Page name: Scarlet Portfolio [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-06-11 14:07:20
# of watchers: 3
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Week 1



Week 2


when your sister
stays at your place over
the weekend and you're not around...


Week 3



Week 4


I stood in minus 25 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes to get this shot.


Week 5


It is a thing of beauty...


Week 6


No use crying over spilt milk.


Week 7



Week 8



Week 9



Week 10


A kitty in Paradise... :)








Portfolio Contest
Art Portfolio
Photo Portfolio

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2008-02-16 [Linderel]: I stood in minus 25 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes to get this shot.
Now that, there, is real dedication xD

2008-02-16 [The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: yup! And.. the bridge isn't in it.. but I was standing on one!

2008-02-18 [Simply_Jen]: I absolutely love the classic picture.

2008-04-03 [Annie T.]: The sunrise is stunning.

2008-08-29 [Iuna]: congratulations! ^^

2008-09-01 [The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: Thankees! ^_^

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