Page name: The Land of Skandhra [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-01-08 22:29:26
Last author: Aeolynn
Owner: Aeolynn
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The Land of Skandhra

Hosted by [Aeolynn]


Skandhra: Part One


Please keep in mind this is going to be a slow rp, I don't want people dominating it, so a maximum of three or four posts a day will be enough. Also I would like detailed posts, about eight sentences will do well. For the most part I am going to be fairly lenient, but I would like only seasoned rpers to join but I will reject players if they do not have the skills or do not portray their character in a correct way.

Please keep in mind that if I ask for you to change your character or I reject it, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, just you aren't what I am looking for. Players must be active, aka, not gone for longer then a few days without explanation or your character will mysteriously die. Also, you CAN create your own species, just it needs approval first.

Skandhra: Characters


Skandhra is a land of many different species and all manner of beasts and of them a main five stand out. However all of the races have a similiar enemy growing right underneath their feet. Tunnels and tunnels are being discovered all over Skandhra, some collasping and causing great damage to the land, yet the maker of these tunnels has not been found...

The Taurians: With the body to the hips of a human and the rest a body of an animal, the Taurians come in all shapes and sizes, from a lion to an eagle, to an owl to a squirrel. Their people are exactly like the animals that make up half of their bodies, some remain in packs, others are solitary. A strict rule among them is that even a carnivore will not prey on other Taurians. They are the most diverse of all the species considering they are technically half of any animal based species. The features of their bestial side can rise up into their human parts, feathers and scales layering the skin along the arms and heads, some with antlers or horns behind their ears and others with another pair of small wings erupting from their shoulder blades. Taurians are usually pacifists and their territory overlaps that of the Wildamin.

The Wildamin: The crazy riders of black wildebeest that roam the plains. They are small, not reaching a height greater then 5'5" but have muscular frames with dark brown skin. Their hair is coarse and continues growing down their necks but surprisingly the rest of their bodies are hairless; that includes facial hair. Their eyes and hair color varies from black to white, as does their eyes vary on normal colors (from blue to brown to green). The Wildamin have a deep connection with their wildebeest, often times being able to "become one" in mind, using their senses together. Fighters by nature, they are a skittish race known to dance in place if frightened or excited, but they never back down from a fight. Considering their stubborn nature, they are smart and have a good sense of the preservation of others.

The Eidolon: A species of the air and sky, they appear as ghosts, wandering the skies of Skandhra with the attention span of a child. They are technically a solid species, only looking as if they are made of nothing but an image of the mind. Their skin, eyes and hair are all different shades of cool colors, with their hair floating and their eyes tilted, reflecting light like jewels. An Eidolon's ability to fight however should not be underestimated, although they cannot be solid to wield a weapon, they are powerful empaths and telepathics, capable of defending themselves with their minds. Theoretically, they could destroy armies with their thoughts, but since they are such a lovable species, they would never dream of such things. To gain the favor of one all you would need to do would be to present them with a shiny object, this would gain you their trust and perhaps a favor. They are solitary beings that enjoy being a messenger and can disappear at will.

The Caenthians: Typically inhabiting forests, the Caenthians are warriors of the frog, with large eyes and brightly colored skin and hair. They are slender, prefering to fight with daggers or short swords rather then heavy melee weapons and have short tails with suction cups along the bottem. Their hands and feet end in five toes with suction cups on the bottem of them so they can leap onto something and grab hold, not to mention their leg muscles are much stronger then a normal beings, but in comparison the rest of their body is frail and skinny. The Caenthians can call upon poisoness creatures of all sorts, mostly frogs to aid them in battle and in comparison can only leap about three times their height unlike their smaller counterparts. A heartfelt people, they care deeply for their forests and the animals within, often driving out intruders with ferocity rival to that of a mother bear protecting her cubs.

The Eirin: Scholars, the Eirin are makers of great cities, highly social beings of renown. Unlike the other four species, the Eirin multiply without thought of the future, are quick of the mind and very manipulative. They prefer to not use force but rather conquer with their wits and are natual leaders. Other than their extremely pointy teeth and more so then often wide grin, they appear to look like normal humans, unless angered or annoyed. Sprouting claws, their skin raises up to be abrasive and sharp, capable of cutting through anything less then leather. If they are extremely pissed off barbs can protrude from their skin, mildly poisoned in a pure defensive act. Their lands tend to overlap all, burning grasslands and cutting down forests to make room for their cities. Eirin relationships with the other species are at best, strained.


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2008-06-10 [Aeolynn]: me hopes so

2008-06-10 [Akayume]: Tea's not that weird! XP She's not a caveperson silly. :PPP
But still... XD

2008-06-10 [Aeolynn]: Yeah but shes capable of it right? so she should do it =P hehe

2008-06-10 [Akayume]: XD! She'd be like, "huh... wonder if.." and then she'd bonk him over the head, fell bad about it, and drag him off to try and help him. XD

2008-06-10 [Aeolynn]: haha...

2008-06-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: The other that my character? I'm confused :(

2008-06-11 [Aeolynn]: *goes and looks* o.O oh hiukos char? ><;

2008-06-11 [Aeolynn]: My mistake, Tea is an eidolon ><;

2008-06-11 [Aeolynn]: femme we were talking about ur char knocking the hiuko's char out with a stick and dragging him off to a cave <img:44166_1164144921.gif>

2008-06-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Haha Yes...she totally would do that...asserting her authority and suchness!

2008-06-11 [Aeolynn]: lol exactly! :]

2008-06-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: "Hey you...get over here. No?" BAM!

2008-06-11 [Aeolynn]: lmao...

2008-06-11 [Aeolynn]: well owlie and hiuko are currently afk, gone 2 days both ><; so we'll have to see what happens with that

2008-06-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: Haha and it's not so much that Zabrie's a cave woman...she just knows what she wants...and she's going to get it. End of story.

Awww...*sniffle* they're gone? I don't want them to be gone!

2008-06-11 [Aeolynn]: I think they'll be back :]

2008-06-11 [The Femme Fatale Problem]: I hope so!

2008-06-11 [Aeolynn]: me too ^^ hiuko usually comes on every few days, so hopefully once this gets in full swing they wil get on more often

2008-06-11 [Nite_Owl]: No, sorry, I'm here. I've just been really tired out the last couple days and the computer was down yesterday. Usually I'm on at least twice a day :) Forgot it was supposed to start already ^^'

2008-06-11 [Nite_Owl]: Oh, is there going to be a seperate page for the RP itself, or will it just be here?

2008-06-12 [Aeolynn]: np owlie :] rp page is posted under news.

And for some reason guys i got on earlier and it let me look at the rp but when i went to edit my internet failed. Did it a few times before i gave up.... thats why i didnt edit ><;

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