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2008-10-09 16:16:44
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The Town Herald


The netpaper about Elftowners, by Elftowners, for Elftowners.



courtesy of, revised by [Mordigen]


[#October2008] | [#November2008]

October 2008 Horoscopes

Go on the Internet and read where greed has gotten you. Watch the evening news to see what maelstrom another lending institution has wrought. Because you have always lived like the world revolves around you and your plots and plans, see how long it takes you to sell another big idea. No one covers disappointment quite like you do. If you would step out of line and take a deep, illumined look at your inner tapestry to see what drives and motivates you, you might see where the trouble is. Learn to embrace the notion that ‘its all about all of us, and not just all about you’!

If your prospects get any better I am going to beg for an extreme celestial makeover and land in the land of milk and honey of you snorting and success-headed Bulls. With Saturn in Virgo (earth like you Taurus) and Jupiter in Capricorn for a few more months, you should be hearing ‘yes’, ‘yes’, ‘yes’ every time you ask for anything. But if I were you, and lord do I wish I were, I would check around to see who needs some of your dough and spread it around. You are not known to be Santa Claus—free wheeling with dollars and cents—but it may be time for you to ask the underprivileged, “What can I do for you?” It is amazing how much further money goes when you share the wealth.

Every time I see a car stranded on the side of the road or see someone who has been getting a lot of rain on his parade, I want to stop and ask, “Which of the twins are you?” It has been rough going with Saturn in Virgo squaring your Sun Sign and squared by Uranus in Pisces, but the next two months are going to be a bit easier. You are in for a few breaks and not brakes on your best laid plans. By October your world will have seemed as if you never had a bad day. In the meantime, count your blessings and thank the Divine for the lessons you are learning. Patience, not your long suit, will hold you in good stead when you embrace it.

If you lay low during the New Moon at 06 degrees of Libra on September 29th and the Full Moon at 21 degrees of Aries on October 14th you will be rolling in clover—kind of, sort of—partially. If nobody will give you the drill I will: The Moon rules Cancer and moves into a different sign every two and a half days. Do the math. Half the month you are free to spread your largesse and controlling manner around the Ponderosa. The other half, you will meet with resistance and stir up the Fire and Air signs to a stand-off. For those of you who write in and ask me, I will send you the days you can kick up your heels and meet with a lot of agreement and fair-thee-well.

Both of the Lunations, New and Full Moons, on the 29th of September and the 14th of October favor you, so move forward with anything to do with investments, houses or raw land. Although the markets are yo-yoing and the lending institutions all seem to be going ‘belly up’ you will have the luck of the Irish and the blessing from the planetary gods this month with money matters. Since Leo rules gambling, make sure you are not taking a chance on Lady Luck at the gaming tables in Las Vegas or Atlantic City—the house is not on your side. Take a chance on a good deal, but stay out of the roll of the dice or the upturned cards at the blackjack tables. Ain’t it great that Saturn moved out of Leo? Phew!

I talked to a Virgo the other day and asked her to write me a Gratitude List, and when she called back she had a lot to be thankful for: a lover she kicked to the curb who was more cad than compatible; a job she lost but found a new one that better suited her; and for learning to live on less and pay off instead of spend more money she didn’t have. I asked her if she could continue to learn and change because that’s what her stars were telling me, she said, “What choice do I have?” I replied, “Good answer. In less than a year your rewards will outweigh your losses. In tears, she thanked me and hung up, with an attitude of gratitude.

Your task this month is to be more discerning about where and how you spend your assets. We are still living in dark shadows with which financial institution has a rock solid plan to increase your net worth and which ones are about to crumble and fall. Until after the election you might want to weed your garden—plucking the part of your economic plan that is stifling growth of what’s as good as gold. And along the way, look more carefully at the players in your life. You’re still not done with deception lurking just behind the curtain.

When push comes to shove, you know how to find hidden reserves of energy to keep your place in line. Keep tending to your business and following the game plan that you have been crafting for the last year or so. No one is going to give you anything—you are too ethical and play the game with an even hand to stoop to dirty politics. Stick to what you know and success is just around the corner. If you ever learn to turn envy into ingenuity and jealousy into joy for the other fellow’s success, you will be the one getting the loudest applause from your fawning friends and co-workers. Nobody has more of the right stuff than you Scorpios, minus the stinger!

You are one of the few signs of the Zodiac that when given lemons will find a good recipe for a new health drink with zing—or when you lose a bundle in the market you shrug and say, ‘Next time I’ll do better’. For this Fall Season it is time to take a good, honest inventory and see what to keep and what has to go out of your life. Never one to be too attached to anything or anyone, be true to you and if it turns out to be a relationship that has come to the end of the line, change the things you can and say good-bye without hurt feelings.

You must be feeling like the mad scientist in his or her laboratory, nose-to-the-grindstone on your life’s masterpiece. Keep to your own time frame—there are no calendars or clocks for genius. With Jupiter in Capricorn for a few more months, everything you touch turns to something that can make you and a lot of other people healthier, wealthier and a lot smarter. This is one time in your life that you know better than the second guessers. If someone makes a suggestion, listen and then do what you know to do. With all the chaos in the world at this time, we are all ready, willing and able to let you Goats restore the infrastructure brick by brick and stone by stone.

If you can hear a clear message through the static interference of Neptune in your Sun Sign, go ahead and act on your transmissions. But we continue to caution you Water Bearers about confusion and chaos because that is exactly what Neptune does—‘mist’ifies your ability to think clearly. My suggestion is to take stock of where you’ve been—inventory your past—to know where you are going. Since you walk to a tune no one else can hear, be warned that if you don’t make corrections in what went wrong behind you, you are doomed to repeat it up ahead. (Meditate and journal your way out of a dangerous place: the confusion between your ears).

