[Artemis Rising]'s diary

1124701  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-10-15
Written: (4979 days ago)

we're swimming in this ectoplasm... you call it my dreams, i call it the mire of my mind. reaching, pulling, rushing, we are within, but without. i want to dive, yet you call my name; can ghosts be as warm as your former embrace? we can't be, so we struggle, struggle, struggle to be "we," "us," "them," but we are within, yet without. our love is the arsenic we're warned about. i'm on the edge and tipping over, spilling over, this cup is so full. you stand back--change fuels your fear, a companion of dead hopes. as change and i embrace, you cry out for me to stop.

"please don't leave me"

and i turn, my toes beginning to leave the crumbling edge, looking at you, pleading.

"please don't make me stay."

and then i free-flew/fall.

and you watched, desperately wishing for the courage, desperately clinging to familiar ground, desperately wishing that life didn't dictate moving forward. 


1123699  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-09-29
Written: (4995 days ago)
Next in thread: 1123732

breathing. such a simple, yet vital act.
you ingest some of the bad when you swallow a large portion of what is good for you.
then when you exhale, the majority of the bad is filtered right back out, leaving you to enjoy the good and whole that uplifts you and ignites your senses…

like your body requires this trial and tribulation process; and maybe life does too.

1123567  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-09-27
Written: (4997 days ago)
Next in thread: 1123583

yesterday I did an hour long session of energy (or as my instructor likes to call it: "hot") flow yoga. this morning I woke up with a fierce kind of soreness reaching across my ribs, up my inner thighs, and racing through my triceps anytime i moved. it was beautiful! 

as a gymnast for 6 years, it's hard to make me feel less limber than the average human--and very rarely is my yoga routine a source for soreness. here's a sure fire way to feel energy all day and a deep needed heat the next morning:

mountain pose into
cat-cow pose (repeat 5 times) into
childs pose into
half downward dog into
warrior pose (repeat childs pose to downward dog to warrior 5 times) into
half downward dog into
child's pose into
half plank pose into
cobra into
half plank pose (repeat child's pose to half plank to cobra to half plank 5 times) into
half downward dog into
full downward dog into
warrior pose
into mountain pose

follow this up the next morning with a 20 mile bike run and feel the balance come back :)

1122868  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-09-13
Written: (5011 days ago)
Next in thread: 1122870

your breath comes in even beats, swelling and erupting like the ocean, subsiding like the tide. slowly i open my eyes, let my gaze rest on your bare shoulders, the freckles on your spine, the soft curve of your back flanked by the warm muscle of your body. 

turning, your eyes flutter like guppies new to the bottom of the reef, this colorful place we call the world, overwhelmed and unsteady in the magnificence of all the light, shadow, and form surrounding. they close tightly, and you unconsciously reach for my side, pulling me close so that i can join you in syncopated harmony. 

tendrils of adoration and anticipation race through my veins, and settle in my throat; i’m biding my time, hiding in the sand with you.

moments like these always recede with the rising sun, taking the wonderment of starfish and starlight, and leaving only the residue of seaweed and kelp on the shores of our memory—it’s never as perfect as the moment it happened. 

but in those moments, i find relief from the world that becomes more surreal and watery with each passing day... water never stays in one place, in one form, for any particular being or object of life—we drink it up and wash it out of our bones—it constantly has to flow, an object forever in motion. 

you are a part of the water in my life, rolling forward and moving the sand beneath my feet, then pulling backward, trying to take me with you. and sometimes i just float in your current, letting your liquid embrace completely wrap me up, and take me out to sea. 

this morning we traveled around the world in our sleep, simply because you held me.

1122566  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-09-07
Written: (5016 days ago)

my icy hands remind me of what i am to you--only half alive and barely human. i examine them closely, tracing the blue veins like frosty rivers, disappearing into the snowcapped crook of my elbow. 

i glance down at your arm, swinging freely at your side without an inclination to lace your fingers in mine; this pain is too much, but these words just won't tumble out of my mouth, for fear of inadequacy and a lack of poetic flow. 

they would come out in half masticated phrases, gesticulated by rolling sobs that continually bubble to the surface of my breathing, my chest heaving and quivering with this aching aching desire for you to reach out and tell me that tomorrow we'll awaken with the sun pouring orange-juice rays into our faces, half tangled in each other's legs, and the brewing tea's subtle scent accompanying the clumsy brush of our half-awake lips. that four years means too much to give up the ghost on this apparition of our once tangent love. that we are weaved in this delicate mold we call our life, that we created, and that we will live. 

