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Halloween Costume Competition - 2007, Page 1

Please see the rules on the main page:

Halloween Costume Competition

Winners: Halloween Costume Competition 2007

<news:Halloween Costume Competition Winners!>

<img200*0:> <img200*0:>
By [Captain Thorne]

<img150*0:> <img250*0:>
By [Wa+cher]


Thank you to all that contributed!


This contest is closed


How to post your entry:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag. Don't forget to write your username and the title of the entry:

1. [ username ] - "title"




1. [Priscilla Primkin] - "Priscilla the Pirate"
I made the eye patch myself and [Ilana] made the hair dangly. Everything else was just ordinary stuff I had lying around.

2. [Ilana] - continuing the pirate theme... "Mary Read the Pirate"
<img200*0:stuff/n137700373_30586349_1559.jpg> <img200*0:stuff/n137700373_30586352_2319.jpg> <img200*0:stuff/n137700373_30586355_3073.jpg>
Special note: I made the hat myself, as well as the hair danglies. The rest of the costume was put together from stuff I bought at one time or another.

3. [Jeccabee] - Janine Melnitz (Ghostbusters II)
Note: My boyfriend and I made this one. The Stockings, shoes, wig and glasses were store bought.

4. [skittels] - "Succubus"
<img200*0:img/drawing/177121_1193831849.jpg> <img200*0:img/photo/177121_1193831563.jpg>
Note: Assecoires made by me.

5. [Arisonu] - "The Bedsheet Kimono"

Title explains it all.

6. [Able Insane] - "Isa the Pirate"
<img200*0:stuff/z/180901/pirateableinsane/i1193896730_4.jpg><img200*0:stuff/z/180901/pirateableinsane/i1193896729_1.jpg> <img200*0:stuff/z/180901/pirateableinsane/i1193896730_3.jpg>
Note: Everything I'm wearing was in my possesion before halloween... I also made several of the necklaces...

7. [Panophobia] - "Wounded Norseman"
<img200*0:stuff/z/174703/8989/00456.JPG> <img200*0:stuff/z/174703/8989/015641.JPG>

8. [roslyn] - "Typhoid Fairy"
I made everything I was wearing except the shoes and the jewelry. Since you can't see the wings and the wand, I added these pictures from my costume wiki so the detail on them shows.
<img200*0:stuff/z/137183/Images%2520for%2520Roz/i1193928954_1.jpg> <img200*0:stuff/z/137183/Costume%2520Images%2520for%2520Roz/i1193932170_1.jpg> <img200*0:stuff/z/137183/Costume%2520Images%2520for%2520Roz/i1193932170_2.jpg>

9. [Elliott Demonsworn] - "Barbarian Fairy"
The costume was all made by my wife [roslyn] including the horns and the engraving in the bone wand. the henna is a design by Rab The Celt used with permission

10. [Valaina Lalaith] - "Forest Nymph"
<img200*0:stuff/BrittanyNymph1.jpg> <img200*0:stuff/BrittanyNymph3.jpg> <img200*0:stuff/BrittanyNymph4.jpg>
Note: Costume sewed and put together by me. (shoes and earrings excluded)

11. [Wa+cher] "Major Samantha Carter from Stargate SG-1"

This costume was difficult to put together... About two months of work went into finding and prepping some of the more show-specific uniform items and props. The Zat gun is a resin model that I painted myself and I had to sew the patches onto the WEP Jacket. The drop leg holster is actually modified for use with a full sized Zat replica. I already owned the BDU pants, pistol and BDU belts, Black issue T-shirt and Boots, as I am a military enthusiast to begin with. The Boots are Altama steel toe jungle boots, and I wear those on a daily basis. The vest is of the Blackhawk OMEGA line... it's the exact vest that is used on the show. The uniform is as close to screen accurate as I could get it, right down to the dog tags. My hair is naturally dark brown, so I bleached it out. I already had the haircut; I've had the same hair style for years. I did my makeup as well (didn't really need much).

