Page name: Mini Prologue: Hana's Soliloquy [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-17 03:41:01
Last author: YokoTsuta
Owner: YokoTsuta
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Written: Saturday, December 16, 2006

What am I going to do? He will never forgive me for being late. I thought as I dashed out of work for that last time in so long. I was hurrying and scrambled to print out the last papers of the report that was due to the boss before I could leave. Of course, I was always the last to leave. I stapled them and dropped them into the inbox of his desk as I flew out the door. The sky looked bleak in the reflection of the glass door as I turned to lock it up for the night.

The cars were gone from the industrial street and no taxis would pass through these streets until tomorrow morning. I cursed myself for the ostentatious heels I wore and started on the long trek to reach home. A shortcut through the park would be perfect.

He might be irritated when I got home, but there was no way I could miss the dinner he planned. His boyish face would greet me at the door and he would take me into his arms before letting me even cross over the threshold. I sighed in my temporarily denied longing and started the trudge down the street.

I noticed the streetlights as they came on and wondered who would have the use for them tonight as the rain trickled its first drops on my shoulders.

Note from KatL.: It's been quite a while since I've written anything for As The Night...but I hope that maybe I can change it and renew my old interest for it. My writing has certainly changed and I hope to adjust this story with it.
For those that have actually stayed with it,'ve probably forgotten the story like I have. Let's hope I haven't let everything go on this.

Feel free to flame my procrastination in the comment box.

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