Page name: 10 Days of Photography - Ocean Soul2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-08 01:17:40
Last author: Ocean Soul
Owner: Ocean Soul
# of watchers: 2
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D20: 7
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A competition hosted by [pixish]

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- What's This About? -

~ 10 days, 1 photo per day. ~

~ 10 days, 10 themes. A different theme each day. ~


[Ocean Soul]


Day One - Theme: Vegetables
Trying not to look like a moron ;)

Day Two - Theme: Starts with B
bitchslap! (I can tell you: this really DID hurt)

Day Three - Theme: And this is my collection of..
My collection of beads (that's the word, yes?) and pearls that I'm most likely never going to use :/

Day Four - Theme: They're Straight..
They're a straight flush x) You'd be lucky to get these cards :P

Day Five - Theme: Fluffy!

Day Six - Theme: I've got the key!
I've got the key for everything!

Day Seven - Theme: Brown
Brown Kalfany coffee bonbons.. :)

Day Eight - Theme: Best Dressed
It would have been best, if I was dressed!

Day Nine - Theme: Precious
It's the necklace hanging around my - you guesses it! - neck.
This is precious in several ways: Firstly it's money, duh! :P Secondly - and more important - it is an idea for me, or a wish. It makes me think of traveling, of some day being where and what I want to be.. of doing things instead of only talking about them.

Day Ten - Theme: Twisted


10 Days of Photography
10 Days of Photography - Entries

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2006-09-30 [Skydancer]: Interesting, Nude with Cabbage {lettuce} and an action scene. Very good. :)

2006-09-30 [Ocean Soul]: not nude.. just trying not to irritate the photo with some hello-kitty t-shirt ;)

2006-09-30 [Skydancer]: ah.. implied nude then. :) in any case, it is a very nice shot.

2006-09-30 [Ocean Soul]: nude or not, I wasn't meaning to point at *that* with this shot.. just deleting elements that would make it look messy

2006-09-30 [Skydancer]: :) I understand. But you have to admit it does show off the vegetable very well indeed. I think you created a very interesting and well shot concept.

2006-09-30 [Ocean Soul]: Yep.. that was the idea ^__^

2006-10-05 [VeraAda]: O.O I want your beads! And i LOVE your 'straight' photo, it's awesome! :D

2006-10-05 [Ocean Soul]: You can have it.. I am not using it anyway :/
You know, sometimes I just sit in front of it and look at all the pretty stuff and it makes me sad that it's not going to be made into jewelry ever :/

2006-10-05 [Skydancer]: Very nice concepts even if the beads are a bid sad in the context. :) very pretty though.

2006-10-05 [Ocean Soul]: thank you :) the beads are a bid sad, yes.. but they get freshly sorted every now and then, so I guess they'll survive my non-artsyness when it comes to jewelry making ;)

2006-10-06 [Doodle of Cydonia]: Ahhh! Your photos are all so awesome. XD I love the playing cards! =D

2006-10-08 [Ocean Soul]: Thanks.. :D I love playing cards ^^

2006-10-08 [Ocean Soul]: Jeez I simply have nohting fluffy at all. Nothing! ._.

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