Page name: Art Wikis of Elftown [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-13 02:51:04
Last author: Ravenclaw
Owner: Hendercrazy
# of watchers: 46
D20: 10
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An official index listing of Art Wikis here on Elftown!

Welcome! :) This index listing of Elftown folks and their art wikis was created to make discovering, browsing and following fellow Elftowner's art easier than ever! Sure beats having to spend endless hours searching the catacombs of Elftown randomly and aimlessly!

Index Listing Rules

If you'd like to add your own official art wikis to this list... please be sure you follow these easy rules:
1. List your member name first. (Keep it in alphabetical/numerical order!)
2. List your wiki(s) next. (Wikis must be owned by you and contain your own art!)
3. If you do have multiple wikis to list... please separate them with commas!
4. You may put a short tag (in parenthesis) behind your wiki name to quickly describe what kind of art wiki it is. Examples: (Artwork), (Photography), (Photo Manipulations), (Sculptures), (RPG Characters) ect.

[#A][#B][#C][#D][#E][#F][#G][#H][#I][#J][#K][#L][#M][#N][#O][#P][#Q][#R][#S][#T][#U][#V][#W][#X][#Y][#Z][#Numbers][#Symbols][#Regular Username Changers]


[Adaman]: Art of Adaman contains artwork done mostly by hand in pencil (color or monochromatic), and separated into sections based on complexity of color. Mainly characters of ancient, long gone wiki stories.

[Aeolynn]: Art from Aeo includes (Artwork [Traditional and digital mediums], Photography, Photo Manipulations, Sculptures, RPG Characters, OC Characters, OC Species, link for commissions and link to my DA which has more art there.)

[Aliz]: Art of Aliz (Main art page, with links to art wikis and other information. Mainly anime-ish art, fan art and original, with some random other drawing in between <3)

[Anvikit]: Plush All my creepy and cute stuffed critters. -- Color My World Some colorful artwork :D -- Munny Gallery of my custom toy dolls! -- Art of the pen Visions in written word.


[Cassave]: Cassave's Artsy Stuff (Artsy Bits) First Limbo Concept Art (Concept art for a defunct RP)

[Chel.]: Chel-chan's Art (Everything cute, colorful and fruity)

[Chimes]: Chimes' Manipulations (Photomanipulation), Chimes' Art (Digital, traditional, mixed, WIPs, doodles, yeah)

[Duke Devlin]: Dukey's Art (Mainpage of all art), Duke's Writing

[Dirty DaVinci]: No art-wikis at the moment, but I am open to e-mails from people asking for suggestions on techniques. Visit my site and you'll see examples of my work. Specialized in pencils, ink and digital painting/animation. Hyper-,sur- and realism are my specialty, as well as scientific/medical illustrations. You're all welcome to visit. And thanks to [Hendercrazy] for coming up with this fantastic idea!

[Daisy le Fleur]: Jen's Art old works and WIPS, Shutterfly & Neon Graveyard = my photography.

[Daisy_Sandybanks]: Daisy's Drawings (Sketches and drawings), Artistic Photography (Artsy photos).

[Dark Side of the Moon]: The American Civil War (Civil War portraits)



[Flisky]: Flisk_girl's art drawings and (very few) digital works



[Hendercrazy]: Art of Derek Henderson (Art Gallery/Art Store), Dark_Horizons (Art Print/Art Process), Perfect_Balance (Art Print), Another_Year_of_Torture (Art Print), Spazznik (Webcomic)


[Jitter]: for spARTa, jitter progress
[Ms. Steel]: And so it goes (Various and sundry illustrations. Links to my other art-related wikis are at the top of the page)


[jaraden]: Jaraden's drawings (Pencil Artwork)


[Kuramasgirl]: MC's Art Menagerie (Art Gallery; lots of horses)

[Kyrinn]: Artwork by Kyrinn fantasy art, traditionally done and computer work. Mostly traditional.



[Malnu]: Malnu's Art

[moira hawthorne]: Hawthorne's Elftown Art (a good starting place (has links to others if you show an interest))


[nathie]: [new -->]EmpiresNeverLast_Artbook
nathies digital paintings (older artwork) nathies digital paintings2(not so old artwork)

[nehirwen]: Nehirwens Art (mainpage), Nehirwens Photomanipulations

[Nioniel]: Melissa's Stock Images 2010, Tea Bag Buddies



[Pnelma Tirian] - Pnelma's Art (Artwork)



[Ramirez] - Ramirez's Art (Artwork/Writing)

[Ravendust] - Ravendust's Art (Art)

[Rice] - Rice's Art Gallery

[Ravenclaw] Dice Bags by: Ravenclaw (chainmail)


