox to get rid of my bellyfat and just to get fitter in general, and it's just awesome. =D
I had my first training yesterday! My bf and a friend of his went with me, my bf to take photos and his friend to introduce and train me (until Ramadan is over and regular training start again). :3
My whole body is in pain now, but it's worth it. x) <3

<img0*130:stuff/aj/46887/KB1.jpg>  <img0*130:stuff/aj/46887/KB2.jpg>  <img0*130:stuff/aj/46887/KB3.jpg>  <img0*130:stuff/aj/46887/KB4.jpg>  <img0*130:stuff/aj/46887/KB5.jpg>

1121303  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-08-15
Written: (5040 days ago)



1121028  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-08-11
Written: (5044 days ago)
Next in thread: 1121090

Nehirwens bear project, I finished it at last! =D
I couldn't get myself working on that jacket, so it took forever. <.<

<img200*0:stuff/aj/46887/BearWithJacketFront.jpg>   <img200*0:stuff/aj/46887/BearWithJacketBack.jpg>

1121023  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-08-11
Written: (5044 days ago)
Next in thread: 1121024, 1121096

My bf gives awesome bday gifts. :3


I've finally learned how to walk in them. =D

1113734  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-04-03
Written: (5174 days ago)
Next in thread: 1113735

<img150*0:stuff/aj/46887/MaaikeAndCello1.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/aj/46887/MaaikeAndCello2.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/aj/46887/NehirwenAndCello2.jpg> <img150*0:stuff/aj/46887/NehirwenAndCello3.jpg> <img0*150:stuff/aj/46887/NehirwenAndCello1.jpg>

My sister decided to take cello lessons, and could get a cello today. She hurt her back yesterday though, so she asked me to get the cello to her home for her.
We had fun trying it out, even though we suck. :p
*wants cello lessons too when I has moneys one day*

Funny thing, the guy renting it to her asked if she was a minor(<18) or not. (she's 26) xD

And now some lovely cello music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73ufwrT_Ov4 (and go love the poem too!)
1113100  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-03-24
Written: (5184 days ago)

<img:44166_1164099989.gif> [Nameless Shadow] and I are 4 years together now. <img:44166_1164903263.gif>
1107213  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-01-14
Written: (5253 days ago)
Next in thread: 1107215, 1107251, 1107253, 1107845

Fuck yes! I got a letter today telling me there is suddenly a spot available for me in the study I want to do!
I've been waiting for that since September. :o
I already hoped to start in Januari instead of next September, but didn't expect it anymore being this late in Januari. x)
Wheee, it's step one of becoming a tailor/corsetier/whatever I want to do/make. <3
The 26th will start my first lesson, and it's in the evening too, best time for me. ^__^

1103735  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-12-14
Written: (5284 days ago)

Bah, he got a lousy punishment and we have to sue him ourselves if we want the money. >.<
And the NR screwed up the recovery of the photos by making some stupid fault. >:(

But the next day was fun, I went with some friends to a midwinter fair where we were called 4 lovely lady vampires on the BBC by Professor Rotherham. Not that we dressed like vampires at all. >.> His lecture about the Holy Grail Tapestries was awesome though. :) We also saw a show of predatory birds, I'll upload some photos later. :D It was a nice day, but I'm not bothered to write stuff down atm. :p

I'm off to some rights students to see if we can make a case.

1103327  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-12-10
Written: (5288 days ago)
Next in thread: 1103329, 1103343

My mood explained:

Like some of you know, my bf was (as photographer) in September on a tour with 2 bands through South-America. Back in the Netherlands, in the train home, his camera gear and macbook were stolen.

A few days later we found the macbook for sale on a dutch marketplace site (ja, marktplaats.nl), as we were certain it was his (little but unique damage was visible on the product photo, and a pretty specific sleeve was sold with it) we contacted the police. Since we could say that certain it was my bf's, they got all kinds of extra privileges to investigate and get him.

One of the guys on the case contacted him to see the macbook before 'buying' it. The bastard didn't want to do the selling at his home (which people normally do on that site) so they decided to meet in a Burger King (in Amsterdam). The police guy (in civilian clothes) saw that the macbook had indeed the damage my bf described, and checked the id-number which we gave them too, and it was the same. So he went to the toilet and all these other policeman in normal clothes got their guns and arrested the bastard in the middle of the Burger King. xD

They could hold him for at least two weeks to do investigation stuff, which is long. But as I said, they could do a lot of special stuff in this case, the 2 policeman normally stationed in my town were pretty excited and had a lot of fun working on it. I believe they spent 3 days of 18 hours on the spot to prepare stuff and get everything done. :o

Anyway, when the two policeman got back in Groningen and gave us the macbook back, we of course discovered all the photos of the tour were deleted when the bastard installed a dutch version of OSx. >:(

What he did forget to delete was all the photos and movies he made of himself when he had fun with the macbook's webcam.. Aaaand, pidgin automatically logged into his msn address where we found a conversation of him with someone in Portuguese or something and there was also access to mail addresses of his friends. Seriously, how dumb can you be as criminal....

The dutch version of the FBI then copied the complete harddisc, for the evidence, and they're going to try to recover the photos as well. I hope they will succeed, my bf get's a lot of corrupted files when trying to recover it (only a few got back completely). We didn't hear from them yet though. *crosses fingers*

Tomorrow the bastard will be in court. We heard he got a huuuge file with stuff he did and what he will be charged for.
We hope to get money from him, around 11.000 euro for the gear & photos. We had to fill out forms and collect as much evidence we could and stuff like that, which took us all week as it's a shitload of work that had to be done correctly and official etc. >.<

It's still a small chance we get any though, cause he isn't the thief but just the guy that sold the macbook, and you can't get money from those. ._. (something to do with the original cause of the damage, which was made by the thief and not the one who's selling) In the chaos he's getting charged for the theft as well though..

The trial will be at 9 AM in another town, so we have to take the 7 o'clock train tomorrow ugh. *doesn't like getting up early* >.> <.<
But we have to be there a bit early to give the judge our claim, so meh.

I'm tired of typing now, so Berlin stories will (might >.>) be told later. :P (it was AWESOME though!) :D

1101608  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-11-25
Written: (5303 days ago)
Next in thread: 1101609, 1101702, 1101740, 1102178

I'm going to Berlin tomorrow. My bf, who's already there, will pick me up from der Bahnhof, and we will go see some opera in the following days! Hopefully we're able to see Die Fledermaus and Tristan und Isolde. I've never seen any opera before, nor have I ever been to Berlin, so I'm quite excited about it. I have to get up terribly early, so I can travel with a cheapskate train ticket all day. (it will take 12 hours, which is ridiculous as it's only 572 km - 5 hours, 16 minutes with a car) D:
Anyway, I'm going to pack some things, see y'all next week! <3

Oh, and I've got a sewing machine! I got the old one my mother still had, it's utter love! :D

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