we can change it, i swear. we're no different than the weather, guided only by our surrounding nature and chemical reactions and inertia and physics and gravity. these emotions are just the swell of internal waves; we roll back into our memories, and sometimes our current drags the past back to our shore, yet just like anything else in nature, we can clean ourselves up, and rid ourselves of the things that don't suit our needs. 

but i don't say a word, and when you see me crying and ask what's wrong, i only say that nature makes me feel all too real.

1122220  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-09-02
Written: (5022 days ago)

your mouth opens, spilling the hot recourse that is our love gone to spoil. ladling it evenly into my bowl, i drink this boiling poison, forgetting the words that i know are true. forgetting the moments that took my breath away... i replace these sustaining and stinging forgone pasts with the the hot soup of your loud monologue, the spit on your teeth, your hands coiled in fists. the only hope i have is to perish in this fire--let it consume my every wit and labored cycle of blood. when i am reduced to ashes, sooty and neutral, free of memory-laden emotions, reactions, and the urge to hold your hand... when i am nothing more than the gray matter in the space between the soil and the core, i might then be able to emerge as a phoenix--indestructible and tempered by the heat of forgetting.

1121682  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-08-24
Written: (5031 days ago)

with each waking moments, i'm trying to force myself to start. 

to start making you the perpetrator so i can forget.

and each moment wilts away, and i continue eating away at my insides.

1121619  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-08-22
Written: (5032 days ago)
Previous in thread: 1121602 from Nioniel to Artemis Rising
Next in thread: 1121620

sometimes people grow a part. i have been contemplating leaving for months... he just landed his dream job. we both care for each other enough to not want to become bitter about the situation and let things get ugly.

1121589  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-08-22
Written: (5033 days ago)
Next in thread: 1121602

my fiance and i are breaking up over the next 3 months. we're planning it... It strikes me as slightly bizarre... but strangely, i'm almost completely indifferent to this process. writing poetically about it won't make it any easier, any more transparent, any less real, or any faster, but i'm addicted.

1121154  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-08-12
Written: (5042 days ago)

this is when i gasp for air--struggling to rise, rise, rise. 

"ahh don't call me mr. walsh--you're... well you're christina... unless you want me to call you ms. wilson..." your laughter erupts. 

i want to catch every musical note, keep it for myself, and never let another soul hear it again. i want to burn them as they ripple through the air in waves. i want to destroy you, i want to be rid of you, i want to degrade you. i want you, more strongly than anything else i've ever wanted in my life before... this desire is eating at me--where i was once so steadily in control of every movement with the precision of a surgeon, i now tremble involuntarily like a shaking leaf drifting in the wind.

"oh? i'm not going to be ms. wilson for much longer..." i say it quietly, letting the ragged breath escape. everything in me waits for the sting to rip your even breathing into unpredictable short gasps.

"exactly why i should start calling you ms. wilson today... there is only so much time left." you state it factually. all business as usual--i enjoy this game... it's the aching within this anticipation.

my itunes switches on ExoGenesis parts I-III. this couldn't feel any more perfect... yet my feelings aren't trust worthy, aren't stable, aren't set in stone. i need the stony reassurance of fact, rationalism.

you cough.

"tell me about Cali..."

you remind me of stone... your long lean lines, bones that flow, ebb, and give to skin. you aren't in any way an Adonis... but your fingers were made for a piano, for the bow, the sand blaster, and the gloves we wore the day we played in the snow. the gaunt muscles of your body are fluid, and it only adds to the grace that your persona radiates, from your smile to your motionless, floating walk. it's as if every creature in nature's library, every form, was made to bend to the glorious body you adorn like silk chemise. 

"Cali is beautiful... i'm getting more sun than i think i've ever had in my entire life. the foliage is perfectly green, and the ocean is deep blue. you should visit."

"ah the wonder that is your milky skin... have you burned yet?" you ignore my invitation, enticing me with your words, dripping like gold off of your tongue. i'd rather live like a pauper than be baited by you!

"i have on a few occasions, but now my skin is adjusting accordingly..." i hold my own. you dip in and out of formality, familiarity, the function of fucking me in the ear with your tongue. we both know this game.

