[Rye]'s diary

1119456  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-07-13
Written: (5073 days ago)
Next in thread: 1119457

It occurred to me last night that I really need a change. I'm just not healthy physically, and that's causing my mental health to suffer a bit as well. I've been researching on fasting, both for religious and medicinal purposes, and I think that it is something I need to do. I'm nearing thirty, and I've spent most of my life overweight, and I can start to feel it in my joints and such. So, with that said, I am not going to do this for a set number of days, I think my body will let me know when it is detoxified, but I do want to get the full benefits from this, so there will be a minimum of five days for sure. I will be doing a water fast rather than a juice fast, because I want to give my digestive tract a complete rest so that it can recouperate fully and relatively quickly. I won't get into my religious reasons for doing this here, because that is a personal journey, but for those of you who are interested, I'll be writing in this little online "diary" daily, and tell any particular feelings I may be having at the time, and how I hold up. I hear that after doing this sort of fast, your tastes change, and you can appreciate the flavors of nonprocessed foods so much more, which is going to be helpful to me since I plan on going for strictly natural foods in my diet. Here is a website about it for those of you who are interested in learning more about this sort of thing.


I do not take medications, and have no health restrictions that would keep me from doing this, so there is no danger, and believe me, if it gets to be too much, I'll stop. :)

1119061  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-07-06
Written: (5080 days ago)

Jesse Colin Young~Darkness Darkness

Darkness, Darkness, be my pillow, Take my head and let me sleep
In the coolness of your shadow, In the silence of your deep
Darkness, darkness, hide my yearning, For the things I cannot see
Keep my mind from constant turning, To the things I cannot be
Darkness, darkness, be my blanket, cover me with the endless night
Take away the pain of knowing, fill the emptiness with light
Emptiness with light now

Darkness, darkness, long and lonesome, Is the day that brings me here
I have felt the edge of sadness, I have known the depths of fear
Darkness, darkness, be my blanket, Cover me with the endless night
Take away this pain of knowing, Fill this emptiness with light now
Emptiness with light now

Darkness, darkness, be my blanket, cover me with the endless night
Take away this pain of knowing, fill this emptiness with light now
Oh with light now.
Darkness, Darkness, be my pillow, Take my head and let me sleep
In the coolness of your shadow, In the silence of your deep
In the silence of your deep

1118775  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-06-30
Written: (5086 days ago)
Next in thread: 1118778

It has been one of those days where I can sit around and reflect quietly on random thoughts. Very nice, peaceful really. One of those days where all seems right with the world.
Looking at my calendar I realized that it's been a year and three months since my husband and I quit smoking. I'm very proud of us, and I find that the greater ease with breathing, enhanced abilities of both taste and smell, and the thought that I am not spending money to kill myself are the greatest rewards. Now if I could just stop eating fast food all together. I love the idea of a more natural way of life. Planting a garden and only eating meat from animals that are farm raised. I know that giving up meat all together would be the best route to take, but I'm not ready for that at all. Selfish as it may be, I think that humans are made to be omnivorous. I believe however that any animal we kill for our consumption should be treated with the greatest respect and given the best life possible. I love the Native Americans way of doing this, thanking the animals that they kill and saying a "prayer" for their souls. We are all brothers, and as Mufasa says, it's "the great circle of life"
On to other thoughts, this is the fourth of July weekend coming up. I'll be spending Sunday on the lake with my dad, husband, and sister in law. I look foreward to it, and hope that the water isn't too warm. It's rained this week, so maybe it will be a bit cooler than it has been. I love it best in late spring where it's a bit of a shock to get into, but you can quickly adjust to it, and it's refreshing. Not so much once it becomes the consistancy of bath water. :)
I'll be so glad when we can move to a place that's not so humid in the spring and summer.

1118459  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-06-23
Written: (5093 days ago)

Two entries today. I had to share a few lines of the book Interview With a Vampire by Anne Rice with you that I found most appealing.

