A competition created by [pixish]
Currently and Creatively Run By [Elmiira] & [Cillamoon]
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- What's This About? -
~ 10 days, 1 photo per day. ~
~ 10 days, 10 themes. A different theme each day. ~
Winners Announced!
Day 1 - "Burning/On Fire", Winner: [drakkar]
Day 2 - "Frustration", Winner: [iippo]
Day 3 - "Repulsive", Winner: [Nioniel]
Day 4 - "Private Eye", Winner: [drakkar]
Day 5 - "Collections", Winner: [Nioniel]
Day 6 - "A Drop Of...", Winner: [drakkar]
Day 7 - "Knowledge", Winner: [Nioniel]
Day 8 - "Ironic", Winner: [Nioniel]
Day 9 - "Agression", Winner: [Nioniel]
Day 10 - "Cartoonish", Winner: [drakkar]
Ultimate Winner - Nioniel
Things to Note...
Be sure to read these before entering. :)

First and foremost - You may only enter your own photography, though that rule *almost* goes without saying.

One entry per day, per person. If you are unable to upload every day, we understand that this is not reality and real life comes first, but please have your photos uploaded by the specified time after each round. Usually two days are given after the ten days so those that need to catch up may before judging commences. New rounds either begin after winners are announced or when there are a sufficient number of participants to compete. (This number left up to the host per circumstances that appeal to each round.)
ALSO - The idea of this competition is to challenge yourself and physically go out and take a picture every day. -However- I cannot stop you from submitting an older photo if you choose. :)
No manipulation At this point in time, I am also excluding you from putting borders around your images >_< *Nazi pixie* Simply because sometimes putting a border on a picture can really add something, and not all entrants will do that.
NOTE: Black & White photos are now allowed, however no other photo manipulations are allowed.
A new rule! Be sure to notice that from now on every contestant should add the date the photo has been taken in their own photowiki. That rule is to encourage to take the photo after the theme is posted instead of posting an old photo. In general we only allow new pictures, but if you have no ideas or time for taking the new photo and you have a perfect old one for the theme, you can have one or two old photos out of ten. If you add an old photo, you should post the real date, and we will allow it, but we will consider the date when voting for the winners.

There is now no size limit...Just please keep them at a reasonable size for viewing >_< (One of the judges was grumbling about not being able to appreciate the pictures in their full size xD)

The theme *must* be followed, but you may allow yourself to be as creative and as sneaky with that as you like :D For example: The theme might be 'orange'. You could take photos of something orange, or an orange...but not a duck sitting on the water! :D Unless it was an orange duck...

It was such a huge job for me to do everyone's separate wikis the first time - so, can you put your pictures into your personal '10 Days' wiki (when it is made) when you change your photos over please ^_^

Yes, you are allowed to participate multiple times ;p
I think that is all the rules for now :)
To enter this competition, you will have to be dedicated, to be able to submit an entry every day for 10 days, and check the theme every day too. :p
Contestants For Round 23 Are:
Competition Archives
Competition Archives
Theme Suggestions
10 days of Photography - Theme suggestions
Put your name below if you wish to compete in a future round.
You should only place your name here if you are seriously committed about entering. You are free to watch the competition as long as you like :) ^_^
All names listed below will be contacted prior to the next Round starting to see if they are still interested in participating. Please note that if you have not been active on Elftown for more than 30 days, your name will be removed from the list.
If you are looking for a contest that is not as involved or "long running", but just as much of a challenge, then you may want to check out Keyword Photography Competition. Please feel free to tell your other photographer friends as well! ^_^