<img200*0:stuff/BasicUniform.jpg> <img200*0:stuff/CompleteUniform.jpg> <img200*0:stuff/Headshot%20With%20Uniform%20Jacket.jpg>

12. [Captain Thorne] "Darth Maul"
The costume, the make-up, even the horns all done by me.



1.) [Maeve104] - "Nostariel the Elf" Please upload these on Elftown
<img200*0:stuff/z/181774/Maeve104%2527s%2520Art/i1194019658_5.jpg?r=r&y=0&x=300> <img200*0:stuff/z/181774/Maeve104%2527s%2520Art/i1194019658_7.jpg?r=r&y=0&x=300>
I had a crown thing, so I started from that. the ears are latex, but I painted them to match my skintone and added shading. I also doodled on my face with silver paint. lol.

2. [Jitter] "A Madame from Faery"
<img200*0:stuff/61513IMGP1167.JPG> <img200*0:stuff/61513IMGP1168.JPG>
I'm still purple after that. I gave the purple tint on my skin with eyeshadow (Don't try it it itches like heck) and painted all my face with gel/glitter glue. Earrings are made by me, scarves are store bought


Go or return to:
- Halloween Art Competition
- Halloween Costume Competition
- Halloween Poetry Competition

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2007-11-04 [Jitter]: ok so Watcher's name was changed into [Bleh1234] and that whole convo doesn't make sense now x3

2007-11-04 [skittels]: lol! no it doesn't ^^

2007-11-04 [Artsieladie]: Regardless of the usernames used now, they are both the same person, same name, just have different ages. Hmmm..... :/ 'Course, things are changing as we speak. :P

2007-11-04 [Wa+cher]: yeah... that's an extremely old profile. I tried to delete it but apparently you can't do that any more. I forgot it even existed... lol. I figured that changing the name would prevent further confusion, at least.

2007-11-07 [Synsae]: great costumes everyone... wish I had checked out this contest more thouroughly now because I would have tried to participate in it...

oh and [Wa+cher], got to say... I really like your outfit the most, because I am a Stargate fan (though Lt. Col Carter is not my favorite character from the show)

2007-11-07 [Wa+cher]: Thank you. That's actually sort of why I listed it as Major Carter. I liked the show (and Carter) alot more before season 8 rolled around. I didn't like they way the writers handled some of the character development beyond that point.

2007-11-07 [Jeccabee]: so if there is not mainstreet vote, how are the winners chosen?

2007-11-07 [Sunrose]: By vote of the Council and Assembly :)

2007-11-07 [Synsae]: [Wa+cher] I see, cool, and yeah, I do have to agree... it seems that with most or some of the characters after season 7 ended... their personality changed a little... probably because too many new characters came in I guess

well, I'll shut up before I accidentally spark an off-topic conversation in this wiki...

2007-11-08 [Jeccabee]: thanks Sunrose...that's what I figured but wasnt sure

2007-11-10 [Maeve104]: Oooh, congrats to the winners-You earned it! :D (hooray stargate and star wars! hehe.)

2007-11-10 [Jitter]: I just realised both were Star-something xD Congratulations everyone :)

2007-11-10 [Arisonu]: Hmm, I figured there would have been some poll or some public announcement.

2007-11-10 [Sunrose]: There are only 12 entries, which isn't enough to have a Mainstreet Poll for :)

2007-11-10 [Mortified Penguin]: ...there would be thirteen, if you'd accept mine.

2007-11-10 [Jitter]: Yours was posted well past the deadline and after the contest had a mark to show it was closed. Sure the wiki wasn't locked but the contest had been closed for more than a day when you entered. :P

And 13 wouldn't have been a difference anyway.

2007-11-10 [Sunrose]: Aside from that the entry was denied because the picture was of bad quality (lighting) and cut off the bottom half of the costume.

2007-11-10 [Mortified Penguin]: It wasn't bad lighting... it was a red spotlight.

2007-11-11 [Sunrose]: Also, but aside from that it was too shady.
No more comments needed, the answer remains the same.

2007-11-12 [Jeccabee]: congrats to the winners! Those were definitely the most awesome!

2007-11-13 [Radioactive Flea]: awww, I missed it. Well there's always next year. Good job on the outfits everyone.

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