This is Lous commenting on the myth that vampires can become steam and float through keyholes.

"I wish I could," laughed the vampire. "How positively delightful. I should like to pass through all manner of different keyholes and feel the tickle of their peculiar shapes."

I just enjoyed that vision. I hope you did too :)

1118458  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-06-23
Written: (5093 days ago)

I can't wait for it to be fall, so that I can go to my quiet place in the woods and sit in comfort without being eaten alive by mosquitos and chiggers. The snakes and the bears and coyotes are my friends, the insects..not so much.

1118378  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-06-22
Written: (5094 days ago)

Do you want to be an angel,
Do you wanna be a star
Do you wanna play some magic
On my guitar
Do you wanna be a poet
Do you wanna be my string
You could be anything

Do you wanna be the lover of another undercover
You could even be the
Man on the moon

Do you wanna be the player
Do you wanna be the string
Let me tell you something
It just don't mean a thing

You see it really doesn't matter
When you're buried in disguise
By the dark glass on your eyes
Though your flesh has crystallised
Still...you turn me on

Do you wanna be the pillow
Where I lay my head
Do you wanna be the feathers
Lying on my bed
Do you wanna be the cover
Of a magazine
Create a scene

Every day a little sadder
A little madder
Someone get me a ladder

Do you wanna be the singer
Do you wanna be the song
Let me tell you something
You just couldn't be more wrong

You see I really have to tell you
That it all gets so intense
From my experience
It just doesn't seem to make sense

*Do you know who sings this? Tell me :)

1118175  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-06-17
Written: (5099 days ago)
Next in thread: 1118178

I've just realized that I've been here for seven years. Time flies..

1118113  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-06-16
Written: (5100 days ago)
Next in thread:

I need to draw again. I've never been really good at it, but that's only because I've never given it the time it takes to become good at it. I'm sure some people are just naturals, but I'm not one of them...nonetheless, anyone can draw I've been told, so I will press on. I do enjoy the process, and find it relaxing yet stimulating at the same time, and it's high time I started doing some kind of craft as a hobby again.
In other news, my sister never came to Dad's house, and no one has heard from her. I guess she doesn't need anything. I hope she's well, though, and I say that in all honesty, though I must admit a very small part of me says it so to not tempt fate. I am very much a believer in fate, karma and the like. Not, however, in the sense that we have no control over what will happen to us, only that if something is meant to happen, it will. I think I need a nap, I've got the sleepy, philisophical thing going on. :)

1117657  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-06-07
Written: (5109 days ago)

I never cease to be inspired by my friends here..
If you know me, and read these little postings of mine, and have not yet done so, check out [Skydancer]. He is a genious when it comes to photography and reference work.

Today was a very interesting day indeed. My husband's grandmother passed away in February of this year at the age of ninety-two. Today was her birthday, and we decided to take her ashes to a local park where they have a yearly rendezvous that she loved to attend. It's a beautiful place, with a mountain that overlooks a river and forest. We scattered her in the river there, in one of her favorite places while my husband and I burnt sage and sweet grass which is commonly done at the rendezvous. We played Native American music from Robbie Robertson, and though she was sometimes a difficult woman, I think she would have approved. May she rest in peace.

1116876  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-05-24
Written: (5123 days ago)
Next in thread: 1116893

Things are going well. The birds have finally found my bird feeder, and now I'm trying to learn the names for all of them. The prettiest one I've seen so far is an Eastern Goldfinch. I'm hoping for an Indigo Bunting. They are too pretty. Had a quiet weekend at home with Michael. It's nice when we get to just relax, and have no where to be. There's always stuff to do, but nothing so pressing as to disrupt our weekend. Next weekend for Memorial Day, we're going to my dad's for a party. He lives by the lake, so it's convenient to take the boat out for a while, and then go back to his house and cook out. The only draw-back is the fact that my sister is going to be in town. She only comes around when she needs something from him, and this time is no exception. I have nothing to offer her, so I haven't seen her in over a year, and haven't heard from her since last November. I hope one day she'll learn the value of life, and get off of the booze and drugs, but I've wasted so much energy worrying about her, and I just don't have it in me to do so anymore. Is that bad, or is it self-preservation?
Anyways, weekend after next, I'm throwing a slumber party sort of thing for some of my female friends and family. A girl's night in so to speak. It should be interesting to see what ensues when a bunch of us get together and drink champagne and wear face masks. :) Yes, I lead such an exciting life...

