Page name: Altaride's dragons contest [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-11-14 15:48:37
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Welcome to the Alatride’s dragons Contest, which is hosted by [smeet666]. Its subject is about picturing the dragons of the world of Altaride.
Myth of Altaride is an amateur fantasy RPG currently developed by La Guilde d'Altaride association (directed by [syagre]).

Background and description

Three different species of dragons exist on Altaride’s planet : green dragons, red dragons and black dragons.

In the beginning, only the first two kinds were living in this world. The dragons society is established according to a complicated organisation of clans. Struggles for influence involving networks of intermingling relations take place away from altarian commoners’ life. Their own purposes remain obscure to the other people’s eyes. Dragons live in such secrecy that altarians had not been aware of their existence for a long time. They generally dwell in areas considered as magic nodes, often in very remote places.
The two original species of dragons, the greens and the reds, do not mingle their businesses, for they have matters of rivalry and supremacy. Nonetheless, there is neither war nor open conflict between these two groups.

ADDENDUM: these dragons DO have wings; description to come.

Red Dragons

Red dragons have more physical strength that the greens, they have a huge body size (about 15 metres in length), with a very massive stature. These dragons have an impulsive temper and rather choose expeditious solutions. They generally have a despising feeling towards the civilisation built by the human-likes and greenskins, and keep in their collective memories a great rancour from their defeat sustained versus the humans around 150 A.B. (from which has been founded the Empire of the Seas).

Green Dragons

Green dragons have a more slender stature than reds. Their body length is even longer (about 20 metres), yet they have less physical strength than red dragons’. Green dragons would rather choose diplomatic and consensual solutions. Though being distant from the rest of the altarian civilisation, green dragons keep a watch on it and are interested in its evolutions.

Black Dragons

The last species of dragons are black dragons. They are actually a creation, since they have been generated by Xarziv the sorcerer, the most powerful wizard Altaride ever met. Their body size is smaller than the one of the two other races (about 12 metres in length), being physically less powerful than red dragons, though looking very thoroughbred. In the beginning, these creatures, which are highly powerful in magics, were under the command of their creator Xarziv. Soon after, they were involved into a gigantic war versus other dragons societies. With the fall of Xarziv, ending the War of the False God, the mental control of the mad wizard upon his creatures vanished. Black dragons minds were freed and the War of the dragons ceased. However, very few black dragons survived these times, often with the suffering of amnesia after effects. Black dragons live in a very remote and secluded way. They take a small part in the dragons’ struggle for influence, but do not get deeply involved into these, since they are still considered with animosity by the two other dragon species (as another after effect of the War of the dragons). Black dragons also keep an interested eye onto the altarian civilisation, though not taking an actual part in it.

Dragons in the altarian civilisation

A small proportion of dragons is directly associated to the altarian civilisation. Some have been tamed thanks to hugely powerful magic spells (like the Red dragons squadron of the Imperial Army), while others play an actual role such as advisors (namely in the Empire of the Seas), who can bring interesting opinions thanks to their different perception of time and space scale.

Aim of the contest

The contest is about drawing the dragons living in the world of Altaride. They can be pictured rather freely, based on the description previously stated, or they can take part to specific illustrated scenes. The principle of these scenes is explained below.


In addition to the basic descriptions provided in this very wiki, we suggest the contestant to depict particular famous scenes which are rooted in the Myth of Altaride. Artists are encouraged to feature the dragons in events such as Kalasim’s fight versus the red dragons, Xarziv and the creation of black dragonsA dragon guarding a Magic node, Red and green dragons fighting the black ones in the War of the dragons
Detailed descriptions of these scenes will be provided in additional wiki-pages, to be featured soon.

Please do not fear to start anything else regarding the dragons if you feel inspired ;)


Rules are quite simple...

1- No stolen art.
2- One person may have up to three entries.
3- In order to add your entry, ask [smeet666] for the password which will allow you to edit the page.
4- You may bring "Work in progress" pictures to this page, as well as successive updates.
5- No deadline set for the moment.
6- 2 winners will be declared : one from poll voting, the other from a decision by La Guilde d'Altaride members.
7- Members of La Guilde d'Altaride association can enter the contest. They may win the public vote, but not the other one.
8- A few specifications... Note that the recommended entries would be original drawings.
9- Rules are subject to be updated.