[Serwa] - Art by SirWaka (ART)


[Triola] - Trin's Art (Artwork)

[The Dizzy Raven] - Art Gallery of A, United Artists, & The Creative Minds of Elftown

[The Last Dragoon] - Deadeye



[Veltzeh] – Veltzeh's pictures (Illustrations)


[wicked fae mage]-sketches wiki, more sketches wiki, nikkis newer drawings (I do draw some suggestive things)...a super wiki page (A few of my stories)



[Yncke] - Per'Bat (Comic)

[Yami]: Cat's art (Art, original and fan stuff...I need a scanner to update this :( )



[*Phoenix*] - (art/poems/stories), April's Characters, April's Photos

Regular Username Changers

Thanks to all who've signed up so far! You can help spread the word by posting a return link back to here from your art wiki(s)! You may use one of the title header images below as well if you wish! Also, be sure to fan this wiki page so a link will show up in your Elftown houses! If you know anyone else that has an art wiki... feel free to encourage them to join. :D



Other Art Wiki related places:
Sunny Featured Art - Featured art chosen by [Sunrose]!
Voila! - Find crits and comments on your art compliments of [NOOOPE]!
What's an Artist? - Give your opinion!
What's an Artist? Funny Edition! - Come laugh and add your own!
Featured Art Archive - Official Elftown page of featured art!
Reflection_Infinity - Art Community
Art Supplies Trove! - Get the skinny on art supplies!
Artisans' Guild - For those of you who are creative with crafts!

Username (or number or email):


2010-06-10 [Adaman]: Inspiration can come from anything, even a simple breeze. Motivation is a bit more tricky, but I've noticed that an alcohol intoxication can bring about a good amount of desire to finish. Unfortunately, you get too drunk and all you can do is lay around. Moderation is important for motivation, one could say. Some motivation less likely to cause a stir would be a significant other, passion is good motivation for anything.

2010-06-10 [Hendercrazy]: Outside of just naturally wanting to draw... the two biggest inspirations for me are visiting my favorite fellow artists sites/wikis looking at their work and also playing table-top RPG. I'm probably most motivated by visions that pop into my mind while listening to music and also seeing fellow artists producing really cool art. :)

[Adaman]: Too funny! :P Maybe I'll try that sometime! Purposely get trashed and see what comes out of the ol' pencil! :D

2010-06-12 [hanhepi]: for me, it's tough to describe. it's sorta like Yncke's answer, the addiction bit. cause i'll go for weeks or months with no desire to do anything, then all of a sudden get an overwhelming urge to draw that i have to respond to or i get the shakes, get grumpier than usual and none of that goes away until i do something really creative. but i still haven't figured out what triggers that.

2010-06-12 [*Phoenix*]: I agree with [hanhepi]. I have that same problem sometimes....

2010-06-20 [Hendercrazy]: Man, I've noticed [Serwa] has been busy with new art and he's producing some really nice stuff! I really recommend you go check it out! :) Nice inspiration brother!

2010-07-05 [Hendercrazy]: New update to my Dark_Horizons pic. :) Spending more time on details than I was originally planning.

2010-07-06 [*Phoenix*]: I've got a website!

2011-04-22 [Chel.]: Me too! and a blog: stalkers welcome!

2011-04-28 [Eyden13]: Hi! I'm looking for an artist who'd be willing to do some art for one of my stories. If you're willing please shot me a message. I need people, banners, places, exc... it's a lot of work some I'm willing to come up with sometime of trade. Also, even if you specialize in just people or just scenery still get in touch with me, i could use more than one. Please and thank yous.

2011-04-28 [Chel.]: Maybe check out: Commission me!!! and see if you like anything there?

2011-04-28 [Chel.]: Speaking of which, that wiki might be nice posted on here.

2011-04-28 [Eyden13]: thanks [Chel.]

2011-04-28 [windowframe]: We were going to feature this place on the Featured Wiki, but apparently we can't, because it's official. :P

2011-04-29 [Eyden13]: awwww. I feel as if i should still make this a little badge of some sort because it is so awesome.

2011-05-21 Teyah: I feel so much hapeipr now I understand all this. Thanks!

2011-09-13 [Ravenclaw]: I added Dice Bags by: Ravenclaw if that's ok.

2013-08-03 [Lord Josmar]: Congratulations on becoming the Featured Wiki! :)

2013-08-04 [The Dizzy Raven]: I really have to edit mine :/

2013-08-05 [Mortified Penguin]: Bob's Diner should be under the B's.

2013-08-05 [pegasus1000]: nice page.

2013-08-05 [Mortified Penguin]: Yeah, Bob's Diner is pretty awesome. But let's focus on this page for now, I don't want to take too much away from it.

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