1116643  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-05-20
Written: (5127 days ago)
Next in thread: 1116665

Is it the human condition to want to cause onesself emotional turmoil, or is it a learned behavior?

1116337  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-05-14
Written: (5133 days ago)
Next in thread: 1116352

And three months after my last entry, we have internet. We have been doing well lately. It feels as though my life is beginning to find its balance again, and for that I'm grateful. I'm not angry with anyone, am releasing grudges for wrongs that have been done to me, and have pretty much realized that life is to short to harbour so much resentment. It hurts no one but myself, and that is a waste of energy that can be used for better more positive outlets. As Robbie Robertson said, "When you find out what's worth keeping, with a breath of kindness blow the rest away." Perfect words for me to live by.

1110326  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-02-16
Written: (5220 days ago)

Uck, my head hurts! I've been trying to decide what colors I want to paint the walls in our house once it closes, and I am HORRIBLE at this. The closing date is in ten days, and then I have to know what I want to paint it so I can get that done before we move our stuff in. The house we are currently in is a huge mess, with packing and such going on, and a messy house bugs me immensely. Michael doesn't seem fazed by any of it though. I envy his apathy. :P
Aside from that, I'm housebreaking another puppy. We have gotten an eight week old pit bull pup, and so far he's very smart, and very people-oriented. I have named him Zeus, and so with our cat Loki, we now have two little gods in the house. Then there's Sky, my husky, Lady Bug, my hubby's poodle, and Skipper, my little man who's been pictured at my house here a few times. Life would be very lonely without animals.

1109245  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-02-04
Written: (5232 days ago)

I love her cat eyes, green as a lake in the summertime..reflections dance across those waters.
But she only likes me when I wear lipstick..

My dreams are STRANGE.

1108990  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-02-01
Written: (5235 days ago)

2) Have you ever had a song written about you? I've been told I have, but I never got to hear it
3) What song makes you cry? I Grieve by Peter Gabriel
4) what song makes you happy? Anything by Sting or Enigma
5) what do you like to listen to before bed? Soothing music, and then my fan
6) height: 5'6
7) hair color: Brown, black, red, gold, blonde in the summer...etc
8) skin color: Pretty pale
9) eye color: Green
10) piercings: Ears, nose at one time, belly-button in high school, not any more.
11) tattoos: None
12) what color pants are you wearing?: Blue
13) what song are you listening to?: None at the moment
14) what taste is in your mouth?: Syrup. I just had waffles with the kids I'm watching
15) what's the weather like?: Cold with melting snow
16) how are you?: Tired and anxious to get into our house
17) get motion sickness?: If I read in the car, yes, or when my mother in law drives...uck
18) have a bad habit: I bite my nails, but I quit smoking last year!! :)


19)Singer- Sting
20) tv show: The Dog Whisperer
21) conditioner: Olive Oil
22) book: Rose Madder by Stephen King
23) non alcoholic drink: Water
24) alcoholic drink: Dark beer + brandy (she's a fine girl)+ coke= Geismalt
25) thing to do on the weekend: Anything outside on a nice day, when it's rainy we play card or board games


26) broken the law: Too many times.
27) ran away from home: Years ago
28) snuck out of the house: Actually never
29) ever gone skinny dipping: Yes
31) ever tipped over a porta potty: Thought about it, but no
32) used your parents' credit card before: Not unless they knew about it
33) skipped school before: Once
34) fell asleep in the shower/bath: Once or twice during Nursing School. I was always so tired then
35) been in a school play: Yes...I was Nana in Peter Pan.. XD


