[3.00 x 10^8 Meters/Second]'s diary

717207  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-12-18
Written: (6741 days ago)
Next in thread: 717612

well...I haven't gotten any comments about the Clone idea...so...uh....right.

well, I think its about time I found a woman. so i'm gonna go do that.

713782  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-12-11
Written: (6748 days ago)
Next in thread: 714299

allright, yesterday it was Sharks, today, it's clones.

First, a backstory. for the last 4ish years, I've known a girl named Molly Shea. She had moved from Texas to Springfield when we were all in 6th grade. Her dad was in the military, as a dentist. Don't ask. Anyway, Molly was cool, a good friend to talk to, she was kind of quiet, blah blah blah, you get the picture.

3 months ago, Molly moved to North Carolina when her dad was reassigned to be a Dentist somewhere else. So Molly left, it was very sad (especially for my friend Mike, but that's not important), and we all went back to our regular lives.

Yesterday, at District Band Tryouts, I (and 3 others) saw a girl who looked like an older Molly. Same hair, same face, same everything. She even played the flute (something that Molly did). Coincidence? I think not...

Maybe I'm just paranoid (allright, I'm paranoid), but I believe that the Molly that I knew was a clone, placed here by the US Government for a purpose that only they can comprehend. Perhaps she was here to distract us from something (after all, 7th grade was when 9/11 happened...), but I don't know. If you have a reason for as to why the government would put a clone of a 13-16 year old girl in our midst, please, tell me. Until then, I go by my anonymous name, The Black Jellyfish.

712348  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-08
Written: (6751 days ago)

This one's called an Ode To The Shark.

Allright. Sharks, as we all know, live in the ocean. Duh. They eat fish, dolphins, seals, other sharks, and the occasional swimmer. Not only are they not fish (that's right, they're not fish) but they have live young. They can smell blood up to a mile away, and can sense electronic pulses when they can't see.

Now, looking at My Shark, I am in awe. He is the ultimate predator, the Great Fucking White Shark. King of the Ocean, Master of all He surveys. Sharks are cool. I guess I like Sharks simply because they're the rulers of their own domains. I can sort of relate. Another reason I like sharks is that they're cold blooded killers. You gotta respect that, you know? Plus, nobody likes sharks. Nobody. I, however, am not nobody. That is all, for now.

700898  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-11-18
Written: (6770 days ago)

well...I'm off to a friend's birthday party, wish me luck.

700228  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-11-17
Written: (6772 days ago)
Next in thread: 701632, 706726

next week, it shall begin anew.....
Cajia Story...
In a time before anyone existed, there was a planet, simply known as The 'Scape. There were seven gods that ruled this planet, creating an eternal paradise that they could spend eternity in. But they were all betrayed by the Seventh, a being known as Fles, and, because of his betrayal, the wars started. From the turmoil rose two opposing factions, The Allied States of Cajia and The Axi, and fighting has occurred ever since. You, brave adventurer, find yourself in the middle of this war. Which side will you join? That is up to you.


679774  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-10
Written: (6810 days ago)
Next in thread: 679816, 688040

so my 3 year old cousin is staying with us while my mom's at a U2 concert (that's what you get for turning 45...) and he's sitting in the living room playing with Brios at the moment. literally 2 secons ago, my brother calls something stupid, and my cousin yells at him! It was the funniest thing in the world-"Waki! Stupid's a bad word!"

ha ha, I'm such a loooooooser.

675780  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-03
Written: (6817 days ago)
Next in thread: 676455

I don't need you standing over my shoulder watching me fail. I don't need your advice on succeeding, I just want to do things my way. I'll get around to it, don't worry. If you could trust me to do my own things, then I will do my own things. Let me be and everything will turn out for the best.

665628  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-14
Written: (6835 days ago)
Next in thread: 666044

Ahhhhh, life sucks.

The other day my dad ripped his achilles tendon in half ([The Red Baron], talk to me about that) while trying to fix our one car, which is bad. Then today, the other car's brakes went. So now we're stuck without a car, the stupid DSL is 6 days late, and plus, there was Acme.

Oh yes, Acme. My place of employment. Today I met "The Customer." I'm sure you've all met "The Customer," or even been "The Customer" at least once in your life. "The Customer" is the person who is clearly displeased by the employee's (my) efforts to complete the task (put sodas into a plastic bag for her). So, to explain her distaste, "The Customer" decides to ask the employee why he takes the short way out and doesn't double bag the sodas. The Employee answers that it saves time. After a legnthy conversation (in which I am ready to shoot the customer), I end up double bagging all her groceries, and then she leaves without saying goodbye. Bitch.

Ah I hate Acme. Message me to laugh if you want.

639667  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-08-05
Written: (6876 days ago)
Next in thread: 643762

well, while randomly thinking today, I figured out that I have a huge problem with someone, that someone being God. I just figured out that God is a bit lame. Think about it, he's a divine being who exists up in heaven that just sort of sits around and does nothing. God is someone that we all look up to, but does he really care about us? think about it, if you had all the power in the universe, would you care about 6 billion people? no. Maybe I'd have a better view of God if he interacted with this world more, like if we actually had angels flyin around striking down sinners. 

feel free to yell at me about this if you are religious

 The logged in version 

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