Page name: CB3 [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-07-23 19:49:22
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2008-05-25 [nokaredes]: Is molestachu Michael Jackson or Misty...? O_o

2008-05-25 [Mortified Penguin]: Hey, it does look kind of like Misty... creepy...

2008-07-10 [Imperator]: Correction: The Sopwith Camel was a World War ONE fighter plane.

2008-07-10 [Mortified Penguin]: Don't blame me... it was [Sagacious Turkey]...

2008-07-10 [Mortified Penguin]: Besides... just because it was a plane designed during WWI doesn't necessarily mean it was only used in WWI. Since Snoopy was poor, he couldn't afford to update his plane by the time WWII came around and was simply outmatched in combat by the newer models. That's why Snoopy retired... duh...

2008-07-11 [Imperator]: I hope Snoopy had his 401K in order...

2008-07-11 [Mortified Penguin]: Nope... he hadn't paid a dime into his pension... when he retired, he quickly ran out of money and was forced to reenter the work force...

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