Page name: The Day Solitude Broke [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-12-04 04:21:35
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The Day Solitude Broke


So eventually I want this as a simple RP, well simple
but with more than one line for each persons post!

It's the breaking lose of all the non-human species to the world...
overused no? but what ever.

In this particular "coming out of the creature-closet" scenario
it goes particularly well. A sort of "Ah, we knew it!" and continue
on living how you have been, you're still paying taxes right? Good.

Although...upsprings radical groups that are anti-non-human
and the Earth comes tumbling into chaos.

Now it's all about suspicion, ratting one another out, Darwin's theory
and social degredation. Lots of fun and a big free for all.

If you can find your allies and get a group together, good! Because the bigger
your numbers the better chance you have against the radicals
looking to wipe out all of you.

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