The winners will be awarded an Altaride badge and will be appointed Honour Member of La Guilde d'Altaride association.
A permission of using the illustrations in the framework of Myth of Altaride RPG will be asked the valorous artists.

Start date of the contest

October 7th, 2005


(Ask [smeet666] for the password)

1: [Cassave] A finished Green Dragon

[Katie Staines] Red Dragon Entry
Sorry guys, couldn't warm up to the background one, never mind me.

[Dr.Mandarian] A red dragon

[Dr.Mandarian] A green dragon

[Yncke] A battle between a black and a red dragon.

[Moluco] A heraldic dragon...
...and this one is here because the people told me that he deserves a chance!! <poll:64904> This is a green dragon for dummies...

[Lady of Lore]
Entry 1. Here's one of my many dragons. This one was drawn on a particularly frustrating plane trip when a drunk man bumped into me, thus the odd line. (Note, got out the odd line)

Entry 2. +
Another dragon from the same plae trip only this one with no accident.

something I drew when me and my exfieance broke up... I was confused and angery...


Entry 2.
another strange work of art... of mine... dragon yin-yang style

Back to Art contests page.
Back to Myth of Altaride main page.
Back to Altaride's legendary creatures.

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2006-02-23 [syagre]: Indeed, those dragons are really nice. I've already seen them in your house, a few days ago. They would definitely have a good place here !

2006-02-23 [Lady of Lore]: thanks, my house was undergoing a few changes and rearranging things and I feel things are easier to find now. Thanks so much, its nice to get feed back. ^^

2006-02-24 [Lady of Lore]: there ya go! What do you think?

2006-02-24 [Yoruno]: They look really cool! ^^

2006-02-24 [Yncke]: Very nice, those new entries. ;) Especially the green one.

2006-02-24 [Yoruno]: I love the green as well... the coloring in its legs is marvelous.

2006-02-24 [smeet666]: Well, it IS indeed, thanks for your entries again, and sorry for the delay, but the aliens were particularly tough x_x

2006-02-24 [Lady of Lore]: glad you got away from them, hopefully anal probe free, lol ^^

2006-02-24 [Yoruno]: ^^ The dragon keeper is back! Hope the aliens have gone and decided not to take him again...

2006-02-24 [smeet666]: Well, who knows? Maybe I'm one of them now ^^;. Oh, and congratulations for your entries, [Moluco], I really appreciate this 'bonito' green dragon ;)

2006-03-28 [~I'm So Confused~]: how do I submit something here. I would like to submit one of my dragons....I think it would be accepted here......

2006-03-28 [syagre]: You could make me have a look to it... I'll just give you the password afterwards

2006-03-29 [Adaria_Moonlight]: I notice that the contest so far specifies pictures, (ie: drawings, paintings, etc) Was wondering if I could submit a sculpture? If you want to check him for acceptability he's up in my house. Please let me know, thanks.

2006-03-31 [syagre]: I've talked yesterday about it with [smeet666] actually. Basically... either sculptures won't be accepted, or they'll be accepted after having gotten the agreement of all the other previous contestants. [smeet666] still has to make up his mind about it.

2006-04-03 [Adaria_Moonlight]: Thank you. I will keep checking back for the verdict.

2006-06-13 [Lady of Lore]: Looking for a competiton? Go to Babies as we see them or Art Store Drunken Fairies Competition

2006-06-14 [Adaria_Moonlight]: I'll look into those. Thank you.

2006-09-29 [Lady of Lore]: Deadline for this contest?

2006-09-29 [syagre]: mmhh... I don't know yet. Maybe you'll be fixed around next week, since I'll be meeting [smeet666] in actuality at that time.

2006-09-29 [Lady of Lore]: ok

2008-11-14 [Hedda]: I just edited the file-names a little.

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