Page name: Thailand-Hong Kong 2005 - 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-29 21:40:35
Last author: thoughtfox
Owner: thoughtfox
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Good trainer... now you get your hat back ^_^

I'm not kidding you - THE ELEPHANT drew that!

This is called the Elephant Massage...

The woman next to me is a really friendly elephant trainer who accompanied us for the day.

What's that? you want a banana?

You also want a banana?

Now they love me :)

The botanical gardens of Chiang Mai... don't you wish you were a frog here?

This was at the Monkey show. I can't say I was impressed - it was expensive, not well-done, and i actually felt sorry for the monkeys. Here it's forced to dive.

I decided I to take a photo of a complete stranger. So I did.

Welcome to Hong Kong!

So much to see, so little time...

A little park in Hong Kong

And, to your right is Hong-Kong...

Now when they say harbour, THEY MEAN harbour!

So remember - always sit on the right in the HK Peak Tram!

There's civilisation out there! lol

As beautiful of a city as it is, I do prefer Bangkok and Chiang Mai...

It wasn't enough that I took a photo of a complete stranger in Bangkok... I took a photo of a complete stranger taking a photo of another complete stranger (to me)

Welcome to the world's longest outdoor escalator... only in Hong Kong

This man's serious about watering his plants. We think.

Man Mo Temple. This isn't over-exposed - the temple is literally saturated with incense smoke!

Looks far better without the flash.

Hong Kong at night. One does not just find views like this anywhere.

Thailand-Hong Kong 2005
Thailand-Hong Kong 2005 - 2

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