If you have stirred awake daily to dread and fear you can thank your lucky stars that Saturn in Virgo is opposing you—and for another year! Do you think that you Dream Weavers would learn to live in reality without checkmates to your runaway spending or wishing on a star that you would be at the ocean when your ship comes in? Here’s your lesson for the month: there are two of you living inside you—one is the ‘turn it over to God after taking action’ and the other is ‘give me what my dark side says I need to support my bad-boy, bad-girl Fishy habits’. You really will thank your lucky stars when you understand that you’re not who you think you are!

November 2008 Horoscopes

Finances, taxes, and intimacy are main themes for the first few weeks of the month, dear Aries. A love relationship reaches new depths of understanding. You are also very busy with research and investigations of all kinds. You are easily engrossed by special subjects and projects this month, and eagerly throw yourself into learning and producing. The need for challenges, whether these are mental or physical, becomes palpable from the 17th forward. A travel, publishing, creative, or educational opportunity falls into your lap in the last week of the month.

Close personal relationships are in focus this month, dear Taurus. You find yourself making concessions more than usual. A conflict between time spent with lovers or children, and time spent with friends or group activities, is likely to capture your attention. Your responsibilities might interfere with your social life this month. Your desire nature is strong from mid-month forward. A full Moon occurs in your sign on the 13th, pulling up some surprising emotions and feelings. Love opportunities are strongest on the 11 and 28. Good news arrives on the 29-30.

Work continues to be in the spotlight for you this month, dear Gemini. However, responsibilities on the home front are likely to conflict with career matters. Work is busy for you in November, and you take especial pride in what you do. From the 16th forward, a partnership steps up a notch, becoming more dynamic and dramatic, and particularly so in the last week of the month. A love relationship reaches new levels of intimacy. A loan or money owed to you could arrive on the 29-30, particularly if it involves family or property.

Romance, play time, and creativity continue to take center stage in the first few weeks of November, dear Cancer. Still, there will be times when you feel bogged down by learning, projects, paperwork, and errands. You do find time for indulging in hobbies and other pleasurable activities. Your charm runs very high again this month. The 13th brings the need to help out a friend. Work is a scurry of activity in the last week of the month, and this period also favors stepping up physical activity or health routines.

Domestic and family matters continue to take center stage for you this month, dear Leo. At first glance, the month may not seem to be as productive as most, but in fact you are “building your nest”, gathering your resources, and preparing for busier months ahead. A career or reputation matter demands attention around the Full Moon on the 13th. Romantic activity picks up after the 16th. Socializing on the job, and perhaps even meeting someone through work, is also part of the picture in the second half of the month.

A busy month that involves plenty of errand-running, tending to paperwork, and attending appointments is in store for you, dear Virgo. When Venus enters fellow earth sign, Capricorn, on the 12th, your charm increases and you easily attract what (and who) you want! You may have to deal with a partner who is acting a little irresponsible (in your eyes) or erratic this month. Romance without any strings or expectations might be the answer. The 15-16 is a period of strength for you, when your powers of persuasion are especially effective.

It’s time to organize your personal finances this month, dear Libra, after perhaps some over-spending. November is an excellent month for budget-making, asking for a raise, and discovering new ways to boost your income. The 10-12 is a strong time for money matters. Some erratic elements on the job can leave your head spinning at times, but keeping your cool is necessary. A generally friendly, positive attitude this month helps you to do just that. The last few days of November are excellent for education, learning, and communications.

November is a month of increased confidence and initiative for you, dear Scorpio. Others are following your lead now. It’s an excellent month in which to present your ideas, state your case, or simply get up to date with your emails, phone calls, and paperwork. Career offers come now, and money owed to you could also arrive, particularly in the last week of the month. You begin to realize some of your dreams of creating an ideal home environment in November, as you seem to have a handle on your daily activities.

November is an especially strong month for you in terms of career and family matters, dear Sagittarius. It’s also excellent for personal finances. The first few weeks of the month could involve some sacrifices and rethinking of your plans. However, it’s a time of gathering your resources for the weeks ahead. The last week of the month is extremely busy. You are willingly taking the lead and others have your best interests at heart. A lover or partner is paying a lot of attention to you, and it feels fabulous.

Expansion, confidence, and hopefulness are keywords for November, dear Capricorn. You are feeling good about yourself and confident about your future. A romantic revelation occurs around the Full Moon on the 13th. This is also the time when Venus, the planet of love and attraction, enters your sign. It’s easier than ever to attract exactly what you want during this cycle. November is likely to be memorable for love and romance! Confusing financial matters or questions of ownership begin to resolve this month.

Business and public affairs continue to play a big role in your life in November, dear Aquarius, but the pressures and over-activity in these areas you encountered last month begin to dissipate. As a result, you’re more likely to enjoy your increased exposure and recognition on a professional level. Increased responsibilities continue to be an issue in your life, but you feel more in control. Love this month is rather business-like as well, or could be found through professional contacts. Friends and group activities are strong in the last week.

Your sense of adventure runs high this month, dear Pisces, and you are itching for a change of pace. Any partnership conflicts that have been brewing are magnified in November, however. The key to resolving this potential tug-of-war is to find common ground and to renew the element of friendship and equality in your relationship. Watch for money tensions around the 4th and social blunders or misunderstandings on the 17-18. The last week of the month is outstanding for work, money, and career.


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