This is my page of art! Here you'll find my photomanipulations, photography, drawings, and various other hard-to-classify "arts". It's arranged with the new ones at the top and the old ones at the bottom, in "year" categories. Also, all the pictures are thumbnailed, so you can click to enlarge. Constructive criticism (or telling me how good I am... or, what the hell, telling me these pictures suck) is always welcome! Enjoy!
- [Lady Chaos]
A statue in the Kew cemetery
Cookies in the Sidney Myer crypt... For some strange random reason this photo makes me think of *wink* someone... <3
"From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring." - Alone, by E.A. Poe.
My cluttered mind...
Trust the weather to be
perfect for my visit to the cemetary... another one for the flash animation.
Me in a cemetery! The photo was kind of dark so I turned up the brightness and I appeared! Looks rather like a movie poster, I think. *vanity*
A delightfully fun project, was decorating this eye. For a flash animation I'm working on.
Symphony of death
Can you find me in this picture?
Dreadhope, a poem. Find it and more at
Chaotic Poetry
In a cathedral...
My other entry for the
Crossdressing Contest
Ha ha ha... For [
Yay, vote for meee!!
Blood on my hands... (don't worry kids, it's mulberry juice.)
It's a statement...
"Pond Lifestyle" - My entry for the
Elftown House Art Competition
A picture based on a line from my poem "Talon" that goes: "And whatever species, we are one and we can fly..."
A creek up at Kyneton
A panorama of the sea at Geelong
My entry for the
ET Desktop Design Contest, forest theme.
"What's all the commotion about?"
Beneath the Tooradin Pier
I think industrial buildings are beautiful.
The first blossoms of spring.
All my jewellery... usually it's spread over 2 hands. I think it's roughly about 6 metres.
Flowers IN Freedom!
The "good ol' disgusting stereotype" crossdresser, for the
Crossdressing Contest.
Gothic seagull! Cute!! Based on that line "Are you going to a funeral?" you get when you wear black.
Bright colours for the sake of bright colours!
I used The Gimp AND Photoshop for this one...
I made this first using photoshop, then using The Gimp to make it tiled. I think it looks great!
This is the animated gif version of the skateboard guy (below) that [
damn_deleted] animated! Awesome or what?!
"Moon Bright" - Something I made on paint to replicate a pic I made on Fine Artist when I was about 9 years old.
"His body lay askew, as much as a total annihilation of one's limb connectivity can be described as 'askew', and his face displayed a look not unlike distaste. He was also, and this is important, skewered upon a bright yellow skateboard."
- [
MisterScurvy]'s description of a corpse, which I illustrated in paint.
Stage Fright
My "broken plate" necklace... digitally altered. The real version (actual size) is below it.
I call it "Debt".
Doesn't it look like blood in the water?
My promotional poster for "Glossy" (see
Chaotic Poetry)
"Squigsaw" - Tesselation thanks to the mathematical teacherific genius of [
MisterScurvy], cute little person picture by meeee!
A fusion of 2 of my previous photo manipulations, which were meaningless alone. Together, they are an armed fortress of nuclear meaning aimed squarely at your head!
ic Melbourne tourism poster - Inspired by [lacklustre]'s post apocalptic art and the Aussie tourism ads.

Skirath, my character for [lacklustre]'s RP. Skirath is a ghoul scavenger with rotting skin!

Not really art, but photography: a photo of my front step.

Another photo: What you can see from my front step.

<:3 )~~~ (That's my mouse emoticon). The picture is one of the mice in my compost bin (I call it HyperMouse 8000 Compost Edition).

Spiderchaos: a self portrait

The Chandelier in a castle... yeah right...

The oval and mountains close to my home. Taken on a day where bushfire smoke was obscuring the mountains. (Edited with photoshop - the grass isn't really orange).

Richmond Station - a ten minute artwork done while listening to The Aristocrats (documentary about a filthy joke)

The Arts Centre Spire in Melbourne

Cower in fear of... Cotton the glowing Spacemouse!

Stitch (the orange one) and Cotton (the non-orange one) were my beloved pets... they were cute, friendly and they loved food.

Snoflake (TM) the Spokesduck (TM) for the Chaos Corporation (TM) says: Dare To Be Different! (TM)

Ruined Patriot - a poem

"The Bitch" - Another photo [pelv13] took - I just made her into a goth.

Teamwork art with [pelv13] - he took the photo, I photoshopped it.

A pic I made for [hannes]

A picture of my mind: when you look into the beautiful part, you see a reflection of yourself.

You only drunk you're think! Me:

Party Toes

I love this picture. It was a photo of a green valley I took on a photo expedition.

A smoldering tree.

Beautiful flowers from my ex.

These are what I call "Punishment Spikes", from the Geelong Botanic Gardens.

A fountain from the Geelong Botanic Gardens.

Mark Latham (ex-leader of the Australian Labor Party)

Parliament House in Melbourne... or as I call it, "Home".

The Legislative Council (Upper house)

The icky yucky side of the Legislative Assembly where the Liberal Party sit. Ew!

Parliament Gardens... yes, the politicians get their own special garden to wander around in, complete with tennis court and lawn bowls.

I call this beach of candy

The Happy Tree Friends live here

You make me feel like a river

Cakely Delights:

A possum:

This picture will suck you in

This is for [pelv13], one of my favourite people.

I call this picture the "Nebula Scroll"...

Captain Zoloft!!

The sky is on fire!

My Dracula comic! This took quite a while.

I haven't actually used any effects on this sunrise picture, so I guess it proves that God is a better artist than me.

The gorgeous sight from my bedroom window... ignore the power lines though.

I know it doesn't rhyme, but it's a poem with unadulterated feeling, written on the moment, for the moment, and it has something which other poems don't.

This is my backyard. If I lived on Mars.

Although it might not look that way, this is actually a picture of a rose with a fence in the background. My front yard.

Blue Roses (same rose pic as above, only blue)

"The different people are not like other people, but being different is nothing to be ashamed of. Because other people are not such wonderful people. They're one hundred times one thousand. You're just one times one! They walk all over the earth. You just stay here. They're common as - weeds, but - you - well, you're Blue Roses!"
- Jim, Scene 7, The Glass Menagerie
Behold the wonder that is... my chemistry homework.

A photo from the upstairs of my house

Ahh, Anti Depression Week. I did my bit!

I'm sure these colours, and the fact that this is a picture of water rippling had some significance at some stage in my life...

This is a photo of leaves jazzed up with Photoshop

Back to Plugs and Praise
Back to the house of [Lady Chaos]
Chaotic Comics
Monash University - Photos of my university.
The Bio of Lady Chaos
Elftown Bank
Elftown Beach