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2008-10-09 15:47:22
Last author: Mordigen
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The Town Herald


The netpaper about Elftowners, by Elftowners, for Elftowners.


Quickie Reviews!

by [Mordigen]



Astrology for Dummies - Well, first I have to say that this book is certainly not for everyone. This is not a text book, or a reference book or anything of the like for casual reading or entertainment purposes - this is a book for people who are serious in learning the art/science (however you look at it) of astrology and horoscope casting. If you are that type of person - great! Then this is the grade A top-choice book to start out with. It explains all the basics, in standard, plain, easy to read "talk to me like I'm human" standpoints. Even all the in-depth complicated professor talk is put to you in step-by-step quick to learn lessons, and it slowly graduates you up to more and more advanced lessons. All in all - it is HIGHLY informative, well put together, easy to read, and holds your interest and makes you *want* to keep learning.
I give it a 10/10 for the right type of person.

The Crown of Stars Series - This is a Seven - yes, count em, SEVEN book fantasy series written by the Delightful Kate Elliott. Now, this by all technicality is a fantasy book, it has elves, it was dwarves and gnomes, and goblins, and epic battles, nad a really awesome dragon-like creature, the Guivre. But, still, this is not your typical fantasy literature by any means. Elliott put emmense amount of research into medieval life, habits, politics and the day-to-day hardships of peasants, soldiers and other folk of the era. This is a really in-depth, and intense series that is more harsh, vulgar and brutally honest than whimsy and happily-ever-afters. It winds a complicated tapestry of endless plotlines into the tale of a World, and a Region moreso than the people in it. Though it is not all magick, and glory and the triumphs of good over evil - because of this, it feels much more real, and that is more inspiring than one realizes until they get entwined in the story. It is a great read that gets you hooked, and enlightens you into a different world - it is both fascinating, and entertaining. Though, the printer - DAW publications - is not by any means a high-end publisher, leaving many printing errors, spelling errors and other editing problems that can be a bit distracting from time to time that will pull you away from the story for a moment - and for that, I have to give this an 8/10,but still a highly recommended read.

The Necronomicon - Lovecraft is renowned worldwide for is tantelizing sci-fi tales, inspiring many endless things from subcultures, to cults to celebrities - such as DaDa Surrealist HR Giger. This was the book that pretty much but Lovecraft on the map, and also banned him from many US States, and even some whole countries. Nonetheless, regardless of what popular culture leads you to believe these days, "The Necronomicon" is in fact just a fiction story. A lot of people will be angry to hear that - but it's true. It's made up, it's a story. The tale of the "Mad Arab" is all a load of, that being said - Lovecraft did an outstanding job. To many this book has become a demonologists' bible. But truth is - even though the story of the Mad Arab is all just a story, he did base it on true events, and true religious legends. It is a book that is based around, and actually teaches the logistics, and practices of Demonology - which is frightening. In the late 80s, early 90s there were endless ammounts of cult activities, and mass suicides throughout eastern Europe, into parts of Russia, and the US that were supposedly brought on by this book, and the teachings of Demonology and Satan - leaving it the be banned. In my opinion, for damn good reason. Call me supersticious, but this book, truthfully, frightens me. Even if it is just a book, the fact that it does use real religious beliefs and practices from a bygone religion, to me, pushes treading on sacred grounds that were not meant to be disturbed. Though many say that was Lovecrafts whole point - it's not for me. This leads me to have to give this book two seperate ratings.
Writing skill - 10/10. Only people who truely have a unique master for literary arts can write a completely fictional sci-fi novel, and lead people to belief it is the Bible for a whole sub-cultured religion. Bravo to you.
Refferrence and refferel - 1/10. This book is well researched, and frighteningly accurate with its religious basis. Which is typically a good thing, but in this since, I feel it does more harm than good. There are some things that are not meant to be tampered with - especially by lil kids and shitbag teens that always think though know everything because puberty has hit them hard, so have no clue what they are getting themselves into, and this is what this book does. I do NOT recommend this book, save for only a rare few and far between people who take a strong, and respectful knowledge in such subjects.


Zodiac - A 'based on true events' horror movie about a serial killer that ties his killings into the zodiac signs. You cannot exactly blame the writers/directors as it was indeed a true story........but then again, it was not original at all. This was "Se7en" all over again, only with the Sins replaced by Horoscopes. And Wasn't Seven based on true events also? Hmmm...coincidential much? it gives the same type atmosphere, the same type tension, with the same type mystery. In my opinion, completely unoriginal - yet somehow, it holds you attention. Its a good movie to waste time, but not one for the hard-core movie goer, as, you've seen it all before - you'll have dejas vous. I give it a 4/10. Not particularly recomended. Go rent Seven instead.

What Dreams May Come A new twist on a classic love story. It's the typical boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy loses girl, boy tries to get girl back -- but in a much much different way, done with beautiful direction, and stunning visionary direction and special effects. It's completely over-the-top, love is SO not that damn romantic, but it totally sweeps you away to a different time and place, is heart wrenching and inspiring, and is very pleasing to the eyes to watch. Though Cuba Gooding Jr. is completely obnoxious, and the casting director could have done a MUCH better job picking some of the roles, it's still a fantastic movie that has quicly become a cult-classic, and in my opinion, should become a contemporary classic for all. I give it an 8/10.


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