36) girlfriend/boyfriend: Hubby
37) sexuality: Who's asking?
38) children: May possibly adopt some day. Not sure yet. We currently have furry children
40) been in love: Once or twice
41) had a hard time getting over someone: Yes, but I'm not at the age where I realize that no matter what happens, I'll heal and move on.
42) been hurt: Of course, who hasn't?
43) your greatest regret: Not being there for my Gram
44) gone out with someone you only knew for three days: Yes, and now we're married <3

45) do you have a job: I babysit for my cousin
46) your cd player has in it right now: Crosby Stills Nash and Young's Greatest Hits
47) if you were a crayon what color would you be?: Cerulean
48) what makes you happy: Music, it can always change my moods and brings the greatest nostalgia
49) what's the next cd you're gonna get?: Moby-Play

W H E N / W H A T W A S T H E L A S T

50) time you cried: This morning
51) you got a real letter?: Around Christmas Time
52) you got e-mail: This morning
53) thing you purchased : Food
54) tv program you watched: Dora the Explorer...kids :)
55) movie you saw in the theater: New Moon


56) abortion: I won't go there at this time
57) teenage smoking: Stupid, but it's not the cigarette companies fault, it's the parent's
58) spice girls: I liked them back in the day, but not really my thing anymore
59) dreams: The keys to your subconscious mind
60)Gays/Lesbian: Love is love

1107710  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-01-19
Written: (5248 days ago)
Next in thread: 1107711

Hike up your skirt a little more, show your world to me~

1107194  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-01-14
Written: (5253 days ago)
Next in thread: 1107261

Michael and I have been house hunting lately, and I think I've found a place that I like. It's smallish, but bigger than the place we've been renting by far. 1500 square feet, four bedroom, two bathrooms, and on an acre of land with woods in the back (got to have my woods). Two of the four bedrooms are larger, and the other two are not tiny. Good for kids, which we are thinking of adopting once we become more established. The living room is large, and the kitchen has LOTS of cabinets and counter space, as well as a dishwasher (YES!). We are meeting with a real estate agent Saturday morning, and depending on what Michael thinks, we may be making an offer. Wish us luck!
I'll be taking pictures probably Saturday, and may post some here once I get the film developed...the only downside to having a camera that isn't digital.
What else....? Oh, Michael has started school for being an airplane technician, or something along those lines, and though he is worn out at the end of the day I know he feels better about himself having done so.
Other than all that, things are pretty quiet with me lately. Glad the holidays are over, though they went relatively well. Hope that you all are safe, warm, and happy.

1104141  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-12-16
Written: (5282 days ago)


Do NOT watch if you don't like lewd toilet humor XD

1103912  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-12-15
Written: (5283 days ago)

I would shag Sting, most definitely...he or Sophie B. Hawkins...maybe both at the same time. At least then I'd be warm. It's so cold here!

~Sleep deprived Mariah has spoken

1103773  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-12-14
Written: (5284 days ago)

Flow My Tears

Flow, my tears, fall from your springs!
Exiled for ever, let me mourn;
Where night's black bird her sad infamy sings,
There let me live forlorn.

Down vain lights, shine you no more!
No nights are dark enough for those
That in despair their lost fortunes deplore.
Light doth but shame disclose.

Never may my woes be relieved,
Since pity is fled;
And tears and sighs and groans my weary days
Of all joys have deprived.

From the highest spire of contentment
My fortune is thrown;
And fear and grief and pain for my deserts
Are my hopes, since hope is gone.

Hark! you shadows that in darkness dwell,
Learn to contemn light
Happy, happy they that in hell
Feel not the world's despite

*Written around 1600 by John Dowland

 The logged in version 

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