Page name: TH 18 Review: Whats Your Sign [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-09 15:50:31
Last author: Mordigen
Owner: Mordigen
# of watchers: 1
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The Town Herald


The netpaper about Elftowners, by Elftowners, for Elftowners.


What's Your Sign? a wiki by [Mom]

a wiki-review by [Chimes]


Review: What's your sign?, a wiki by [Mom]
Reviewer: [Chimes]

Written Content:

'What's your sign?' is a pot of gold for the zodiac-enthusiast - it has everything. If you can think of it, chances are that this wiki has it. You can find anything from the fashion traits of your sign to how to seduce another. Even if you aren't interested in the zodiac this wiki is a great read - you may even find yourself warming up to the idea of reading your horoscope or finding out what the signs hold for you.

With a combination of her own writing and things cited from websites there is no doubt that this information is both credible and creative. Though it is non-fiction it is still entertaining, I have found myself chuckling away to some of the things I have read within its pages - I don't know about anyone else but I prefer this writing style to the boring clap-trap some people produce any day.

I have noticed a few spelling errors - they are most probably the result of typing too fast, it happens to all of us - but even then the rest of the text had me so captivated that I didn't notice them until I read it for, maybe, the third time.

I normally don't delve further in to the zodiac than looking at my horoscope every week but when I clicked the link to 'What's your sign?' I couldn't help but look at the pages in awe - It might be the titles that did it, I can't be sure but something certainly did it for me.

This is another wiki that does not have too much writing in one space - you are given what you need to know. Well, you do not need to know these things but maybe you want to; in any case there is no pointless waffle.

I know one thing - I have to try some Wasabi Peas!

The written content earns itself a 10/10.

Layout and Graphics:

The layout of the main page is simple and right up my street; it consists of links to other pages where the treasure that is the information is held. There is no need for any introductory paragraph; as soon as you click on the link the wikis subject is clear though many can guess by the name. This increases the simplicity of the page.

I was not sure whether any of the graphics were up for grabs so I did the sensible thing and asked. It turns out that the only up for grabs graphics are the ones that advertise the wiki but that doesn't take away from the appeal of the wiki, after all it is not a graphic wiki - it is informative. I have been informed that Mom is thinking about putting a graphic page on there so look out for that, I know I will be.

The wiki has three lovely banners that people can take and put in their houses, each banner suits the wiki, stars, stars and more stars. For a wiki revolving around star signs they seem to be fitting, do they not? They are not too large, so they will not look unpleasant in the average Elftown house and they are not too small - you can read the writing with perfect ease. They seem to be the perfect size for a wiki banner - I, for one, don't like the thought of having huge wiki banners within my house.

The graphics that decorate this wiki are pleasing to the eye, they are not too bright and though most of them lack colour they make up for it with their interesting patterns and images. This is definitely a wiki that took a lot of time and effort to create and it shows - the graphics were clearly well thought out and definitely well-produced.

Up for grabs graphics earn 10/10 - These are the banners of the wiki, none of the other graphics are up for grabs so please do not take them. This wiki is not a graphic-based wiki so it would be hard to mark it down on this front - the banners serve their purpose.
General page graphics earn 8/10 - most follow a theme and are brilliantly made but there are some that don't seem to fit in with the theme. They are still lovely, don't get me wrong, but they lack consistency - it may be a matter of personal preference.
The layout earns 10/10 - Simple and to the point.


There is not much I need to say in this section - the sections are made clear by the wiki titles. At the time I first wrote this review I was very confused as to what I feel pretty... was but then, like a sign that this review was destined to not have a bad word to say about 'What's your sign?', Mom declared that she had finished the beauty page. The name makes complete sense now that I actually think about it instead of sitting there staring at the graphics and the names wondering what it was supposed to be.

In short, everything is clear this wiki does not leave you guessing.

I give the accessibility 10/10 - There is no way one could get confused, now. My getting confused was purely lack of thought and possibly brains.

Overall I seem to have found myself a newfound love, even though some parts are under construction this wiki has a lot going for it [Mom] has obviously spent many hours perfecting it and her efforts are not unnoticed. I adore this wiki and recommend it to all.

Overall score: 48/50


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