"i'll send over the invoice as requested. how is the beau?"

"he is... loving the weather." i push the smile in my voice, like a candy vendor to an all to willing child. it's apparent already though--you know my mannerisms, my addresses of proprietary claims.

"is he..." your breath is caught, and your voice is raw, "loving you?" snap. i just won our little game of cat and mouse, as you wriggle and writhe in my unintentional trap... and i'm not enjoying it the way i want to. the longing in your voice is deep, ragged, and intensely earnest... so thick i could eat it.

"you'd love it here. do come and visit soon, mr. walsh..." i push the bile down my throat. this time i shall acquiesce, and allow you to pass unscathed... for every time the flame touches your heart, i'm burning with you. i can't burn today.

the last notes tinkle out of my speakers.

"i'll be in Laguna the first weekend of September... will you show me around?" you've gained your composure, your voice stiff and vague. 

"it would be my pleasure. is there anything else i can pass on from your office?"

"only a personal note to the esteemed ms. wilson."


"yes. we're almost there."

1121113  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-08-12
Written: (5043 days ago)

we were wild and entangled. your in my thoughts from the time i wake--our barely relevant conversations, and sidelong glances.

where are we to go?

1120554  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-08-04
Written: (5051 days ago)

all 63 of my books have arrived from barnes and noble :)

i have 45 classic hardbacks to read ranging from Frankenstein to Sense and Sensibility to Beowolf...

i've already read more than half of these books, but i'm of the firm belief that a new book demands your attention, no matter how repetitive.


1120451  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-08-02
Written: (5053 days ago)

now i'm undecided... this is GORGEOUS...


1120449  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-08-02
Written: (5053 days ago)
1120448  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-08-02
Written: (5053 days ago)

once upon a time i was given a beautiful engagement ring ... and this is what it looked like:

except mine was 2.5 carats, not 6

it was stolen, by a woman whom i was a care giver for. i cried and cried... it was strange, because i never feel attached to material objects... what's even stranger, it was before i became fixated on the georgian/edwardian/victorian era...

today while i was searching the internet with the fiance (who is about to obtain a fabulous position at a film compositing company), we found the perfect upgrade to my previous ring:

if it was a 14.5 carat diamond, i would think it rather gawky.. but there is something so regal about overlarge star sapphires

this ring is an edwardian/victorian ring.. and it turns out that star sapphires and moon stones, my favorite gems, were staples of georgian/edwardian/victorian jewelry...

how very wonderful!

we are ordering next week!

and i think i might order this one as well... recover the stone... because it is just such a rare coloration, and so beautiful!


1120209  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-07-27
Written: (5059 days ago)

HA! i'm happy i didn't impulsively shop on the barnes and noble site the other day... because today they have their ultimate clearance bin (up to 90% off)... with HUNDREDS of books... i'm in heaven! not even joking... just ordered $200 worth of books.. did i mention that because i write for my career, this is all tax writable? YEAH :)

Top Picks For Later Purchase (didn't make the first cut):

The Constitution of the United States: With the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation By R. B. Bernstein: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-Constitution-of-the-United-States/R-B-Bernstein/e/9780760728338/?itm=19

When You Are Engulfed in Flames, By David Sedaris: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/When-You-Are-Engulfed-in-Flames/David-Sedaris/e/9781616793586/?itm=26

Ladies of Liberty: The Women Who Shaped Our Nation, By Cokie Roberts: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Ladies-of-Liberty/Cokie-Roberts/e/9781616795641/?itm=29

No One You Know, by Michelle Richmond: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/No-One-You-Know/Michelle-Richmond/e/9781616850234/?itm=4

The Clinton Tapes, By Taylor Branch: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-Clinton-Tapes/Taylor-Branch/e/9781437683424/?itm=296

Grace, By Richard Paul Evans: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Grace/Richard-Paul-Evans/e/9781616889067/?itm=314

Eden Close, By Anita Shreve: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Eden-Close/Anita-Shreve/e/9781616861483/?itm=74

Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer, By Roy Peter Clark: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbninquiry.asp?EAN=9780316014991&x=

1120165  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-07-26
Written: (5060 days ago)
Next in thread: 1120169

i feel this distance much more poignantly than your breath on my ear. give me your fingertips, buckling knees, and tripping tongue--these are gifts you can't indian give. they'll always be there.

this moment is something i've imagined for light years. your bones spoke to me in the language of romance, leaning slightly into the air between us. your breath labored, and it seemed like the choppy waters before a hurricane. 

i took the exquisite pleasure of stretching the time between the contact of our lips, our hips, and the sinking of the bay. you and i leaned and swayed, a rythmic dance to ward off the inevitable... we will eventually lean to far, our bodies bending like straws. we will eventually brush to close. we will eventually breath those words. we will eventually touch happiness.

and it will eventually fade. nothing lasts forever.

1120148  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-07-26
Written: (5060 days ago)

i've always loved you. from the moment your eyes bobbed beneath your puffy bangs, and the salt stung the air between us. you were the essential being, the alchemist to temper my cold metallic tendencies. 

we both waiver close to each other's lovers. waiting waiting oh so painfully waiting--waiting for the still air to break. sidelong glances make me think of the waving hands of softly thin salt grasses--wild wild violet, scarlet, heather grasses scraping my knees. we're hunting for the snapes... i trip and you grab my arm to keep me from hitting the ground and reaching any harm... but your touch is like an electric sting.... i pull away, trying to ward off the blindness that seeps down and clouds my vision... the colors blur as your fingers let go of my skin, leaving a rainbow trail of desire behind... i attempt to get up, but i need more. i need the sting. i need it everywhere--my senses are screaming for it.

you are like my last breath before the dive. and then we grabbed hands, and jumped off the side... feeling like motion in flight, as we prepared to hit the water below.

1119978  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-07-22
Written: (5064 days ago)

I need more books like a I need a hole in my head (I realized this after moving 2000+ into a tiny 1 bedroom beach bungalow, most being hardbacks)... BUT!  Be still my beating heart! This is just to much...

50% OFF 50 BOOKS Your Favorite Authors at Incredible Savings. ONLINE ONLY >SHOP AT BN.COM: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/container/2-3-merch.asp?PID=33972

My picks so far:

Think Twice, by Lisa Scottoline- http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Think-Twice/Lisa-Scottoline/e/9780312380755/?itm=24

No One Would Listen: A True Financial Thriller- http://search.barnesandnoble.com/No-One-Would-Listen/Harry-Markopolos/e/9780470553732/?itm=27

US: Transforming Ourselves and the Relationships That Matter Most, by Lisa Oz (the infamous Dr. Oz's wife) - http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Us/Lisa-Oz/e/9781439123928/?itm=28

Hellhound on His Trail: The Stalking of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the International Hunt for His Assassin, by Hampton Sides- http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Hellhound-On-His-Trail/Hampton-Sides/e/9780385523929/?itm=21

No Apology: The Case for American Greatness, by Mit Romney (whom I met 2 months ago at a benefit dinner--what an INCREDIBLE man)- http://search.barnesandnoble.com/No-Apology/Mitt-Romney/e/9780312609801/?itm=23

The Galilean Secret, by Evan Drake Howard (call me lame.... but despite my non-theist view, I have a soft spot for fictional plots regarding the deepest secret of life, via the saviour of mankind)- http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-Galilean-Secret/Evan-Drake-Howard/e/9780824947941/?itm=48

The End of Wall Street, by Roger Lowenstein- http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-End-of-Wall-Street/Roger-Lowenstein/e/9781594202391/?itm=35

Tomorrow River, by Lesley Kagan- http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Tomorrow-River/Lesley-Kagen/e/9780525951544/?itm=38

Haunt Me Still, by Jennifer Lee Carrol (it's like Nancy Drew for adults :D)- http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Haunt-Me-Still/Jennifer-Lee-Carrell/e/9780525950776/?itm=44

1119655  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-07-16
Written: (5070 days ago)
Next in thread: 1119692

good morning Laguna Beach. so nice to see you basically have free wifi wherever I go :D

1119485  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-07-14
Written: (5072 days ago)

nervous breakdowns are always on the edge of my mind. you're gone and twisted in this curtain of black, wrapping itself around me, suffocating me. i'm clawing my way out into the blinding light that i've perpetuated in my mind--being in this fog for so long can make my illusions seem that of grandeur.

our fingers used to lace together in a soft yet unbreakable knot. now your are around my throat, and mine are behind my back. 

 The logged in version 

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